*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I am so pissed off. OH left work and just risked missing the delivery, midwife has only just called me (10 minutes before she was due to be here) to say she's running an hour late and won't make it till 4.30. So now OH has to go back to work and hope the delivery is sorted and he can come back again in an hour. That's twice she's changed the app in one day! Not one bit happy and doesn't help my anxiety at all feeling so up and down. OH made a proper effort to come back too.

Hope summers day has gone better then mine x x x
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Aww bunny sorry you have been messed around! I know when your anxious enough as it is it's horrible. If it's any consolation my hubby was there but stayed behind the curtain and looked wide-eyed and white as a sheet when I came out - (I didn't make any noise just deep breathing!!!) I came out smiling and said blimey sweetheart if you can't handle that your in for a shocker!! Haha. Can your mum or a girlfriend sit with you bunny?

- I nearly got mucked around too though! got to the surgery and it wasn't my midwife!!
The midwife was lovely but I mentioned that my midwife had agreed to do examination/possible sweep and she said 'O protocol is 41wks here so I'd rather wait until next week!' Think she saw my bottom lip quiver and said hang on let me ring your usual midwife - she confirmed that she had agreed to try for me so she went ahead with examination, thank goodness!!
Because Good news - she was able to do a full sweep!! I'm already 2cm dilated! - she said my cervix is very soft and stretchy and she was able to sweep the membranes right round the top of babies head and said waters are bulging! I don't want to get too excited because I know labour can still be a way away but I'm happy that things are more progressed than I thought despite my lack of symptoms!

I hope you two have successful sweeps too!! Let us know
Summer that's amazing!!! You've cheered me right up I am so excited for you!!! I won't say too much of your not wanting to get too excited but that's amazing news.

My mum and best friends live an hour away, my OH's sister would come but she's got two young kids and don't fancy them being here too. Just too short notice to ask any of my mates that are more local and I don't think I'd feel very comfortable them being here. Would only really want OH, Mum or best friend. Oh well what will be will be I'm just annoyed she thought it was ok to call be 5-10 minutes before my app, as if she didn't know before then she would be an hour late AND she had already changed my app once xxxx
Sorry you are being messed about Bunny, really annoying when that happens and you have to wait around all day on edge :(

Summer that is fab news! Very exciting, hopefully baby will arrive by end of the weekend then! :D xx
I think I felt worse on OH although he's so laid back he's okay about it, just know he left work knowing his business could loose money just because he wanted to be here for me, and now he's had to go back bless him ! Sorry for my disgusting rant haha xxx
Haha I thought Michelle meant Kim too at first :p

Glad to hear Harry is taking well x

Summer, sounds promising. I hope things start moving for you quickly. What are the chances we go at the same time?
Sorry MW messed you around bunny and OH had to go back to work! Doh! X

Been busy today. Out this morning to the park to take Joshua on his bike (he was useless lol) then went to see my dad. Then we had some lunch at home and went to see OH brother and most of the family were there so we all went to the park. So I've kept busy walking around and I've just finished scrubbing the kitchen floor. I seem to have a bit of a cough which hurts my bump but now that definitely hurts after scrubbing the floor and kitchen units x
Don't apologise - I'd feel exactly the same. Very annoying! To be honest you will be absolutely fine - it's uncomfortable but absolutely bearable (nice deep breaths) but totally understand very annoying for hubby as he wanted to be there for you!

I've just been too the loo and had quite a bit of bloody show :shock: - that's normal right? She said I would probably get some and may lose my plug ...

Perfectly normal Summer and a really good sign it may work! x
Eek! That sounds very promising. I think if you have quite a lot then it's a good indication of starting soon xx
Oh summer that is fab and very exciting!!!! Hopefully things will get moving for you very soon!

Kelly sounds like you have had a lovely but busy day! Bunny hope your app goes well. Xx
I agree with Kelly, I didn't lose the bloody show part until the day I actually gave birth so it is a super positive sign! x
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Only just catching up! Apologies if I've missed anything.

Summer, exciting news, fingers crossed it works for you x

Bunny, good luck for your sweep x

Getting exciting in here now ladies x
It so bloody exciting!!! After wanting this baby to come this week I am now on 'legs shut' for the weekend! It's my step daughters birthday on Sunday and I am desperate to avoid them sharing a birthday! We are having her party here tomorrow (possible a little crazy!) so anytime after sunday would now be good! Xx
Midwife has just left , I'm 2cm's dilated, baby's head fully down, cervix was stretchy and short and she said it's what they would describe as a 'favourable' sweep! Same as you summer I am made up but trying not to get ahead of myself. How alike do our pregnancies want to be haha!!!!!

OH managed to get back to be here too and another midwife came with my one and she did the sweep so feel a lot better. Induction booked for 15th September xxxxx
Eeeeeekkkk!!!! It's so bloody exciting in here!! That's fab bunny!! Now who will be first, you or summer??!!

Now I have my hopes up for mine on wed, but I will probably be clammed up shut ~ haha! X
Eek very exciting!
Tessa, have a good party, hope you don't pop x
Good news Bunny, you may have a rare due date baby :-) xx
Sounds like a lot going on in here ladies summer n bunny fx things kick off fir u now.

Tessa lets hope ur lo doesn't want to pop this weekend. I was so on edge the bank hol weekend thinking I'd rather wait for hospital now. N good job really as she came so quick!!

Kelly n h I still think u guys r in the running for next babies!!

:dance: Yay bunny so glad yours was favourable too! Our pregnancies have been SO similar! Ha. How are you feeling? I'm still getting blood stained discharge but don't think it's my actual plug. I'm also getting some pretty intense period pains in my back and strong braxton hicks - but no pattern and midwife did say I was likely to get some period like pains that may stop ... I was tempted to call hubby at one point as got a bit freaked - but don't want to get excited and he'll be home in about half an hour now anyway.
The hormones from the sweep have done something though as I've been really constipated recently but I've pooped 3 times in the last 3hrs so sweep was worth it just for that! :lol:


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