*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Aww Tessa I can't wait to see pics of babies x
Sorry that you are having to stay in Doll_eyes, I've never had to stay in hospital and I wouldn't like to so I really feel for you. However, I'm really pleased they are keeping a close eye on you. All the best :)

Thanks Summer, I really hope so! I've had lots of pains and stuff9 this time but I think all of that must just be due to my PGP And added weight etc so I'm guessing this baby will be the same especially as I've lost no plug again.

Char, it is really cold today! I'm going to He my PJ'S on with some rlt in front of the tv soon I think. Had left over Domino's for dinner, so no washing up to do yay!

Tessa, that is so sweet that she let you sleep :). My son has only let me do that twice lol, but it's bloody lovely when he does x
On the ward very big and noisy family in the room so don't think my bp will come down lol. I've got pre-eclampsia. I've had no symptoms either apart from my bp is high this week and had been normal just two weeks ago.

If it doesn't come down tonight I'll be induced tomorrow. Will update when I can xx
Get some rest (if you can, hopefully the noisy family go soon!) doll_eyes. Sorry to hear it is pre-eclampsia but you're in the best place. Potentially the next mummy in line! Eeeeek. These Sept babies certainly seem to be keen to arrive! Xx
Hope baby comes on due date for you Kelly! Dtd not worked for me yet but I am not as close to due date as most of you so hardly surprising lol.

Doll_eyes sorry to hear about the per-eclampsia hun, hopefully your BP sorts itself out. Will look out for your update tomorrow hun, hope you get a decent nights sleep just in case you are induced tomorrow :)

Dairygirl that is very good news, sounds like you may be the next one to pop then!

Char - I agree it is bloody cold today, Autumn has definitely arrived already! Even my daughter was complaining she was cold today which is very unlike her!

I have been feeling knackered for weeks but actually feel pretty good today, been trying to remember to take my iron tablets as I am pretty useless at taking all of them every day, I always forget atleast one but since trying to put the effort in to take them religiously I am starting to feel much better :)

Sara what tablets were they hun? Without knowing what they are it is hard to say if it needs checking out or not.

Bunny did you have a good party hun?

Only 4 mins of crying from Ruby at bedtime tonight! Hurrah I think we might be gradually getting back to normal! *touch wood* - don't want to jinx myself just yet lol. Noticed she is cutting a tooth on side of jaw near ear she says hurts so I am thinking it is referred pain but going to try and get her a GP appointment tomorrow if I can just in case x

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Sorry to hear that Doll_eyes! Hope all goes well tomorrow either way :)

Thanks H! :)
Yeh I didn't feel too bad today either really. Baby has got a right wiggled on and hurting tops of my legs again. I'm going to say it's her burying down ready for her arrival in 12.hours!

4 minutes is amazing! Hope.its the start of better nights :) xx
Thanks hun, I hope so too!

12 hours! Ohhhh that is a very specific prediction, hope you are right and your bundle arrives soon! :D x
I've got loads of shooting pains in the tops of my legs again! Lots of BH!! X
Just catching up now ladies only just got back from my niece's party!! Had the best time I've popped some pictures up on Facebook - I just can't believe the baby of the family is one already!

Dolleyes hope you're okay! Least you'll be looked after. Let us know how you get on!

Dairygirl that's brilliant news!!! Fingers crossed you'll have a baby by the weekend :)

Could this be my last bump picture? 39+5 x x x


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Lovely bump pic bunny, glad you enjoyed party too :) x

I have woken up due to feeling like I need to throw up everywhere, feel proper rough :(
Really hope I haven't got a bug and it is just a random bout of morning sickness instead. Hate feeling/being sick
Hope you're feeling better H x

Bunny, glad you enjoyed yourself x

I was meeting a friend for tea and she'd arranged a couple of other friends to be there as a surprise mini baby shower so the baby has been spoiled with extra gifts (and some lovely food), was really nice of them x
Ahhhh you look fab Bunny, proper pregnancy radiant! Fx it's the last bump pic and I'm getting your text v.soon!

How are you feeling now H? Hope it's not a bug. Perhaps your body is having a clear out but just from the other end!! I'm liking putting a positive labour angle on every twinge! The twinnies are desperate for more September buddies.
Kelly - get dancing or scrubbing, eviction time for your bubs! :D
Girls woke at 2.30 and I was feeding until 3.30, dropped back off and then Otto woke up crying and shouting me, wide awake when I went in his room. Managed to get him dozing and cuddling me on the sofa for a bit, 5am the house phone randomly goes and wakes up all 3 kids!! Fed the girls again but now can't drop back off! Gonna be a long Friday. The kids better all nap at the same time this morning!
Done all the night feeds this week as Mark is back at work, put him in the spare room so he can get some rest, I don't mind as I don't want him knackered for work but can't bloody wait for tomorrow night, going to put him on duty and have a marathon snooze! Xx
Wow Gilly you certainly have your hands full! Can't believe someone rang the house phone at that time, pretty naughty. Defo make sure you catch up on some sleep tomo when you can x
Sounds like a tiring night Gilly, hope the kiddies let you have a nice long nap this morning x

Managed to get back to sleep and don't feel half as sick now but I do have a bad headache so probably to do with that anyway so will take some paracetamol :)

Sorry to disappoint but I don't think I will be giving birth for ages yet, don't feel like my body is doing enough to get ready x
The sad thing is I'm so used to the lack of sleep again that it's pretty easy to cope with.
I think I may murder or divorce M at this rate!! He must have woken up for 1 minute when I put O in bed with him and now he's feeling sorry for himself because he's tired, bloody men! X
My OH is like that, Ruby would never settle for him even if he tried. Even now she comes to me if she wakes in night and is upset so he never had to get up with her but if I say I am tired after a bad night he will say he is really tired too when he only woke up for a second rolled over and went back to sleep lol x
They don't know they're born!! My hubby gets cranky when he's tired, he was grumpy last night and when I asked what was up he said he was tired (he gets 7 hrs interrupted don't forget), I felt like shoving the remote where the sun doesn't shine. I do think half the problem is that I just get on with things and so far I'm coping well, I think he thinks it's easy. Had the cheek to ask what was for tea last night...I won't put my response in black and white as I'm ashamed ha ha!
Otto is the same, if he's upset he only wants me. X

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