*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ooh glad sweeps went well ladies. I'm just waiting for a bed in delivery coming up as its busy with two inductions already so looking like it'll be tomorrow they get started with the pessary (hopefully! ) although I am enjoying the food but miss home and my pets lol baby is engaged and is squirming her way around from back to back so during labour they think she'll turn anyway.

Hubby has been lovely, although he's so worried I wish he'd hide it better xx
Enjoying the food, in a hospital, really??!! Glad you are doing ok doll eyes ~ bless hubby! Fab news that baby is turning a bit ~ hope it continues!

Ladies a quick question. I have noticed when I have my few hours of cramping it always comes after some plug loss ~ anyone else noticed these two correlate? X
Bunny and Summer I am so excited for you both, eeeeeeeeeek! You do sound like twins lol x

Tessa I have not lost any plug yet but with my daughter I definitely noticed a link between cramps and plug loss x
Hope the sweeps work for you both! Still no signs here apart from braxton hicks. Can't see anything happening here before due date on Wednesday! Think it may have engaged as it has felt lower the last couple of days. Midwife on Monday so I'll find out then where it is! I've been on the raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose in preparation!
Michelle, I can't wait to see a photo of little summer x

Summer, I'm the same. The last 2 hours I've had strong BH and pains in legs and tailbone area. Not getting my hopes up though! X

Tessa I thought the same thing about hospital food lol. Best of luck tomorrow doll_eyes x

Summer and Bunny, I really am excited for you :-) eek. Love baby news but I also love symptom spotting/pain news lol x

Tessa I haven't noticed as haven't lost any plug with this baby or with my son x

I'm starting to wonder what all this pain is that I am getting. It's definitely ramping up worse and worse but it's not regular x
We've just got back from our walk, really bad back pains and feel like I have a bowling ball in between my legs haha. Intense period pains and had a bloody show. Very similar summer imagine we have our babies on the same day hahaha! I'm still trying not to get too excited as I know it can just be the effects of the sweep and not anything starting.

Aww dolleyes my OH isn't great at hiding his nerves or worries either. Fingers crossed things get started for you tomorrow! Excited for you babe.

Eek. Tonight is fun fun! OH insists we go DTD... right now! Haha x
Haha good luck Kelly and have fun !!!

We're just cooking spicy chicken fajitas! xxxx
I really don't want to atm lol.

Mmm we were gonna have them tonight. Had a curry instead. Not a spicy one though. I did order an extra dish (chilli tikka) but was too hot lol x
Great news on the sweeps Summer and Bunny!
I'm still awake from 2.30ish this morning, feel a bit crazy!
Not sorted tea but the kids are fed, remind me again why we do this? Ha! X
Ohhhh it is so exciting in here I feel left out lol.
I predict Kelly, Summer and Bunny will all go into labour by 1am!

I would happily settle for a tiny bit of plug loss at mo but it just isn't happening for me :(
On a nice note I am enjoying peace and quiet as Ruby actually went to bed with no tears tonight! Success!!!!! :D
What a long day Gilly!

I've just fallen to sleep but woken by pains. Feel a bit helpless as don't know why I have the pains :(

Woohoo H! Good ruby! X
Kelly my pains with Ruby were all over shop for few hours before they developed a definite pattern and I realised it was actually proper labour so hopefully it will be same for you! :D xx
Oh fingers crossed things are getting going for you too kelly!

H I am in the same boat as you, let's enjoy the peace while it lasts! X
True Tessa! I have to say I am looking forward to a peaceful weekend this weekend as Ruby staying at my parents tomorrow. Me and OH agreed we don't mind baby coming anytime from Sunday night onwards but would prefer it not to happen before that lol. Hope your step daughters Party goes well :)

Kelly, yeah I felt really weird and a bit under weather for 2 days/nights and then labour kicked off and I was like "ahhhhhhh" lol x
I'll see what happens now. Feel a little rubbish. I think it may be an early night! Xx
Fingers crossed this is it for you hun, keep us posted xxx
Hope things are moving for you Kelly, I've had a couple of dreams you've been next. Tess and H, I'm with you - zilch signs, no real aches or twinges and no surprises down below either. Frustrating as I'd like something to know my body is doing something right. If only it was as easy as a siren going off or our bumps turning green for 'go' or something and we knew it was game on lol x

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