Haha Tessa - she sounds like a pretty smart cookie!

towards the end of term I was role playing 'little red riding hood' with my Y1 boys and one said "well you should play the wolf cos you already look like you swallowed grandma!"
Aw what a pain about GP appt. H! Glad baby us active again though - hope Rubby us ok, poor thing.
Enjoy your niece's birthday bunny!! I hope it's a lovely day - I'm sure your family all fully understand about the wedding but I agree it is gutting for you, I just missed my friends wedding in New York and welled up watching a recording of the vows. One of my other friends gave me a 'save the date' for his wedding in 2016 - addressed to 'the three of you!' That really set me off!! Ha

so just keep that in mind - next big family event you will be 3!!!
Just got back from scan - it was a different sonographer (phew) she was lovely!! and way more thorough - she measured each pool of fluid and the blood flow through the cord etc. and says baby us doing just fine

Which is a massive relief. It's good to know that even going overdue (which is looking rather likely

) that things are still happy and healthy in there and for now I'm not facing an induction
That's no excuse to stay in there though little man!! Get out get out get out!
The 'is he here yet?' Messages have started in full force

and my mum bless her is the worst culprit!!! If I don't answer my home phone or don't txt back within 5 minutes she leaves panicked messages asking whether I've gone into labour! My husband has started teasing her now and saying - o he was born 2 days ago did we forget to tell you??