*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Good news his movements are ok H x
Happy due date Summer x
Someone else to pop today ladies would be grand, let's keep on a roll x
I've got mw appointment today, gonna ask about a sweep and see what they do in my area x
Oooo let us know purple what times your app?

Great news movements are ok and I hope Ruby's ok too - let us know!

I'm mega emotional today think it's because it's my niece's first birthday and also my whole family from my mums side are in Spain as my cousin gets married there today. We're a really close family and it's really upset me we couldn't be there, but now the days actually here and I'm seeing all the pictures on Facebook it's hit me like a train! Especially because I'm making my mum miss it also with her being my birthing partner. I know little miss will be so so so worth it and this is just how things work out sometimes but can't help feeling gutted. At least we have Facebook to be able to see pictures :) xxxx
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Happy due date summer! Hope the scan goes well and rude lady is much less rude! H if ruby does have an ear infection will probably (mean as it sounds) be a real blessing as at least it explains the sleep, rather than it just being a new thing she is doing! Also antibiotics kick in so quickly she may be right as rain by tomorrow! Purple candy that's exciting ~ let us know! Bunny sorry today is an emotional one... Tomorrow will be better.

I cramped all night and still going today. Feeling very uncomfortable, but nothing different to last Thursday/friday so not getting my hopes it too much! Belle went back to pre school today. I am usually one of those sad mums who hate it when the holidays come to an end ~ on her last day before the summer holidays I cried cause I was so excited to have 7 weeks with her! Sadly today I dropped her off and just felt so relieved! She does 3 days now, 9 15 - 2 15 so they aren't massively long hours but having some chill time, along with time to sort and tidy is amazing! She is such a well behaved girl I feel so bad saying it but man she just talks so much!!! My mum had her yesterday while I was at hospital and was like 'wooooaaahhh, she just doesn't ever stop for breath does she?' Haha! Bless her, can't wait to get back to doing energetic/exciting things with her! X
Thanks Tessa, I'm sure our Esmai's party will take my mind off missing the wedding!
My niece Lilly doesn't stop talking and I only have her s few days a week so i can't imagine what it's like have a little chatterbox constantly being so heavily pregnant too! Enjoy your mornings to chill babe - I love my lazy mornings watching don't tell the bride haha.

Cramping and everything sounds good Tessa!! I wonder who's going to pop next !! xxx
Hope your appointment goes well Purple!

Lol Tessa you make me laugh, Ruby never shuts up either bless her. Her fave question at mo is "Whats that/who is that?". Heaven help me when she learns to ask "why?" to everything lol.

Sorry you feel a bit down Bunny, hope the party cheers you up hun x
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Belle said the other day "your tummy is so big!" I told her that it will go back to normal soon once the baby is born and she replied with "it might not!" Cheers kidda!!! It's so lovely when they talk isn't it, I love the chats, but sometimes you just need a little quiet time! X
Had my appointment (38w), pee good, heartbeat good, measuring 37 so in the 'normal' bracket. She also said I'm 3/5ths engaged, does this actually mean anything? And that the yoga, Aquanatal and ball bouncing I've been doing has been good. Sweep booked for my next appointment but obviously hoping he appears before then. The BF reckons the 7th x
All sounds perfect purple! When's your next app? My little miss was 3/5ths at the same time I think but I do know they can bob in and out throughout the weeks but still all good - made me feel good knowing she was in the right place :) x x x
Haha Tessa - she sounds like a pretty smart cookie! :lol: towards the end of term I was role playing 'little red riding hood' with my Y1 boys and one said "well you should play the wolf cos you already look like you swallowed grandma!" :lol:

Aw what a pain about GP appt. H! Glad baby us active again though - hope Rubby us ok, poor thing.

Enjoy your niece's birthday bunny!! I hope it's a lovely day - I'm sure your family all fully understand about the wedding but I agree it is gutting for you, I just missed my friends wedding in New York and welled up watching a recording of the vows. One of my other friends gave me a 'save the date' for his wedding in 2016 - addressed to 'the three of you!' That really set me off!! Ha :lol: so just keep that in mind - next big family event you will be 3!!! :)

Just got back from scan - it was a different sonographer (phew) she was lovely!! and way more thorough - she measured each pool of fluid and the blood flow through the cord etc. and says baby us doing just fine :) Which is a massive relief. It's good to know that even going overdue (which is looking rather likely :roll:) that things are still happy and healthy in there and for now I'm not facing an induction :)

That's no excuse to stay in there though little man!! Get out get out get out! :lol:

The 'is he here yet?' Messages have started in full force :roll: and my mum bless her is the worst culprit!!! If I don't answer my home phone or don't txt back within 5 minutes she leaves panicked messages asking whether I've gone into labour! My husband has started teasing her now and saying - o he was born 2 days ago did we forget to tell you?? :lol:

No developments here - 1 day over today! Midwife this afternoon so hoping for a sweep xx
Purple pleased your appointment went well I've got midwife at 2:50 feeling really under the weather with nausea and a headache could just fancy staying in bed all day the thought of getting dressed makes me want to cry. Had so much energy yesterday and felt great didn't sleep well so hoping this is why and I'm not getting a bug.

Summer so good about the scan and fluid levels, what a relief hope little man makes an appearance soon.

Good luck with sweep Dairygirl, hopefully it will start things off for you!

Haha Tessa and Summer - kids say the funniest things don't they lol. Absolutely no sensorship when they are little! I remember when my niece was around 3 she told someone that their dog had a stupid name! Little Monkey! lol. Luckily she is very polite and well behaved now she is 10 :)

Summer, glad your appointment was reassuring hun and that you didn't have to face an awkward encounter with previous sonographer. I bet you feel relieved now? :)

Glad your appointment went well Purple, I was 3/5 engaged at my 36 week appointment. Baby can pop in and out as Bunny said but it does mean things are moving in right direction at least. With your first baby they tend to engage earlier and can stay in that position for couple of weeks before birth but with your second apparently they are more likely to not fully engage until right before labour. Will be curious to find out how far engaged my little man is at next appointment as definitely feel like he has dropped again so maybe I will be 1 step closer next week. Can live in hope lol x
My next appointment is 17th at 40+2, really hoping I don't have to wait that long! c
Hopefully baby comes earlier than that Purple but on the positive side if you keep that appointment you will be able to ask for a sweep anyway which should hopefully kick things off for you. My next MW appointment is on the same day :) x
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Ahhhh that's a lovely thought summer thank you - we've got lots of weddings next year too! Yeah they really do understand and I even told my mum to go but she said she would regret not being here with me more then missing the wedding. Watch me go weeks over now and she could have done both haha!

Brilliant news about the scan too Summer & I'm so glad you didn't have the same woman!! Knew baby would be fine your doing a brilliant job looking after your little man! - yeah same about the messages, I can't cope with them already haha, thinking about buying a pay and go sim and using that in my spare phone haha!

I feel the same H I'm tucked up in bed reading , my friends doing my hair at 3 as a little pick me up with me feeling a bit moody and drained this week so that'll be nice and then I'll go straight to my niece's party!

Good luck at your app Dairygirl - exciting if you get your sweep today ! Let us know how it goes.

My parents are coming to take me shopping at 3pm so I am just waiting around for them, Ruby is having a nap now after much protest so enjoying a bit of peace. Looking forward to 3pm though as my parents are bringing round cake lol. Got a real sweet tooth today haha! My mum has just offered to have Ruby overnight on Saturday too so I can get some much needed sleep again which is nice. She also said if Ruby still having sleep issues etc when baby arrives they will happily have her overnight every other weekend until it settles down again so I am not a zombie. Thank god I moved back to my home town last year as really don't know how I would cope without my families support. OH's family may as well not exist TBH even when we lived in same city they wouldn't bother with us :( x
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Good luck with appointments girls, glad the ones you've had already were good. :)
Summer - I ended up fibbing and sarcastically telling people Otto had arrived when he hadn't. People soon got the message. My mother in law was the worst culprit.
Well all the children are asleep so I'm off for a nap, my mum and dad have come round so they can see to whoever wakes up and I can get a few hours - bless them. Maybe I'll wake up to another September baby! Xx
Hi guys,
bit worried im supposed to take 3 tablets a day but i took 1 and 2 in a space of 15 minutes. I will take third dosage before bed. but have i done any serious harm?
Summer so glad you had a different (and lovely) sonographer. Come on little man, don't keep mummy waiting. I remember my due date with my son, I was Fuming. Ugliest mood of my entire life lol! I'm dreading tomorrow incase it's the same again haha. But I went into labour the next day so I'm Not sure what that was about.

I can't see my baby coming anytime soon. I just don't feel like my body is preparing for it at all!
I really wanted baby by end of due day latest so that OH is here for as most of the time as possible with the baby :( x

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