*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

That's fab news h!

Girls I think all the August mummies are done ~ not bad by 2nd sept. It's all over to us!! Who goes next??!! X
I honestly have no clue now. I think Summer will pop soon :) x
So glad he's moving lots now H, don't blame him for staying quiet while his sister was having tantrums - most men do that haha!

How mad is that Tessa - eeeeeeeek!!!!! I think you, summer or Kelly next! xxxx
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I can't believe it is only 2nd September and we already have 5 September babies born too! Think we will end up like August Mummies and most of us will go early! :D

I reckon Kelly will be next - all to do with the being cold and shivering sign :P x
It is going well for Sept mummies so far :)

Hope for more news in the morning :)
Night all x
I've come to bed, was so tired. Then started feeling really excited Bout baby arriving and now I am wide awake!
Ahhh mummybee' baby girl is here!! :pompom:How exciting!!! Well I've told my boy that she's set the bar now and we would like all the September babies out in an equally timely fashion!... We've got a lot of September girlies and need some boys in the mix :lol:
C'mon little man it's our due date today!! :clock:

Fab news to wake up to! :D

Yes, come on Summer, another baby today please :P xxx
Happy due date Summer!
Lovely news about Michelle and Mummybee's little girls arriving, these September bubs are officially coming eeeeekkk! :D xx
Happy due date Summer. Hope it all happens soon for you :) xx
Happy due date summer!!!!

Awww I was so made up to wake up to MummyBee's messages !! She did amazing didn't she. 2 baby's in 2 days let's hope we keep this going! xxxxx
One today then! Summer? Fancy giving us some exciting news!? :-D
Happy due date Summer!! Such lovely news about MummyBee to wake up to this morning!! Xx
One today then! Summer? Fancy giving us some exciting news!? :-D

Aw I'd love to - unfortunately I'm feeling quite good this morning - no niggles as such. When are boys (big or small) ever on time for anything eh? :roll:
I've got my scan at 10:40 - hoping all is well (and there's no awkwardness with sonographer ... ) my midwife rang me yesterday just to see how I was (which was a bit of a shocker as I know I've moaned about her forgetting stuff/not caring in the past) but she was actually really supportive and said to focus on me and baby for now - but afterwards she strongly urged me to make a formal complaint. Apparently several of her ladies have met the same rude/abrupt attitude from the ultrasound dept. and she's getting sick of it. At least good to know we weren't just being over-sensitive first time parents!

How is everyone else feeling this morning? Any new exciting symptoms going on?

That's lovely of your midwife, shocking it's not the first complaint she's heard about the sonographer! I would 100% do what she said, focus on you and little man now and when he's here and settled put in a formal complaint, if anything it may stop more women feeling the way she made you feel! Let us know how your scan goes won't you, I'm sure all will be perfect!

I haven't had anymore symptoms really, a lot of white CM still, constant period like pain down there now and just feel really heavy. It's very uncomfortable when little miss moves now as she's so low but all in all I can't see her being her before her due date (Saturday). I would appreciate her not coming today as its her niece's 1st birthday and really don't fancy going in to labour at a child party , after that is fine tho haha! How about Everyone else? xxxxx
Indeed, my boy decided to wait 3 and a half hours after due date before making his first move lol. Cheeky bugger.

Hope your scan goes well today! Let us know how it goes. Hope the lady has a better attitude today too! X
Hope the scan goes well summer and enjoy the party bunny x

I was meant to have gp today but my midwife didn't book it in properly so got to go Tuesday instead now, never mind. No niggles here either and baby back to usual movements today. Think Ruby may have a ear infection as she keeps saying it hurts, explains why she been so out of sorts so will try and get her in with GP today or tomorrow x
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