*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

'Could be discharge'
Aye love.... lol!! Xx

A bit more than discharge! With Amelia I had a leak at around 38 weeks. Got up to go to loo in night and liquid poured down my legs. When we went to triage they said it wasn't waters and I'd probably wet myself! I definitely hadn't! Think I can tell the difference between pee and waters!!
Summer, I don't think you will go very overdue. I still stick to my original instinct that your labour will be like my first was. I'm not sure why :) x

I hope so Kelly :) - my mums started just with her waters breaking (no other real symptoms) everything I read says only 10-15% of labours actually start this way but I've heard quite a few August/sept mummies start this way - JJmum, mummybexee, you, mystic teen, mummybee? ... So maybe that statistic is a little off.

How are you doing now H? Any increase in movement. I keep thinking the same but think my perception is a little shadowed by my anxiety at the min - if I have a cold drink if give him a good poke he seems to respond just fine.

Mummybee that is so much! Lol I'd be worried if I discharged that much. Crazy! Surely has to be your waters. Xx
I'd be slightly concerned if I had that much discharge too! Really.hope things happen very soon just to prevent infection!

Domino's done. Had it early so son could have some but he doesn't like pizza either so had some wedges. Didn't manage to eat much and kept feeling a bit light headed and like I was going to nod off! Whatever is wrong with me today! X
I thought it was 12 hours but yea theyre supposed to!
Midwife was really lovely tho. She said cause she couldnt see any liquid in the spectrum thats why she doesnt think theyve went but its not 100% . Getting confussed who iv told what so sorry if i repeat myself. Mw said there could be a leak from the top of the sack trickling down every so often. Then the doctor came a d said if it was your waters they just wouldnt stop theyd keep going. I know thats rubbish i know plenty of peoples whose have went throughout the day. When ever i got mine broke first time it took a few hours for another gush to come!
It apparently isnt very common for labour to start with waters... iv heard that too.
Its bad i began to doubt myself with it being waters. But i just laughed at an advert i seen on tv and felt more leaking! Im just going to wait now till the midwife rings me with results and tell her then. Pad isnt drenched but it is damp with liquid. I dont want to go up and be told the same bloody thing again! Xx
No I can imagine how annoying that would be. I just hope you start having contractions soon x
Ah mummy b how frustrating for you!! No way could that be discharge, either waters or wee and it would be good to think you would know if it's wee! Hope things get sorted soon! Good you have just felt a bit more.

Kelly you have made me really want a dominos now, have been feeling sicky all day and now I want dominos! Hope you feel better soon ~ early night?

Summer your bump is so amazing, can't believe how much it has dropped! Defo normal to get smaller though as lots of babies head is in your pelvis now.

H have movements picked up?

Hospital was good today. Scan showed baby is small (which we knew) but is still growing so they are happy to leave us know, and she is big enough that I can still use midwife led unit ~ happy news all round!! Felt good all day aside from the nausea, then went for a wee,'lost plug and cramping began straight away. Sure it will tail off soon though! Xx
They need to hurry up and start cause she is happy enough to leave me. Have to go onto iron tablets as my blood count was 108 not alarming lol but she would like it to be over 110. Xx
So pleased scan went well Tessa and you can use midwife led unit xx
I was getting up to get my lb ready for school and i actually did need to pee then. And even after that gush i peed. So i know it wasnt pee. This was uncontrolable. Im really annoyed to be fair! In my bed already in hope i fall asleep and waken to more waters or pains. Would prefare the waters to rub it in their faces lol!!

Glad to hear all went well at your appointment tessa! Hopefully you sont have long to wait :) :) xx
Ahhhh just catching up now - MummyBee can imagine how frustrated you are I would be the exact same! Grrrrr I'm sure it's waters too - mothers instinct is normally right babe. Do you have to call back in the morning?

Fab news Tessa! I don't think little misses appearance will be far away for you now!

H hope movements have picked up?

Kelly are you feeling any better?

My mums just left, she wanted to stay till OH got home but I can't see him being back till gone 11 maybe even 12 after football & then having a drink with the lads so said she should go as it's an hour drive and she's up early. Mum forced another madras on me haha , let's see if this does the trick!

MummyBee - I would insist on scan to check waters tomorrow if it hasn't kicked off - if they try and put you off show them that pic as that is clearly not discharge! The amount of people on here lately that I have seen have been losing waters but being told they haven't been and then later on find out actually they were right all along is scary! Clearly the swab test is very unreliable! Does make me worry as I queried leaking waters myself a few weeks back and was told I wasn't leaking, luckily for me it wasn't a lot of leakage and it stopped but even so, makes you wonder doesn't it!

Glad to hear appointment went well Tessa, brilliant news! Was it your entire plug you just lost? x

I have felt baby make the odd squirm tonight but he is a lot quieter than normal, just gave him a good poke and he didn't move at all which is worrying but maybe he is asleep. Going to have a lay down and monitor soon and then make a decision. It doesn't help that Ruby going through another silly phase of screaming house down every night this week at bed time so I can't get any peace and quiet to relax and monitor movements properly. Half an hour of shrieking on and off so far. Having to leave her to cry it out as it is getting ridiculous especially after only getting 3 hours sleep last night. I actually don't want to go into labour anytime soon as I would be too knackered! :( x
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Awwww H Ruby really is having a bad week isn't she! I'm awful at monitoring my baby's movements, I just know when she's being quiet if that makes sense. She doesn't really have a pattern as such anymore. If I lie down on my left or lean back on my back she starts going mad, she must be comfortable when I lie like that haha. If I poke her she purposefully won't move, and if I say to someone look at her moving she stops, she's a minx haha! Are you thinking your going to call triage or not? When's your next MW app? Xxxxxx
Ah h that is so tough ~ bad timing ruby!!! I am pretty tired the last few days and belle sleeps 12 hours so I really do take my hat off to those of you with younger ones! Hope she settles soon and you can monitor those movements. Is oh home?

Mummybee I would prob go back tomorrow too if nothing else happens ~ hopefully it will though!!

Bunny fingers crossed the madras works for you! I had wedges and beans with vinegar as that was all I could stomach ~ enjoyed it though!

No not all plug, realise that might read wrong, it was 4 wipes worth (tmi ~ sorry!) so a decent amount but sure there is loads more there! Xx
As soon as Ruby gives it a rest (lol) I'm going to have a lay down etc and monitor properly and if I don't get more than one or 2 movements I will def call triage. Got a GP appointment tomorrow though to check baby so if movements fine I will leave it and just mention it at appointment tomorrow. Not sure I will actually get chance to monitor though as Ruby stops for 10 mins then just starts again even worse, I am so fed up this week I really don't know what is up with her but finding things really difficult :( x
No bunny, she said unless its running down my legs its doesnt sound like anything to worry about! Fx it works lol!

She didnt even take a swab H! Put the speculum in and had a look around and because there was no liquid in the speculum she said it was probably just discharge! God i never even thought of asking for a scan! My heads beeb all over the place today - im wrecked!
Hope movements pick up for you! You maybe havent noticed them as much due to running about after ruby. Once you get her settled id rest up and try a few tricks to get baby moving then try get some sleep xx
I think it looks like you've lost loads I would have 100% done the same as you've done today. How are you feeling in yourself? Hope you're okay.

Sounds good H hope Ruby gives you some time - can imagine it's really hard I'm a FTM so can't even imagine how hard your finding it especially when she's playing up so much. When I'm busy or my minds elsewhere I don't notice movements as much think it's because I'm so used to bump being there now it's just natural. Sometimes OH will go wow look at the shape she's making in your belly and j hadn't even felt it because so used too it so maybe it's just that?

Thanks Tessa - I really don't believe in the hot food thing even tho it did help with both SIL's labours.

I've got sharp pains in my foof tonight - watch little miss start things off now I'm home alone haha xxx
H when I mentioned to my midwife the other week about reduced movements she said that I would still need to go to hospital to go on machine even though she had just had a listen in. I had put off going too as knew I had app the next day but apparently they can't tell anything without proper monitoring. If you aren't sure, give them a call xxx
Good news Tessa :)
Bunny, I seen on facebook about your mum making you have another curry lol! Good on her haha :)
I feel a bit weird but I really can't explain how I feel actually.

H, I know the feeling with the toddler at bed time. I've taken to completely ignoring him until he gets bored.and eventually goes to bed. Bed times can be so stressful for me as OH works mainly late shifts!
Good luck with movements. Hope he wakes up and goes crazy xx
Well I gave up and put Ruby on my bed until she went to sleep at half 9 and finally moved her back to cot, fingers crossed she stays asleep! Been as she was asleep I laid there and monitored baby and as soon as Ruby went to sleep and things went quiet he was squirming around loads like his normal self. Maybe his sisters melt downs scare him into not moving lol. He moving fine now though :) x

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