Ah mummy b how frustrating for you!! No way could that be discharge, either waters or wee and it would be good to think you would know if it's wee! Hope things get sorted soon! Good you have just felt a bit more.
Kelly you have made me really want a dominos now, have been feeling sicky all day and now I want dominos! Hope you feel better soon ~ early night?
Summer your bump is so amazing, can't believe how much it has dropped! Defo normal to get smaller though as lots of babies head is in your pelvis now.
H have movements picked up?
Hospital was good today. Scan showed baby is small (which we knew) but is still growing so they are happy to leave us know, and she is big enough that I can still use midwife led unit ~ happy news all round!! Felt good all day aside from the nausea, then went for a wee,'lost plug and cramping began straight away. Sure it will tail off soon though! Xx