Kelly, getting cold or shivery can actually be a sign that you will go into labour soon, I was reading up on labour symptoms the other day and that was one of them which is funny as MummyBee also mentioned being cold and shivery a few days ago! Might be something to it!
My back is killing me today too, it has been really painful all day but has started burning in the last half hour, v odd! Glad you managed to have a nap
Bunny, hope you have a nice evening with your mum and that would be brill if you went into labour at a kids party lol, images of that making me laugh, sorry hun haha.
Doll_eyes, sounds like a nice day hun, glad you are all organised now
Ohhh MummyBee, so exciting I will keep stalking for news and agree would be weird if you give birth tomorrow after your OH said the 3rd! How spooky!
Summer, totally normal for bump to shrink a bit when you drop as bump loses its height due to baby head being so far in the pelvis. Mine is measuring 3 weeks smaller since it dropped!
Girls don't worry about the sweep not working, when I was pregnant with Ruby she said I was 1cm dilated already when she did my sweep and she reached everything fine so not all first timers have issues. I didn't do much for me except give me bad backache but it was good to know I was already dilated
