*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Hope things progress for you mummybee! Thanks for updating us bunny xx
You're welcome - hopefully I'll be doing MummyBee's labour thread later on. Keep your fingers & toes crossed !

Haha summer I know yeah I would feel like doing the same xxxx
Awwww H you've made me feel so much better I was worried at how weird it felt , this could possibly mean my sweep will be more successful then MW thought. She said the first one on first time mums the cervix can be quite far back and hard to reach you see.

Awww Tessa I think moods are getting us all xxx

My midwife said exactly the same bunny - she's happy to examine me and try a sweep but is doubtful that it will be successful as a first timer. My friend had a sweep on her due date and was told that her cervix was still closed and far back - she went into labour naturally 3 days later anyway so sometimes the cervix can 'ripen' relatively quickly regardless. Think there's 3 of us having (attempted) sweeps on Friday :) let's hope we're all favourable and get this show on the road! Xxx
Ahh hope Mummybee is going to get good news that it is her waters very soon!

Doll, enjoy your evening x
I want a sweep on Friday too. Maybe I should get my OH to try lol x
When your bump drops does it look smaller?? Just comparing my pics - the one on the left was taken 3 weeks ago / on the right - yesterday :shock:
I'm just feeling anxious because of static fundal measurement/ the whole hospital debate over whether my baby's got enough fluid or not ...


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Wow what a drop. Yep! My belly dropped a while back and looked significantly smaller, but then I think she moved again. I think it's normal as baby starts tucking itself further down so less to see up top x
Thanks Kelly - I feel heavier and more uncomfortable but had a panic when looking through my pics and realise I look smaller!!
Yeah babe my MW said I look a lot smaller and that's normal when baby drops :) your bump is amazing!!!! Xxx
Kelly, getting cold or shivery can actually be a sign that you will go into labour soon, I was reading up on labour symptoms the other day and that was one of them which is funny as MummyBee also mentioned being cold and shivery a few days ago! Might be something to it!
My back is killing me today too, it has been really painful all day but has started burning in the last half hour, v odd! Glad you managed to have a nap :)

Bunny, hope you have a nice evening with your mum and that would be brill if you went into labour at a kids party lol, images of that making me laugh, sorry hun haha.

Doll_eyes, sounds like a nice day hun, glad you are all organised now :D

Ohhh MummyBee, so exciting I will keep stalking for news and agree would be weird if you give birth tomorrow after your OH said the 3rd! How spooky!

Summer, totally normal for bump to shrink a bit when you drop as bump loses its height due to baby head being so far in the pelvis. Mine is measuring 3 weeks smaller since it dropped!

Girls don't worry about the sweep not working, when I was pregnant with Ruby she said I was 1cm dilated already when she did my sweep and she reached everything fine so not all first timers have issues. I didn't do much for me except give me bad backache but it was good to know I was already dilated :) x
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Thanks ladies - That's good to know H, yea I figure even if the sweep isn't successful she'll be able to give an indication of cervix position/dilation xxx
That is an odd symptom of labour but I'd be happy with that.
Ohh that doesn't sound pleasant Helen! Mines remained fairly the same all day. No worse or better other than a few random times.

OH is in tonight and his last day at work tomorrow before annual leave so we are having a Domino's later. I don't usually like pizza but I dreamt about Domino's last night and to a have an urge to have one x
Summer, I don't think you will go very overdue. I still stick to my original instinct that your labour will be like my first was. I'm not sure why :) x
Haha it would be hilarious but I doubt OH's sister would be too happy with me stealing her baby's day!
Thank you I'm excited for a girls night with my mum, crap TV and gossip sounds perfect. Cooking hunters chicken , potatoes and veg too so should be nice.
My male best friend may be popping round too as both me and mum haven't seen him for ages!

Dominoes sounds amazing - my OH loves it so normally our weekend treat haha!

Still lots and lots of white CM, period like cramps and baby moving around a lot very very low!

I feel the same about the sweep summer - if we get to it will give us some indication of how far along we may be xxx
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Just realised that I haven't felt baby move much today and his movements are a lot slower than normal. Hoping it means labour isn't far off as my daughter did the same for 2 days before she was born but will keep an eye on it now as he is far too quiet fo my liking. Got my GP appointment tomorrow anyway but if he doesn't pick up before that I may call triage x
Ohh yummy sounds good Bunny :)

My son was very quiet before labour too! But this baby hasn't gone too quiet yet. Only slightly less than usual.
Hope you manage to get baby wiggling x
Hope baby starts wiggling for you soon H, are you going to have a cold drink and lie on your left side for a bit? xxxx
So iv came home bounced on my ball for an hour. Currently lying in bed waiting on my curry to arrive. Hope when i sit up there will be some more fluid. Totally gutted they never picked anything up!
Summer love your bump!!!
I wish i had of taken my pants theyre absolutely saturated! But because the pad was just damp she thought it was just discharge... il upload a pic of my bed soon... theres no way on this planet it could be discharge. There would be something serously wrong if someone lost that much!
Kelly i woke up feeling awful the other morning so nauseous, dodgy tummy and was freezing in bed. Iv been sleeping with no duvet and the window open at nights and still warm so i knew something wasnt right when felt like that!
Im so worried now of infection if they havent picked anything up. Friday seems so long away to wait!

Thanks bunny for updating everyone really appreciate it :) :) xxx
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'Could be discharge'
Aye love.... lol!! Xx


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Oh my gosh - did she actually say that after seeing the picture?? I would seriously take the bedsheet in - if your contractions don't start within 24hrs don't they have to induce you to prevent infection?

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