*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

H I am so glad you said that - last night we DTD and it felt like OH couldn't get in properly if that makes sense. Was really uncomfortable and even OH said it felt like something was blocking him - would that be cervix possibly then? Yeah I've felt like she's hitting my bum too and literally feels like she's going to pop out any minute!!

Oh no Kelly! Bless his little innocent face tho!

Haha summer I've been so similar , OH keeps his distance! What are these baby's doing to us haha

Haha Summer! That made me laugh. Sorry I forgot apologise for finding that a little bit amusing. Crazy baby brain lol xx
Awww Summer lol, bless you hun. Bet you can't wait to give birth now, won't be long I am sure xx

Bunny, I googled it as found it a bit odd and apparently your cervix can drop when you get very close to giving birth and some women even said they could feel it if they put a finger an inch inside! Seems it is a positive sign anyway :) x
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Oh dear kelly ~ haha! Love his little face though, hope it didn't take too long to clean! Dairy girl happy due date!

I think my mood is ok at the mo, but my mum keeps telling me I am snappy so maybe I am not as much of a delight as I feel ~ haha!! Feeling pretty sick this morning but not at all anxious/nervous like I was before scan last week... Wondering if my body is covering emotions by making me feel a bit sick instead! Hoping it clears once I leave home in about half hour. Xx
Awwww H you've made me feel so much better I was worried at how weird it felt , this could possibly mean my sweep will be more successful then MW thought. She said the first one on first time mums the cervix can be quite far back and hard to reach you see.

Awww Tessa I think moods are getting us all xxx
Good morning ladies :) just going through the thread to catch up with you all. Lots happening!!! Thought I'd drop an update in too. I've woken up to see my bump has dropped again and looks so low and small to what I'm used to, lost a huge amount of the plug (eeew) and now very watery cm like a lot feeling v wet down there now sorry tmi, baby is squirmy as normal and I'm struggling to pee properly now just tiny trickles but I am going can't believe how little time is left till due date!! Hope your all well :) xxxx
Thankssss..Shocked wouldnt be in it! So far i got him to school. Got myself showered. Defussed. Last minute stuff packed. House tidied(ish) bag packed for my lb to go to his grannys. Im now just waiting for my dad to arrive and take me to hospital to confirm waters.. iv to take my pad for them to test. It doesnt seem very heavy tho so should i take my pants also that they went in? I cant believe this is it!!! Il try my best to keep you up to date :) xx
Eeeeek so exciting - do you hVe someone to do a labour thread for you? I'm more then happy too as I'm having a lazy stay at home day today preparing for my nieces first birthday party tomorrow where I'll need all my energy aha! M

O. M. G. Kelly :o i think i would cry! Enjoy cleaning that mess lmao!! His wee face tho bless him :')

Ohhh bunny. Maybe youll be next!!!

Oh has said from the beginning il have my baby on the 3rd! How eeird would that be if that happened... which more than likely it will!!! Hes in work at the minute. Texting every second for an update. Hoping he can stay on till the end of his shift so he doesnt waste a days paternity x
No one to do a labour thread. So i can try my best to fb you or something and keep u up to date?? phone is going mental with messages and its just close family! Iv told them all its to stay off the internet till i announce the birth. I cant be dealing with my phone going every two seconds!
Sounds like good fun! Will there be many kids running about? Maybe running about after them could send you into labour lol!! Xx
It's up to you doll I would love to do it but it's wether you want one or not , I'm happy to give you my number and just update when you text me I won't pester don't worry!

You've probably seen from my FB I really don't want to be pestered during my time. Fingers crossed its soon :)

Haha yeah OH said running round after lots of kids will do me the world of good, watch my waters go at her party haha the shame xxxx
Ooh so much to catch up on and so Exciting MummyBee and its on your due date!!! :D Xx
It's up to you doll I would love to do it but it's wether you want one or not , I'm happy to give you my number and just update when you text me I won't pester don't worry!

You've probably seen from my FB I really don't want to be pestered during my time. Fingers crossed its soon :)

Haha yeah OH said running round after lots of kids will do me the world of good, watch my waters go at her party haha the shame xxxx

Il fb you my number and you can give me a text. :) :)
Yous will probably hear about the birth before fb as we have kept the sex a secret. My sister has bad anxiety and struggles to leave the house. So im praying she comes up to visit. Once she meets her then fb and anyone else can find out haha!
You so have to! Im convinced that shopping trip i had on monday helped me progress now!

Thanks chardrop! Just a waiting game now. Havent felt any more leaking. Having the odd twinge but im pretty sure its more to do with baby rolling about lol xx
I think you ladies will be the first to know when my little one is here too as I won't be putting it on Facebook till all my family have been able to see her or at least seen a picture and with my dad working lots & being an hour away it'll be after he's seen and held her.

Fab babe - looking forward to your updates !!!

With my waters, it was a gush at first but then quite light carrying on from there.
I feel very odd today! Exhausted and my back is killing! Think I may have to go for a nap soon! Xx
Hope you have a nice nap Kelly & feel much better after it!

My mums coming for tea tonight as OH has a game away so she wants to be here in case anything happens bless her, off to OHs office now as I'm bored out my brain today and he wanted me to pick him up later anyway. Xxxx
Had a little nap. Feel very weird. Can't put my finger on it! Have come over all cold aswell :(

Have a nice time with your mum later :) x
I've just been to my friends for the last lot of baby gear she's giving us, her 5 month old is gorgeous massive eyes and such an easy baby she's made me really excited for my little miss coming. Although i doubt well get such a doddle of a baby lol.

Going to go to the shopping centre and get my last bits at boots hadnt got any nipple cream, then I think we're completely done! Just a big food shop to do, but think I might do that online for a change as I can't face it. My mum is cooking tea tonight as hubby is on a late so nice relaxing evening once I'm finally home. Going to treat myself to some nice slippers for home mine are looking very well loved!

Hope everyone has a good day xd
Ladies I've been in touch with MummyBee all day - not quite ready to do a labour thread but she wanted me to update you with what's gone on at the hospital so I'll copy & paste the lovely ladies texts now :)

11:57 - Hey!! On my way to the hospital now so they can confirm its my waters Then go from there. Neither can i! Nothing ever goes to plan or is ever on time when it comes to me lol!

13.43 - Had a speculum examination. She doesnt see any signs of waters but that doesnt mean the havent went. Heartrate is high so had to have it monitored then had an ecg done. Waiting on the doctor now to review everything. Xx

14.17 - She confimed i have a heart murmer. Took some blood to test im not anaemic. (Incase thats why my heartrate is high) Been sent home to put a pad on and she will ring me later to see of there has been any more fluid loss and with blood results. I showed the doctor the picture of the fluid on my bed and she said its probably been your bladder.... i just starred at her like she had six heads haha! Totally sure myself its waters so fingers crossed theres more leakage! Would hate to end up with an infection! Lol xx

MummyBee is taking a lie down now so fingers crossed for a labour thread later! xxxxx
Aw bless - I'd be taking in my knickers/bedsheet and getting them to swab that!! :lol:
Well hope some contractions start for you soon mummybee so that you don't have to worry xxx

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