*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ohhhh happy due date ladies, so exciting, lots going on this week!

Well we dtd and nothing lol, no plug loss, no cramps, nothing lol. Never mind :)

Have a good day ladies! x
Omg omg omg. Got up to get LB put to school and waters went!!!! Ahhhhhh
OMG MummyBee ahhhhhhhhhhh! So excited!!!! No-one ever gives birth bang on due date! Do you know how rare that is?! WOW! Good luck sweetheart :D :D :D xxxxxxxx
Woo happy due date both, and happy waters breaking! Will be stalking xx
AHHHH mummybee that's so exciting!!!! What a little treasure you have waters breaking on due date!!!! Will be stalking for updates :dance: xxxxx
Happy due date MummyBee & dairygirl !!

Woweeeee MummyBee your little one is punctual! How amazing is that - good luck will be stalking the forum for updates today!

Tessa good luck at your app!

Well my moods have completely changed I feel like someone new, moody, snappy, tired what's going on? Been like this the last few days now! xxxxxx
I'm the same Bunny! Although today I feel a bit better again after the last 2 days but not physically.
Lots of pains x
I am the same Bunny, doesn't help that my daughter is moody and full of tantrums this week, I only got 3 hours sleep last night as she would not stop waking up and crying :/ I honestly think she has hit her terrible twos a few weeks early! x
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Oh dear H. Sounds like a delightful night. Hopefully not a regular occurrence. The last fee. Months my son has started waking around 7 instead of 8.30. It'd hard work lol! But he does go to bed at 7.30 so shouldn't complain. Today we stayed in bed while he played with his toys.. when we went to him an hour later after we had both fallen back to sleep, he had managed to grab hold of the talc.... disaster! It was EVERYWHERE!! Xx
In a really selfish way glad to know I'm not alone with the sudden mood changes, it's so unlike me and I can't seem to snap out of it. Feel like locking myself away till the nice Danielle comes back haha!

Last night my little one was so active, k think I mentioned she's moving much more then normal the past few days but last night it actually hurt how much she was moving - I'm hoping she's nuzzling right down as I could feel her so low and so uncomfortable. Anyone else had this?

Eeeeek I know things are really hotting up and getting exciting in here !!! xxxxx
Oh no Kelly lol, nightmare! Hope it didn't take too long to clear up! How is your LB now he is 2? Have you noticed he has hit terrible twos and being more naughty etc? x

He has clean clothes in a pile on the floor that he took out of his drawers but luckily they weren't victim to the talc. Talk about a mess though!
Yes bunny! A few nights ago my little boy was moving so much for literally like 6 hours straight it was so bloody painful, he just kept hitting my cervix and squirming around etc it was driving me mad as was so bloody uncomfortable. Then I noticed the next day my bump had dropped super low and now I can feel little punches or something in my bum cheeks, like it actually feels like he is punching my bum lol, assume all the pain was him getting as low as possible. Have to say that sex was pretty uncomfortable last night too, things felt a bit shorter down there if you know what I mean! I think his head must be really bulging on the cervix or something! x
Bunny, with LO movements for a few weeks it's been painful now. She literally sticks out so much!
H, I have found he was naughtier for a few months before he was 2 but is slowly getting better again already x
Haha! Oh no! What a little tike! Love how it is all over his face too lol. Sounds like Ruby is doing the expected than as we have 2 months to go until she turns 2! Glad I am not alone! x
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Don't worry bunny - I swear my baby is taking over my brain in these last few days. Yesterday I washed up the cutlery then put it in the bin :shock: luckily hubby realised what I was doing (we have lost 2 vegetable peelers in a fortnight and though I swore blind I didn't accidentally throw them out I am now questioning my own sanity ... :whistle:)
I then cried because I dropped leftover lasagna all over the kitchen floor that I had been on my hands and knees scrubbing. And last night I slapped the headboard like a petulant little child because for the life of me I couldn't get comfortable!!
Think I need a stern word with myself today!!

Happy due date to you also Dairygirl

And Tess - hope you have a good scan.
:rotfl:caw Kelly sorry to laugh - I'm sure that's not what you need this time of the morning but he looks so cheeky and funny!! Xxx

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