So the day has come... ITS MY DUE DATE!!!!
After all the crazy movements iv had iv been sooo sore and uncomfortable. I cant sit properly as the pressure is unbareable. Bending is becoming impossible too. Im feeling so sick, heartburn is at its worst and my mood is just so shit... i cant be bothered with anyone - i feel like if they say the slightest thing im going to rip their heads off lol!!
Plenty of sweeps happening friday then! I also get mine! Hoping it does something. Il get my induction date too so il finally know when baby will definately be here!! Race is on after bunny & summer LOL will be interesting.. imagine we all went at the same time!!!!
Bunny. Glad to hear your appoinment went well!
Sara. Sorry to hear you were stuck in triage - hope your feeling better now

Summer. Good to hear your getting another scan, itll be interesting to see what it comes back saying... if you make it till then!!
H. Hopefully things start to kick off for you soon. You may surprise us all and just go with no symptoms!
Dolleyes. Things are sounding good! My bump still feels soo high. I dont think iv dropped at all. Still getting lots of kicks etc in my ribs but also feel pressure right down there. Im worried baby is going to be massive - theres clearly not a lot of room left in there for her haha
Thanks to those popping in wishing us god luck. I cant believe we are in september already! Time to come out babiesssss!!