*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

That all sounds positive sweet, good to have these things booked in. Doesn't mean it's any less likely to happen naturally, just that there is a plan in place for if things aren't happening.

I haven't had a sweep before but will have one next Wednesday if nothing happens before then. How have people found them to be? X
Glad the appointment went well for you Bunny and good news about the sweep this week :) I am sure you won't need the induction hun, positive thoughts xxx
Ah sorry you were suffering last night Sara and had a long haul in triage! Hope you're feeling a bit better now.
That's good news bunny! I'm getting a sweep on Friday too (unless anything happens beforehand of course).

Saw consultant this morning - he apologised for the sonographers unprofessional attitude and said she was having a 'bad day' :roll: (not to be insensitive but really not my problem when I'm concerned about the health of my baby!) he did however say that he had absolute faith in her judgement as a sonographer, and she has now agreed to rescan us on my due date (Thursday) to reassess baby and see which report was in fact accurate. Bit awkward as she's probably not best pleased that we complained about her to her superior but not much more I can ask of them at this stage ... Just hoping baby makes a move in the next day or so to avoid the issue completely - I'm feeling anxious enough as it is without having to deal with awkwardness/conflict - should be staying positive and relaxed!!! :wall2: come on little man!!!
Awww summer our pregnancies are so alike aren't they! What times your sweep Friday, that's if you get to it!

Thanks H & Tessa , I do feel a bit better just hope it doesn't come to that but at least I know I'll have my baby soon.

Summer that's good news , and hopefully if you do see her Thursday you get an apology and she doesn't make things awkward for you. I doubt she will! Xxxx
That's great about your sweep bunny, I'm going to do the labour dance later and try some DTD since I've defuzzed my nether regions this week and I'm really fed up now with him heartburn. Kinda feel ready too so if I have to wait another 20 odd days my anxiety is just going to appear xx
Felt really wet went and checked and it was a lot of white CM, a lot more then usual. Put a pad on about 20 minutes ago , just been the toilet and there's some more there already!

Thanks Dolleyes! Enjoy your dancing!! Are you taking anything for your heartburn? xxxx
Everything under the sun lol ranatadine, omeprazole and a magnesium medicine too. Its not as bad as last week so think she's dropped a bit even though my bump is very high and round still. Looks like a stuck on bump! Xx
Oh bunny that's exciting. Have you had any more progress today summer?
Kelly how are you feeling today? Thanks to everyone that has popped into sept mummies to wish us luck!

I am feeling so much better today thanks last few days, taken things easy (as I now plan to do until d day) but enjoyed an afternoon of art and craft with Belle and had a play date with a friend this morning.

Next hospital app for scan/consultant tomorrow, but feeling quite sure they will just leave me be ~ can't really say why just kind of have that feeling.

Have lovely relaxing evenings everyone! X
That's good Bunny! My first sweep is at 40+4! Then another at 40+6 and THEN I get induction date!

I've not had much cm tofay at all! I've got back ache still, went crazy this morning. Probably because I was convinced baby would come today!

I really really want this baby by Saturday. OH has to take his leave from the 4th at the latest and I don't want him to miss time the other side with LO! :-(

Tessa, sounds like a nice day you have had! Hope all goes well tomorrow xx
Not as much as yesterday Tess - my braxton hicks gave continued but not had that cervix pain today. Scrubbed the kitchen floor today - my fancy steam mop stayed in the cupboard whilst I spent about 40 minutes on my hands and knees :lol: I hope your scan goes well tomorrow and their satisfied with little ones growth.

Bunny my appointment is at 2:15 on Friday - it is so funny how all our appointments/scans etc have been the same! If I hear you've gone into labour I shall be getting my bags ready! :lol:
I had loads of white cm yesterday along with that cervix pain that made me think dilation perhaps?? Wasn't liquid enough to make me think waters but not mucousy enough to make me think plug - had to change my knickers though! No cervix pain/cm today though ...

Sorry to hear about your triage visit last night Sara, how are you feeling now? x

How are your hip pains etc now Kelly? I jinxed myself yesterday when I said to you I hadn't suffered with it this pregnancy, my hips feel like they have been smashed in with a hammer today :(

Tessa, I had a sweep when pregnant with Ruby, it was uncomfortable rather than painful and you do you have to breathe through it but it is no worse then when they examine you for dilation during labour :) Hope the scan goes well tomorrow hun.

Summer, really pleased you got an apology of sorts today even if it wasn't from the sonographer herself. Glad you are getting another scan too, I think she will probably feel more awkward about it than you as she will know she was an ass and it wasn't apprecited. bet she will be nice as pie this time round!

Doll_eyes how did the labour dance go? Any cramps etc?

Bunny, lots of cm is really positive, maybe you won't even need that stretch and sweep this week! Fingers crossed for you hun :)
Oh no H, sorry to hear that. Hips aren't so painful today but inner legs are!

I agree summer, the sonographer will probably feel like shit on the day seeing you again. Probably feel incredibly guilty x
Well H I have got terrible back ache now and lost some plug finally! So think it's definitely helped and her bum now feels like its only a couple of inches above my disgusting brown belly button instead of in my ribs. Bounced on my ball through emmerdale.

Hope your scan goes well Tessa xx
Fingers crossed H!

I can not sleep, my heads banging so came to bed about 2 hours ago but little misses movements are so low and strong that it wakes me up whenever I drift off. DTD earlier & had some cramps since buy nothing major.

My friend had her midwife today at 40+2 and she said baby kept engaging & disengaging,booked in for induction really thinking she would make it to that's date, 8 hours later she's got her baby girl in her arms. Just shows it can literally happen anytime with no symptoms.

Tessa good luck tomorrow babe will be checking in to see how you get on.

That's exciting Dolleyes, I may give some dancing a go again tomorrow xxxx
Ohhh exciting Doll_eyes, I haven't lost any plug yet. Hoping I lose some soon! x
I haven't lost any yet either! :)
I'm pretty sure mine will come with my waters like last time.
Hoping that is soon though! Xx
Well I have told OH we are dtd tonight as I need to try and get at least a bit of plug loss started lol. Fingers crossed it works! He doesn't really like dtd anymore as massive bump puts him off hahaha! X
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So the day has come... ITS MY DUE DATE!!!!
After all the crazy movements iv had iv been sooo sore and uncomfortable. I cant sit properly as the pressure is unbareable. Bending is becoming impossible too. Im feeling so sick, heartburn is at its worst and my mood is just so shit... i cant be bothered with anyone - i feel like if they say the slightest thing im going to rip their heads off lol!!

Plenty of sweeps happening friday then! I also get mine! Hoping it does something. Il get my induction date too so il finally know when baby will definately be here!! Race is on after bunny & summer LOL will be interesting.. imagine we all went at the same time!!!!

Bunny. Glad to hear your appoinment went well!
Sara. Sorry to hear you were stuck in triage - hope your feeling better now :)
Summer. Good to hear your getting another scan, itll be interesting to see what it comes back saying... if you make it till then!!
H. Hopefully things start to kick off for you soon. You may surprise us all and just go with no symptoms!
Dolleyes. Things are sounding good! My bump still feels soo high. I dont think iv dropped at all. Still getting lots of kicks etc in my ribs but also feel pressure right down there. Im worried baby is going to be massive - theres clearly not a lot of room left in there for her haha

Thanks to those popping in wishing us god luck. I cant believe we are in september already! Time to come out babiesssss!!
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My due date has arrived too MummyBee! No signs yet - was convinced baby would be here before now! I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so thinking I may be offered a sweep too if nothing happens today. Come on September babies!! :dance: xx

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