*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Good luck Michelle you'll be enjoying baby cuddles very soon xx
Michelle I woke up with butterflies I feel like I'm having a baby today, I am so excited for you! I guess girl & 6lb8! Can't wait to hear that he/she is here and your having much deserved cuddles.

Tessa sorry about sharing the hormones haha, how sweet of your dad tho that is amazing!

I'm prepared to have to stay in a couple of hours / days as a lot of my friends have had to recently. In the women's you have to stay at least 6 hours after s normal delivery anyway but they encourage first time mum's to stay longer - good job I've packed for a week haha!

I can't believe it's September !!! Woke up so excited

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Happy September Ladies!!
Michelle all the best of luck and wishes for today! Lots of baby cuddles soon! :)
Tessa that's soo lovely of him to do that! Xxx
Ooh Michelle I think boy just to be different lol and 6lb 5. Can you believe we'll all be having our babies this month. I woke up quite nervous! Now family birthdays are out of the way I'm going to try some baby eviction methods xx

Have a nice day girls I'm going to have another clean, we had a lazy bed and movie day yesterday so the house is a tip and my friend is popping up tonight with her very cute and chunky 5 month old and some baby bits and her pram she's wanting rid of xx
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September mummies ~ September has arrived!!!!! :dance:

Thinking of you today Michelle and will be glued to the board checking for updates :) I'm going to guess girl, 7lbs 2

Happy September ladies, exciting times ahead!

Good luck from an August mummy :) (previously a September mummy twice before :)) xxx
Ohhhhhh I'm so excited it is September!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!!! Want to see my gorgous little boy now! Saw a baby on BBC breakfast this morning snoozing away and I was just like awwwwwwww come on baby come out lol.

On a side note I have decided to have a massive clear out of crap I don't use so will spending the next 200 hours selling things on ebay lol. Nesting at it's best! lol x
Dear September Mummies-to-be, I'm popping from October thread to wish you the best of luck for your upcoming births! Hope it goes smoothly for all of you and you are having newborn cuddles very soon xxx
Really sore bump today :(

Got midwife at 1.30 and for some reason feel really nervous and anxious about it, have asked OH to come home and be here when she comes. Strange I'm normally fine xxxx
Hi guys,

Well i ended up in triage 1 til 4 am. I got major pain like my kidneys were about to burst and then lower back pain and then stomach pain. I was checked my cervix is real low and ive been given anti biotics for uti. The midwife said as im 38 weeks i could go into labour anytime. Im just relaxing today,drinking a lot of water. I cant believe its september. I will be seeing my baby this month. :dance:
Well nothing happened last night but I do have some achey back today and I went crazy this morning! Exactly what I did before I went into labour with my son.
If it's not soon then I'm not looking forward to however long is left! X
Good Luck September mummies! Your month has arrived :)

Looking forward to all the birth posts! xx
Thanks Shelley!

Thanks for all the good lucks for today ladies, feel so so sick just been chilling in bed for an hour hate feeling like this.

So excited to see Michelle's announcement - it'll keep me busy today aha!

Fingers crossed Kelly I don't think you'll have long to wait at all!

Sara sorry to hear you were stuck in triage that long but glad everything's ok, have a nice relaxed day today xxxxxx
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Midwife has just left, I'm having a sweep this Friday 4th I'll be 39+6 and we will also book my induction then too which I can choose to book for anytime after 10 days of my due date so anytime after 15th. Mixed emotions to be honest as I know the sweep may not do anything but happy I don't have to wait another week to have it, really don't want to be induced either but what will be will be and after all I'll have my baby girl after it.

She's still fully engaged and hasn't gone back to back again so she's in the right position. Just a waiting game now for my little lady xxxxx

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