*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Sorry you're feeling restless today Kelly - it is horrible - like a kid waiting for Christmas but not knowing what day Christmas is coming!!! :wall2:

Yum Nandos! Hope you enjoyed it bunny :) I cooked a roast chicken last night and used the Nandos hot marinade sauce but a bit disappointed as nowhere near as hot as it is in the restaurant! To be honest I've never been one for spicy food but have been building myself up gradually - on to vindaloo tonight!! Just a store bought sauce though so not sure how good it will be.

I feel I can finally join in with the labour symptom spotting today :) I've had dull ache in my lower back all day and braxton hicks where the pain travels to my front and bump goes rock solid for about 30 seconds then releases and goes back to dull ache in my back - this has been about every 30 minutes since 6am this morning - unfortunately not increased in intensity or frequency but definitely doing something as I now have so much pressure down below and keep getting that sharp feeling I was going on about yesterday, only today it's a lot more intense (sorry to be explicit but you know that pain when OH goes a little to deep/rough) basically that!! :lol:

Michelle - so excited for you for tomorrow!! Bless Harry - as bunny says he will be so excited :) I take it someone is doing your labour thread for you?
Yes the lovely Tessa(Mary popins)is going to do it for me. I never seen to get internet in there but it cud b me I'm not good with technology lol. Get good signal tho so will keep her updated ad soon as anything develops.

Any guesses ladies pink or blue predictions n weight!!!???

I've had those pains a little bit in the last hour summer. Fingers crossed for u :)

I feel much better. Just had a bath and a mud mask and feel a little bit more relaxed now. Going to sit down with some ice (really want to chew it for some reason) and watch some tv for a while.

Michelle, I guess 7lb 2 and a girl :)

What do you think? Any feeling? X
I'm thinking boy but not convinced this time like i was with Harry!! I think 6lb8. He/she is going crazy tonight it's really hurting. I'm hoping it's burrowing down to escape n not turning the wrong way!!!

Kelly sorry you are feeling like that, will keep everything crossed its a sign for you! Gosh september is 1 sleep away and we have a few people with promising symptoms! It's so exciting! Michelle I can't wait to do your labour tread, literally text at any time ~ it will be the highlight of my day! I think girl, 7lb1 so very similar to Kelly's prediction! Summer hope this is it for you~ get a good nights sleep as things could wel ramp up tomorrow!

I have been a bit moody today ~ think bunny sent me her hormones from yesterday! We went to visit my dad for a few hours which perked me up, but he lives a bit over an hour away so am now tightening/aching probably just from the car ride. There have been a number of times over past few days I have felt like labour is coming and then it all stopped ~ it's rubbish....

In the middle of writing that my dad has just phoned and said he would pay for us to have a summer holiday next year for my 30th birthday present. Now I am crying... Oh dear, total hormonal wreck! Xx
Thanks Tessa I can't wait to tx u. That's so nice of ur Dad how exciting n something to really look forward to. I have felt emotional this Eve I think it's hitting me now that it's actually tomorrow!! That and im knackered after my 4am start early night for me u think as no doubt I will b up early.

Aww that's lovely of your dad Tess!! I know what you mean about hormones though - I'm really not typically a crier yet last night I was teary at x-factor - that man in a leather skirt singing 'the show must go on' and Simon cowell welling up at the end had me in tears! :lol:

Hope it's a good sign for us then Kelly!! Quick Google seems to suggest dilation/effacement which would be great as I'd at least like to be favourable for sweep in the next few days!

Yep get a nice early night Michelle - I bet it will be hard to sleep with all the nervous/excited butterflies but do your best - can't wait to follow your thread as you kick off the first actual September mummies!!!! :dance:

I've just said this to hubby whilst we lie in bed with eating nachos, that this month we'll definitely have our baby girl. It's really flown after s few weeks seemed to drag xx
I'll be here a lot tomoz looking for updates :)

Tessa, that is absolutely lovely of your dad :) brilliant! Hope your feeling better than earlier.

Excited ladies! But, a bit gutted as I feel much more normal again now which I think means no sign of labour approaching! Xx
Michelle, best of luck tomorrow hun, cannot wait to read all the updates etc :D Saw the pics of your little boy in your suitcase on facebook, too cute. I totally get how much you will miss him as I am already worrying about when I have to leave Ruby too as been told it is pretty likely I will have to stay in hospital for a while again after labour due to silly low iron levels and fact they expect another PPH :(
Also I am guessing you will have a 7lb 7oz little girl!

Summer, glad your friends baby arrived! 11 days overdue, bless her bet that sucked, was bad enough for me when Ruby was 9 days overdue! Exciting that you have been getting some good symptoms, hopefully it is a good sign that you will labour this week :D

Oh bless you Bunny, I hate waiting in for things that end up arriving late - so annoying! Yum to the Nandos, I haven't had one of those for a year now! Must get one!

Kelly, restlessness is definitely an important labour sign! Hope this means you will have a baby in the next few days :D

Tessa, that is so sweet of your Dad and something really lovely to look forward to :)
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Aww H! I haven't even considered staying in very long. With my son I was discharged after 4 hours. So this time I am so unprepared if I have to stay in! Xx
Aww H - I know you can never tell but my friend that had her baby this morning was consultant led due to severe PPH last time and blood transfusions etc. but this labour went really smoothly and she was home by the afternoon! :)
I would love it if that happened to me! I was going bonkers staying in hospital for so long last time! x
Good luck Michelle, I'll be thinking of you. Can't wait for the baby Hayes update!!! Xxxx
Thanks ladies so nervous n excited managed to sleep well till 2.30 n then only napped since then kept waking up with pains in my tummy(hunger I think) n worrying and excited. Up now just trying to decide to what to wear as its ment to b hot bit doesn't look like it at the mo. I know I will have to stay in probably till at least Thursday so that's what I'm worrying n upset about I will miss my boy so much. But I'm very excited aswell I get to meet my baby soon!!

Thanks for all your support ladies I know that even tho I can't log on u will b thinking of me n I hope things kick off for some of u soon.

Will update Tessa as soon as I can.

Good luck ladies! how exciting. I hope youa are all OK. Good luck today Michelle xx

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