*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I decided against pain relief this time again. I only had a bit of gas and air last time and didn't need anything else but I'm wondering whether maybe with this pain I might need something else. I'm booked into the birthing unit now, so I can't have any pain relief anyway :(
She hasn't said it effects birth more. She always tells me to keep the pressure off but then they always want you to stay active!

Ahh summer that sounds nice :) enjoy the cinema! Been so long since I've been to one of those. Haha

Eek so close to due date Summer! Exciting stuff x
Sorry girls don't have time to read properly, just saw the bit about sweeps. My midwife only does wed apps and my due date is thursday. I asked if I would have a sweep the day before due date and she said they aren't supposed to, but she would if I wanted one ~ guess all you can do is ask! Hope everyone is ok xx
Was going to say the same as Tessa, with Ruby I had my first sweep a few days overdue but I have heard from a few people that if you ask for one around the 39 week mark most will do it for you especially if you have had a lot of false labour symptoms. Depends on the midwife I guess but no harm in asking. I probably won't bother asking mine as she is so crap she would refuse even though my next appointment with her is bang on 40 weeks x
Ooooo fingers crossed then when I see her tomorrow I'll be 39+3 ! xxxx
Well I had a few raspberry leaf teas, did some cleaning, bounced on ball etc and all symptoms gone now haha. Yeah this baby is a big old tease! Just going to have to accept I likely have at least 2 more weeks to go! Never mind! :) x
I haven't done anything productive like that today. Had to cancel my friends.coming over so that I could go to bed! Nap time now! If I don't go into labour soon then I think I may be coming down with a cold x
No napping for me ladies. Hubbys not feeling very well so I'm now shiting it that I'm guna b going in alone tomoz!!! Fx he feels better soon.

Bunny they do sweeps around due date here.

Kelly my friend said the pgpare no difference to her Labour/contractions n went pretty much straight away after.

Aww just had a txt off my friend - she had her baby this morning :dance: a little boy - 11 days late!!!! But healthy and happy and That's all that matters in the end!
Hi ladies, I am utterly exhausted. I've not done much today or yesterday but have had naps both days and basically they don't help I've woken today to feel even worse than I did before a nap :( got no aches or pains either baby is happy and I'm just wiped out urghhh got a bad tummy again too. Hope your all doing well xxxx
Oh no Michelle, fingers crossed he is better by tomorrow! I am glad to hear what your friend said.

No nap for me either, I just couldn't nod off at all. Aching too much and now son is awake

Yay summer! Glad.for your friend. Long wait bless her x
Waited in all day today for this new cooker, they said it would be here between 12-4 and it's still not here. Was planning on going out when it came so not too impressed haha! We've played monopoly and carried on sorting through our clothes as we had new wardrobes and things delivered late last week so that's all done now.

Sorry your symptoms seem to have gone H, maybe it's better thinking baby will be another 2 weeks then if you're early it's a bonus!

Aww congratulations to your friend summer! Lovely news!! Xxx
Oh how annoying. Hate it when your waiting for deliveries. It's almost like waiting around for a baby!
Just been speaking to my mum about how I feel. Restless, can't sit still etc even after this morning feeling like I just wanted to lay down all day! Hot and bothered.
She said it's exactly how she felt the day before she had me!
Almost wish she didn't say it as now I'm hoping this is a sign! And if it doesn't happen tomorrow I'll be gutted :( x
Just got my bag out to have a check through again for about the 200th time!! N Harry decided to throw it all out saying mummys when it was my clothes n babies when it was the baby stuff!! Bless him he then climbed in it. Will miss him so much I hate the thought of being away from him for ages. Makes me want to cry already.

Lovely news for ur friend summer.

Aww Kelly sorry you still feel horrible! Could be a sign tho couldn't it, that would be amazing if you go tomorrow same time as Michelle!

We've just been for a Nando's after cooker finally showed up, was lovely and I even went for a hotter spice in a bid to help little one out even more I just think she's way to comfy.

Awwww Michelle that's too cute - your going to miss him of course but just keep the thought in your mind of bringing your little one home for him to love and care for all his life xxxx
Aww Kelly sorry you still feel horrible! Could be a sign tho couldn't it, that would be amazing if you go tomorrow same time as Michelle!

We've just been for a Nando's after cooker finally showed up, was lovely and I even went for a hotter spice in a bid to help little one out even more I just think she's way to comfy.

Awwww Michelle that's too cute - your going to miss him of course but just keep the thought in your mind of bringing your little one home for him to love and care for all his life xxxx
Ahh thanks bunny that bought tears to my eyes already. Think I'm guna b emotional in the morn.

Hope u r in with me tomoz Kelly wish we cud all go in together on one big Ward wouldn't that b fab lol.

Michelle that is so cute. He must want to come with you.
How are you feeling?

Yummy nandos bunny! Sounds great :)
I'm ok, nervous n excited at the same time. Still feels surreal to think potentially I cud b cuddling my baby this time(or earlier) tomoz!! Keep running things over in my mind, like have I got everything in my bag n Harry's. Will It b quick like last time or totally different. What if something goes wrong, or Harry's ill n I can't b with him. Stupid pointless stuff to worry about but I cant help it.

Will b fine once I'm there it's just the waiting that's the killer as I know u can all understand u r all waiting too.


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