*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ditto on the cramps, back pain etc Violet. Had it for weeks now definitely just normal part of pregnancy this late on. I lost my proper bloody show literally hours before I gave birth to my daughter. Had been losing bits of plug for ages so was shocked by how much came out when labour kicked off x
This raspberry leaf tea is actually becoming easier to drink as days go on, still adding tiny bit of diluted black currant to take edge off but actually quite enjoyed that cup just now! For anyone else struggling with it I definitely recommend the squash trick, it really does help! X
Aww bummer H - sorry baby was just teasing! But am I right in thinking even the false starts get you closer - I.e they are probably ripening/stretching cervix etc? So still keeping everything crossed.

Purple candy congrats on Maternity leave!! Hat off to you - don't think I'd have lasted that long!

Michelle - so exciting!! And totally normal to have last minute worries - when we went into triage the other day we were only there for a meeting with consultant but had to wait outside delivery - I got a sudden wash of panic and said 'I think I need gas&air' hubby just burst out laughing :lol: but I know when it's the real thing the excitement of meeting our babies will overshadow all the anxiety.

3 days until my due date and nothing major to report here Im afraid :roll: General crampiness / BH getting more intense especially in the evening (I'm sure when I actually go it will be between 6pm - 9pm) still getting that scrapey feeling in my cervix - hoping it's either baby's head pressing or some form of stretching going on. But no 'show' no 'clear out' etc so think he's a bit too comfy in there!

Ohhh so close Summer, very exciting Hun! When are you next going to hospital for monitoring Hun?

Yeah false labour helps you dilate etc apparently so not a complete waste of time lol and false labour normally means you are days/weeks from actual labour where as just painless BH happen all pregnancy :) x
Woohoo Purple! Well done you for sticking it out that long. I know i couldnt! Enjoy the peace and rest while you can. Hopefully wont be long till the LO arrives :)

Michelle - all will be grand. I remember the feeling the day before i was due to go in to be induced. I was just about to go out with OH when my phone rang telling me theyd a free bed and could i make it up in an hour! I broke down crying. I was so scared, i felt unprepared. But as soon as he was here it was grand. Everytging works out in the end. Dont stress :) im so excited for you tho. Finally september mummies will be kicking off!!

Today me and SIL are going baby shopping for her little one. Shes 9 weeks left and has bugger all! Left everything till last minute and now i think shes realised how quick its going by she needs to get a move on lol. Shs forgot all the little things and has no idea what to put or get for her hospital bag. Ism excited tho... LOVE baby shopping. She said she would give me her card and i could work away... id be happy with that LOL shes more interested just getting clothes haha!

Violet - bump dropping is totally normal. Baby could be engagine and thats slso why ul be feelig a lot of pressure ansd wriggles down there. Iv also been very crampy towards the end. Although the middle of the week everything tailed off.
Ic lost so much plug too... just when u think surely there cant be much more - BAM loads more lost haha!

Summer your due the day after me!!! I really dont think im going on or before my date. Although yesterday i felt so sick. Had the more horrific heartburn. Had those cramps in my stomach like i needed the loo - tried to go but nothing :/ baby was verrrry active last night to the point i was nearly crying with pain then all of a sudden it felt like she headbutted my cervix... like it was seriously low i could have probably touched her head if i tried lol. Never had the before it also really stang....

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The consultant is supposed to be calling me Tomorrow with an appointment for another scan on either Weds or Thurs (couldn't book me in on Friday due to us being there so late/bank holiday weekend and the ultrasound dept. at my hospital being nobs :roll:
Really hope she manages as I'm scared to go overdue after the private consultants report that baby has low fluid/recommend induction - just taking each day at a time. His movements have been absolutely fine so taking that as a sign that he's doing ok ...
Mummybee maybe that's the feeling I'm (badly :lol:) describing - like a stingy / scrapey feeling but just for a second or two - hope it is baby's head pressing down. C'mon babies!!!!!

Glad you will have appointment soon Summer and yeah monitoring movement is sensible, you know your baby better than anyone else :)

Enjoy your day Mummybee sounds awesome, love baby shopping!

Well I think the rlt did the trick as I am cramping up again now, I know it only helps strengthen contractions not induce labour but I feel like with a few more good false alarms I might get a baby soon so all good :) x
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Haha summer!! I dont really know how to describe it either but its sound similar!! When were you due next up to hospital? Do you think they will give you an induction date when you go for the scan regardless of results? Hope it all goes ok. Im sure its driving you insane waiting after all that craziness last week also hope you get decent staff!!!! Have you considered any more about complaining?

Thanks H :) eeeek right missy get on that ball, do some cleaning, drink more tea!! Do whatever it takes to keep this going. Sureeeely life wouldnt be so cruel to tease you agian today!! Lol!! This needs to progress!!! No pressure baby :) xx
Whens everyones next hospital appointment anyway? Does anyone know if theyll be getting their date for induction? Xx
Morning ladies !

Didn't want to post last night as had a feeling things would tail off but again last night I started feeling weird, that's the only way I can describe it just different. Like you've said Char I've never felt the baby so low , constant dull aches like period pains and sometimes they would be intense and higher up. Was wondering wether things could be starting - went to the loo & noticed I'd lost some plug - went to bed and woke up to the dull aches again but nothing more. Grrrrr haha!! But I couldn't explain to OH last night just how heavy I felt and how low little miss felt - really can't see me lasting till 42 weeks but we will see - midwife tomorrow!

Ahhh happy mat leave Purple!!!

Oh god Hayes sounds exhausting being up so early and now up with your little one, hope you manage to fit a nap in or an early night tonight.

Yeah violet how many weeks are you now? My bump dropped about 3 weeks ago and then again about 1 week ago.

H sorry things have tailed off but really exciting like summer says that it's getting things ready for you! Won't be long now I'm sure.

Summer glad little mans movements are fine, you've just done an amazing job at keeping him very comfy in there :)

Ah Bunny how frustrating! Prepping you for labour too.

Mummybee, my next mw app is the 8thth at 40+4 and I think if I go to 40+6 then I will get an induction date.

I've had a terrible sleep. I'm in so much pain today. My body is just aching like crazy and the pelvis and hips is hurting worse than ever. I've had back ache all night but I generally think that's due to the way I've been sleeping more than anything else.

I feel generally awful today!

Today we are going out to buy some formula as we are combi feeding and realised we haven't brought any! Xx
Hope things start again for you soon Bunny! Good luck with midwife tomorrow - will you ask for a sweep? :)

Sorry to hear you are still in pain Kelly, really hope baby arrives for you soon so your hip pains stop. I have been lucky this pregnancy and got away with no pain really but I remember my hips were so painful when pregnant with Ruby that it actually made me teary so I sympathise hun. It truly is horrible xx

My next appointment is with a GP on Thursday - not sure what happens at this one as never saw a GP when pregnant with Ruby! Anyone have any ideas? x
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Oh Kelly I hope you feel much better soon, do baths help your aches? I feel they massively take the edge off mine maybe that will help?

Yeah like the ladies have said I suppose every little pain & ache now is all good and is setting us up for the big day. It did feel really different , mum said could be cervix opening up if it was different to what I'm used too but we will wait and see.

Today we have to wait in for our new cooker, I ordered the wrong one I ordered electric instead of gas haha so we've had to swop it, might go and see our nieces too!

Yeah H I would like a sweep, they can't do it till I'm past my due date can they? Xxxx
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I never had an app with a GP either so unfortunately I am clueless.

H, when did u get sweeps when pregnant with Ruby?
I never had one other than when I was already in labour at 2 cm.
I remember not getting offered one until I was nearly 41 weeks! Xx
Bunny, some places do sweeps before due date :) you may get lucky.
Baths do help. It's always difficult having a nice bath with my son around though as he gets bored playing in his bedroom x

I really feel quite sad today about this pain. I almost feel like crying because this pain is so bad that I can't imagine the pain I'd be in during labour. I only imagine it's so much worse when you have Pgp? :( x
Ditto on the cramps, back pain etc Violet. Had it for weeks now definitely just normal part of pregnancy this late on. I lost my proper bloody show literally hours before I gave birth to my daughter. Had been losing bits of plug for ages so was shocked by how much came out when labour kicked off x

I'm losing a fair bit today which is unusual for me tbh but my body is doing what it needs to so just bouncing on my ball for a while xxx it's been clear only on Saturday was it a bit yellowish and midwife said that's fairly common for a lot of women xxx
Fingers crossed then Kelly, my app is at 1.30 tomorrow I think so I'll keep you all posted - I do want one that's for sure but don't mind waiting till I'm 40 weeks as that's this Saturday anyway.

Oh it's horrible you feel that bad - have you taken some paracetamol? I don't know what else to advise just really hope it eases for you and it could completely go when labor comes xxxx
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The way my midwife works is that she will give me sweeps every couple of days after 40+4. Hopefully none of us need one! :-)

I will take some paracetamol. I haven't moved since I crawled out of bed. OH has got me a cuppa and some toast and I've stayed put on the sofa but really need to go get ready to go out! Xx
Aww I feel for you Kelly - has your midwife discussed with you about how pgp affects labour? - perhaps it would be wise to consider epidural sooner? I was never keen on epi as the paralysis feeling scares me and the fact you can't feel when to push but I didn't realise until I went to antenatal class that you can have a 'walking epi' so you can still remain mobile/feel the pushing stage etc but it takes the pain away more effectively than anything else! Definitely something I will consider if I feel Im not coping.

I'm going to ask the consultant for a sweep when I go to the hospital on Weds/Thurs - if not then I'll get my midwife to do one on Friday (I'll be 40+1)

Went for a nice walk round the lakes yesterday but it's gloomy and rainy here today so we're going to go to cinema to watch 'inside out' ha. Not sure that's particularly productive in getting baby out but o well - I need a new Disney fix! :lol:


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