*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Possibly, this is exactly what happened the night before I had my daughter, was convinced I was in labour etc and then all stopped and then next day it started again and had my bloody show and proper labour began. We shall see. Getting weird pains all over belly now, not contractions but just weird stabbing type pains, all rather odd and frustrating :/ going to try and have a nap shortly x
Hey ladies how's everyone been today? I've had a rather lazy day, been on my ball loads as I've got a weird niggly back pain that won't go, also been super moody today too oh just won't shut up when watching something so I've been outside reading a book most of the time and I had a nap at 11-2 so clearly needed the sleep it's still not helped still really grumpy haha I've not snapped at him or anything just needed time to myself really had alot of mucus earlier on too it wasn't my plug I don't think but lost a massive piece yesterday. I highly doubt this baby is goin got show early like the midwives have said I am 100% convinced I'll go over due. So that's been my day really sleeping, reading chilling xxx
Oh H sorry to log on and see it may have been false labour for you, like the ladies have said it could all ramp back up and tomorrow be your day like with Ruby! Now that's exciting!!!

Michelle it's so much easier said then done because we all worry don't we, I constantly have little thoughts what if this and what if that. Thing is your going to be amazing and we all know it and you do too deep down :)

Violet read up and you can see how everyone's been :)

H that is such a pain, but get a good nights sleep and see what tomorrow brings! Could be an exciting day!

Michelle I think that's totally normal, you are so close to the end now that little things are bound to come to mind.... This bit will all be over so soon xxx
I can't stop eating at the moment, is anyone else the same? Not the healthy stuff either. How much weight has everyone put on? I've put just over 2 stone on, eek! x
I've put on about the same. I didn't really do anything about baby weight after having Amelia as I knew we wanted another one soon. Hoping half will come off straight away and will start some kind of exercising when I can.
Aw H Im totally gutted for you! I really thought this was it!! Pray its the start tho and tomorrow itll kick back off again! Id try get as much sleep and rest you can tonight just incase!

Purple im on the same boat. I honestly sicken myself looking back at what i eat during the day! I havent even been brave enough to weigh myself i dont think i will before i give birth either haha!! The only heatly thing iv been eating is pears lol the rest is literally s**t! Sweets chocolate & crisps. Normally idont eat sweets and im not a massive chocolate fan so the pregnancy has definately given me a sweet tooth... i really am clueless as to how i passed my GTT!! Xx
My diet during pregnancy has been worse than normal too! Carrying a girl definitely gave me more of a sweet tooth than usual as I don't eat sweet usually.

Hoping for a good sleep. My back and hips ache so really don't want them to wake me up again all night :( x
Well my cramping has pretty much tailed off, but she's super low now so I think things are gearing up towards final days. Her movements feel like they're in my groin! Feel really sick too, so restless makes me pleased I finished work last week I'll be a right grump tomorrow I just know I'm going to sleep terribly. Hubby is still out so hoping he's not too drunk, my mums taken her phone to bed with her just in case, but think it's just been me overdoing it the last two days xx
My diet too - ate a entire box of grapes tonight to try and get rid of my raving for a galaxy ripple then ended up eating the Galaxy anyway! Should have just given in lol!xx
Yeah I'm usually pretty good eating wise, no chocolate or sweets and never have desserts now I eat it all and more and I'm having a boy! Cereal and cold milk seems to be a thing at the moment too x
Hope things have ramped up for you h.

I have been awake since 4 trying to stop my brain from thinking awful thoughts or just general things I need to do before baby( there's nit much) but cudnt switch off!! Shattered now n up with a toddler!!! Bump keeps going hard but no pains hope I cam make it through another 24hrs.

What plans does everyone have today. Me n my sis n best friends r off to the soft play n then lunch. Will prob head to my mum's after so I'm not on my own as I'm worried it might b today. At least hubby will b home by 5 n then that's him off for three weeks.

Morning Ladies,

Thanks all for the support yesterday, really appreciated it :) Sadly it has not ramped up for me overnight but have woken up with more back pain and weird niggles so not giving up all hope just yet as this is third day of feeling weird now. Might try a few RLT etc in a bit n see if I can give baby a nudge. If that doesn't work then will assume I am just going to suffer a few mean false alarms until due date lol. Had a good 8 hours of sleep anyway so if it kicks off I feel ready anyway :)

Michelle - your fears are so normal hun, I know exactly what you mean but all will work out fine once baby arrives :) Can't believe tomorrow is the day, it has come round so fast! You might do what JJ did and go into labour during soft play today! Eeeeeek! So excited for you hun :D

Congrats on the maternity leave Purple, enjoy hun! I remember how hard I found it working up to 38/39 weeks with my daughter so fair play to you hun, must of been quite a struggle towards the end! Put those feet up, who knows how many days you have left to do that ;)
Cereal and cold milk has been my thing all through this pregnancy too, always get to around 9pm and start craving it lol.

Oh ladies I am the same, I have eaten so much crap during this pregnancy it is unreal but the last month or so I have really gone off food and have been eating much better! Quite a contrast as when I was pregnant with my daughter although I did eat a bit of crap I was mostly healthy and only put on 8lb all pregnancy as I actually lost weight to start with! I have not dared weigh myself this time as I think I would cry haha. Just going to concentrate on getting fit and healthy again after baby arrives. I lost weight really quickly after I had Ruby as I simply didn't have time to eat or would forget to eat as I was so busy! I remember one evening me and OH put Ruby to bed sat down and realised we hadn't eaten ALL DAY and hadn't even noticed! How bad is that?!

Doll_eyes, sorry things tailed off for you too. How are you feeling this morning? I know what you mean about baby feeling so low down now - maybe that is what these false alarms were doing for us?! I feel like I am nearing end now too, will honestly be surprised if I last another 2 weeks without baby arriving but you never know I guess :)
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Oh H sorry to hear of false labour :/ and doll eyes I think our babies are just comfy for now. I've woken to niggly back back and back tummy cramps baby bump has dropped a hell of a lot today that's normal right? Been losing more plug last night and a tiny bit today but it's clear so I'm just carry on as normal xxx
Thanks h I'm sure I will b fine when I get to the hospital but it's the waiting around now I just want to have him/her!! Hope I don't go in the soft play!! Altho I will take my bag in my sis car just in case!!

Violet I've Been losing my plug for ages now n backache etc but nothing has arisen from it!!!!


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