*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Summer, I was starkers in the birthing pool! Afterwards I did wonder why I hadn't wore any clothes at all lol. Nevermind haha x
Thanks Loulabelle x

H, this is exciting! Doll also exciting! Oh fingers crossed we get a labour thread soon x
All these symptoms sound promising ladies.

Bunny no nerd to apologize to us hun we all know how u feel esp when u kinda get it hopes up n then nothing. I've been to the park this morn with Harry n then my mum's fir a roast whilst hubby was working n then we took Harry fir a walk n them tea at mums. I've been uncomfortable all day again back hurts loads n my bits feel like baby is pushing on them esp when I sit. Just git home now n guna have a nice shower n wash my hair n today up so all is dove fur Tuesday or poss tomoz!!

Got to touch up my nails too.

Thanks loulabelle
Glad your feeling better bunny. I went off on one at my OH earlier over my sons school jumper... he wouldnt pass me it lma! Had a total breakdown fgs

Oh im so excited h! Everything crossed things progress!!
I cant even remember the last time id a full shave! Its just too difficult i just try and keep the foof tidy and hope im able to properly shave when im in early labour haha!! Xx

Oh... summer i feel for your friend! I was due 20th october and didnt have my son till the 2nd november its was terrible! Im sure she didnt take it to heart lol!

Is xfactor on tonight again... i havent even watched last nights. Im so behind on tv! Weirdly i can seem to stand watching it, it annoys me. Id rather sit in silence haha! Xx
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Thanks Tessa & Michelle for understanding ! Yeah I think it was that, will continue doing the odd thing but won't obsess like yesterday haha!

Ooooo is X Factor on again tonight?? That's made my day haha!

Haha Kelly I'm always naked, it must be a pregnant thing I hate wearing clothes.

Totally agree with the others bunny, totally normal to have little melt downs whilst pregnant, I have been a right moody cow sometimes which is totally out of character for me lol. You are entitled to feel fed up Hun, we all get it :)

Well I have realised that the tightenings have spread to whole bump but I not been timing them as been pottering around, bathing Ruby at mo but will have to start paying attention to them when she gets out of bath! X
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Thank you Helen! I know it's really out of character for me too I'm feeling lots better after chilling today and again having a word with myself. We've waited almost 3 years for this baby to happen to us, what's another 3 weeks going to do? We are lucky lucky lucky.

Eeeeeek H I am so excited for you - sounds really really promising!!!! Michelle is a psychic !! xxxxx
Haha I'm not sure about that as I did think baby would cum for me sometime this weekend n now I've totally changed my mind n think it will b weds. Does seem very promising fir you h tho I have a good feeling!!!

Well my hair is washed n body defuzed!! Starting to feel scared now that it's only hrs away!!

Ooh how exciting h!! Hope they developed into something!
Bought rasp leaf tea from massive tescos in Hexham and its gross! So drinking it like a shot stewing it till its cold - bought three boxes of the stuff lol!
Nothing symptom wise last night dtd and bounced on my ball spicey food....Just sore hips ha! Xx
Have you got butterflies Michelle? You are going to be amazing I am so excited for you!

Aww that's a shame you don't like it Char, I love mine gone through a box in 2 weeks haha! xxxx
Yea I'm so nervous n excited at the same time. My whole world is guna change again in a matter of days n Harry's too. I can't wait of course but I'm still nervous esp about the birth wondering if it will b the sane as before or completely different this time. Also worried that something will go wrong last min with baby or me but I know it's just silly worries that I can't change so just need to try n relax.

I hope so Michelle! :)
I wish I liked it - should hope by three boxes later it will grow on me! X
Oops that response was to your previous message - it'll be amazing Michelle I'm sure but I think we all worry about something - i know I really do worry about the daftest of things xx
Aww Michelle, try not to worry. Much easier said than done I know x
Well after 5 hours of pains and contractions it has started tailing off now so think it was a very cruel false labour :( x
Ah no! I am so gutted for you! Could you try something to ramp them up again? A bit of laughing or dancing? X
Bugger my prediction was wrong!!!! Hopefully might just b the lull before it all kicks off for you hun.


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