*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Oh h that is very exciting ~ will keep my eyes peeled for your labour thread later!! Hope it continues for you! Thanks loulabelle xx
No she was 9 days overdue hun but doesn't mean much as all labours different :)

This definitely feels like very early labour pains to me, they are just uncomfortable not painful at mo but are getting quite intense if that makes sense x
Ohhhhhhhh I'm excited!
Now I'm keen to keep an eye on this all day! Eek!.xx
Omg I'm so excited I Said h or bunny this weekend!!!

We are considering a walk. It is raining, but our son loves going in the rain and splashing around and I feel like I have to get out of the house! Xx
I love walking in the rain (as long as it isn't torrential lol) go for it! We have not long got home from taking Ruby swimming and I have just put dinner in oven - if this turns into full on labour i am gonna need the energy! X
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Sounds good H! We are gonna go :)

Ideally, our baby will arrive on Friday as OH annual leave starts then. If she comes before, he will have to have the rest of the week unpaid and if she comes late, he will miss lots of time with her.

Although, Wednesday would be good :)

I really fancy a roast but didn't buy anything to make one. So going to have sausage and mash again today lol x
We have chicken pie and gravy with roast potatoes and peas, my mouth is watering lol x
H that sounds like perfect energy food! I really thought things were kicking off for me friday with early labour pains and then nothing.... Never had false starts with Belle, maybe more common second time round? X
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Ooh how exciting h! I'm getting period pains low in my bump and tops of my thighs it actually feels like my period is about to start. Don't want it to be anything though as hubby is going out for his last night out with his brothers at 7 and I've not shaved my legs or my forest of a lady garden! My mum is on standby just in case.
Definitely more common I think as I have had a couple now. I did have a false start with Ruby the night before she was born too though. Just praying this either ramps up or goes away as I hate the limbo part where you get all excited as it may not happen lol x
Ohhh doll_eyes that does sound promising too :) it's funny I thought to myself in shower this morning I better shave my legs today just in case lol x
I really hope it is it for you h! Totally know what you mean though, I am happy waiting another week or so, but your body playing tricks is really just mean! Even if it does stop you might end up 1 or 2 cm dilated which would give you a head start for the real deal! Positive thoughts!

Doll eyes thats exciting too ~ can hubby get back easily if needed? X
Very true Tessa, good to be positive either way, thanks :) x
Had my phone off all day & chilled with OH catching up on TV & just having a laugh. Was much needed and feel a million times calmer & back to myself now. Sorry about the mood this morning ladies I'm proper ashamed. I'm not even at my due date yet there was no need for that meltdown haha! OH has gone for s roast at his family's and he's bringing me one back so I have that to look forward too :)

Thanks Louloubelle! Lovely message!

Oooooo H this is very exciting and would make Michelle's prediction true!! Haha Dolleyes I was adamant I would have little miss this weekend so managed to shave my legs and horrific lady garden, OH was impressed haha! Very exciting for you too - maybe the full moon is working just took its time!!!

Keeping my eye out for updates! :-)
Back from walk and my house is so muggy. I feel like getting completely naked!
Glad you are feeling better bunny ~ don't apologise for having a bad day, we all have them and all understand how you feel! I did wonder if you were down after all your efforts yesterday didn't come to anything, it's hard when you get your hopes up! For now we can wait, enjoy some peace and round two of X factor ~ next week we may be watching it sat on blow up cushions! X
Luckily he's only going to the next village over so only 5 mins away. Taken a paracetamol and going to have a bath just in case and tidy my bits lol been out to the shopa and pottered about, had just hung washing out and cramping came out of nowhere. Hoping it's just body going in the right direction! I wanted her out now I don't feel ready lol never happy xx
Haha - so funny, bunny needing to strip off last night, Kelly today - I must admit when I have particularly intense BH I have to take my top off - I can't bare anything touching my bump. We have packed a small bottle of mum&me oil in hospital bag so that hubby could massage me during labour but as my BH get more intense I've realised I can't stand having anything or anyone touching me! I also bought a bikini/modesty skirt for birthing pool but can see that going out the window - nakedness all the way! Haha xxx
I'm looking forward to another round of x factor tonight :)

Good luck Doll_eyes xx

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