*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I keep getting sore boobs too. Doesn't last long but they go really sensitive and heavy feeling every now and then!
OH just gone to football, now I have to try and find something to do with Joshy for a few hours. He wasn't going to play today so I thought it would be all of us today. Might try a little dancing a floor scrubbing :) x
We were meant to be at that family wedding today but have decided not to go so we are just going to take Ruby swimming after lunch and OH wants to watch the footie this afternoon so I will probably try some baby inducing things whilst he does that lol. Hope eveyone has a lovely day xx
Going to put a pad on in a mo - something keeps trickling out every time baby moves and am not sure if it is waters or if my bladder has given up lol x
Aw, can't help but feel a little disappointed that the super moon didn't give us so much as a twinge! I did see a friend on FB went into labour last night but that's no good for us in here getting impatient! Ah well x
Is it terrible that my friend sent me a picture of her newborn nephew (due two weeks after me) and I couldn't bare to look at it. All people seem to do is send me baby pictures and tell me 'your baby will come when she's ready'. Arghhhh! Think today is a meh day, I'll be better tomorrow I promise haha

Ooooo H let us know how that goes! xxx
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Me too purple lol, I can't believe we've not had any earlier babies. Im starting to get nervous now about labour eek think I'd just not thought about it until I saw my ticker say babies a pumpkin today! Just want it over and done with Xx
Ohh H! Hope your not peeing lol

I've just seen a photo of my friends nephew, born a couple of days ago! Eek! So cute. Can't wait.

It's really annoying when people say 'she will come when she's ready' as if people think we dont know that already?
I swear people think pregnant ladies are thick! X
I sort of hope it is just pee or at least that I can tell either way as already wasted my time going to hospital for a leak 2 months ago and they couldn't find anything lol. Feel like a time waster lol. Pad on now anyway so will monitor and let you guys know later x
Oh hope it's ur waters h!!! I sneezed loads yesterday n not only did it hurt I am sure I peed a little lol.

God just read my last message and I sound like such a nob haha!

Turning my phone off today ladies & shaking this mood off. Will catch up tonight or tomorrow.

Hope I come on to a labour thread :)

Have lovely days gorgeous one lots of love me and little miss x x x
Aww don't worry bunny - it's natural, I'm one of the first September due dates but can't promise I won't be a little bit jealous when you guys pop before me :lol: my friend was due August 20th and still overdue bless her! She's being induced on Thursday if still going - which is my due date - I joked that our babies might be born on the same day but probably a bit insensitive in hindsight! I know Im going to be a moody mare if I go overdue :lol:
Oh my god when I went 9 days over due with my daughter I was so fed up it was unreal, everyone having babies before me really pissed me off lol. She was meant to be born on the 6th November and she came at 11.59pm on the 15th! Totally normal to feel fed up x
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Hi guys :)
Not posted in here before, but I just wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy birth month for your little ones :)
X x
When I hadn't my baby on due date last time I was bad enough so I can't imagine how I'll feel going overdue! Lol
He was only a day late!
Thanks Loulabelle :) xx

I don't want to get anyone excited as might stop but I have been having tightenings that start in lower back and go round lower bump, sharp pains lasting for about 15 seconds stopping for 5 sconds or so and starting again. Had them for the last hour. This is how labour started with my daughter, had a few hours of this before they turned into full on contractions so you never know. Will keep you posted. Also seriously want to puke at mo! x
Oh yeah, this is definitely getting worse now! If this suddenly stops I will cry haha! x
Thanks loulabelle!
Eek H!! Please keep us posted - going for a walk with hubby and dog -,I'm just feeling a bit heavy and crampy - like the day before a period. I can't remember H - was Ruby early?

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