*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Thanks.. mine are 700 which I thought were high to begin with. Il maybe just stick with taking two a day hopefully wont need to be taking them for much longer lol. Fx theyre doing the job!
No dtd for me tonight... OH is down with man flu and has been in bed since 8pm lol! Im praying he keetps it to himself. Id the flu giving birth last time... i dont need it this time but iv the worse luck in the world. I catch everything going :'( xx
Nothing here :( fell asleep after my curry too so didn't get to finish the challenge. Might just get starkers and go and howl in the back garden, lol. Ooooowwwwwwwwww!!

Well looks like these Sept babies are planning on being on time for Sept x
Well the full moon definitely makes some little people act weird - my daughter just woke me up chatting away in her room so I went to see her and she sat in middle of her cot reading an animal book and counting the hippos haha. She has never done anything like that before 5am before! Got her to go back to sleep now crazy child lol x
Im sure the neighbours will think youve lost the plot purple lol!!
How strange h! Atleast she went back over for you :)
Iv been wide awake since 3 tossing and turning. If only they done sleeping tablets for pregnant women.... could really do with them right now lol. My stomach is now growling for food but im too lazy to go get something haha hopefully il just konk out and forget all about it! X
Me too I really hoped to cum on n see a Labour thread. Starting to think it will b me now!! Only 48hrs to go for me.

This baby must be really low down now as my episiotomy scar has really started stinging today, assuming it is from the pressure... X
4 RLT's
DTD at night
Madras curry
Pineapple for dessert
3 hours bouncing on the ball throughout the day
30 minutes+ dancing like a lunatic
Scrubbed bathroom & living room

I've came to the conclusion that even with a full moon my little girl is far too comfy. I did have pains & tightenings for a bit before I fell asleep.

Just before bed last night I went all weird, kept crying for no reason & laughing at the same time (you know that ridiculous cry/laugh where you can't make up how you feel), felt a sudden need to strip off so sat naked on my ball crying eating pineapple. OH was pissing himself!

But no, no baby sorry ladies! xxxx
That's a shame bunny but today's another day ladies n anyone cud go at any time don't b disheartened.

It won't be long now. All one step closer :-D
just means more babies born around the same time!
I really really hope little miss comes by due date though! 5 days to go! Xx
Yeah I've gave up trying now, only tried all that last night with it being a full moon and wanted her here before Thursday. Sod's law Ill have her Thursday xxx
Ouch H. That doesnt sound very nice :(
Oh bunny im so sorry but i just had to giggle at the thought of that lol!!
Im with u giving up... i seem to find myself more focused on the 4th tgan my due date. Cause i know then il get my sweep and induction date so i know for definate when she Will be here. If i go before then its s bonus i suppose lol xx
Haha bunny that's hilarious, nothing here either had some tightenings, but I've still got two weeks yet! Xx
Ha bunny that made me chuckle ~ sorry! Can't believe no one had any luck!

I didn't sleep well for the first time in weeks as couldn't get comfy. Today I have really sore boobs ~ what's that all about? X
I honestly don't think I'd have been that bothered if my midwife hadn't said 'I doubt I'll see you at your next app on the 1st' to OH & when I was having all them signs the other weekend. XXXX
Haha even I woke up laughing at the site of me doing that xxx

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