*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Aww I hope you feel better and have a fab night Dolleyes! Sounds like you've had yourself a busy day!!

I feel a bit better now I'm in the bath - still got a banging head and feel a bit sick but maybe that's good signs xxxx
No plans. Thinking I might order myself a Chinese and stick a film on.
Glad you are feeling better now Bunny! Hope the headache passes x
Thanks Kelly appreciate that :) ! Sounds like a lovely little night you have planned. I was planning on ordering a hot curry but with my funny tummy I've had today I don't think that's the best idea.

Just in case anyone had thought about pineapple to bring on labour :

'Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which is thought to help to soften your cervix and bring on labour. Just bear in mind that there's no scientific evidence to support this. One pineapple contains a very small amount of bromelain. You would need to eat as many as seven pineapples to have any effect'

Think I'll give it a miss! xxxx
I have given up trying to get baby to arrive for now lol. Too much effort haha, will wait for full moon tomorrow! Tonight I am going to have a bath, do my nails and have a nice ice cold can of Dr pepper which I have just sent my poor OH out to buy as had a massive craving for it lol x
I love pineapple anyway. Last time I ate loads of pineapple in my last week. It's impossible to tell of it actually does anything though anyway lol.

H, I'm enjoying a cold can of cherry coke. I haven't had one for a very long time but really fancied one so ordered one with my dinner :-) x
Forgot I was having curry tonight don't think it was a good idea!!

Can't wait fir bed now n hope tomoz is a better day of either a baby or less pains!!

just going to jump in here...
After complaining yesterday of no symptoms i woke at 6am this morning feeling soooo sick! Ran to the loo had the runs (sorry tmi!) Also lost LOTS of plug! Got back into bed did nothing but shivers and shakes. Managed to fall asleep for another half hour before id to get up and take my lb to nursery. Still felt really ill but wasnt actually sick. It finally passed about 1ish. Went home and ended up clearing my whole upstairs and cleaning. After id had really bad back ache. Oh rubbed it but didnt help much so got onto the ball. Had a curry for tea. Got up to put lb to bed and i think i felt a leak... not 100% and im still not. I went up and just put a liner on sat for half an hour got up again and convinced i felt another trickle. I really dont know if its just a little pee or not! Checked liner and it was damp. Changed it and im now lying in bed to see if anything happens when i get up. Xx
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Ohhhh Mummybee how exciting! Will be stalking for an update! Xxxx
Well i got up and nothing.... boo :( got a terrible nights sleep last night so im going to try get some sleep now just incase! Xx
Aww got all excited there mummy bee lol we ended up going out for tea and hubby has had a few beers so i drove us back. Couldn't have done buskers no seats and I'd not have lasted in the heat was packed! Secretly pleased as I'm so tired now and so itchy on my feet!
Just catching up after a chilled night with the OH ended up in us racing each on all 4's up and down the living room (apparently good position to encourage baby out haha)

Mummybee things could still happen overnight for you , hope you have a much better nights sleep tonight! Excited for you lots of love!

Michelle hope you're feeling ok too lovely.

My little one has not stopped today, much more then normal

Yeah hope summer is ok too! xxxxx
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Hope you ladies are okay?
Mummybee I got all excited! I still am! Hope it is going to turn into something exciting! My LO is extra quiet again this evening. More so than yesterday. It's like she has changed her routine to being a morning fidget! I'll see how movement is in the morning though. Really just want my waters to break now. I'm quite concerned about going overdue all of a sudden. I think I'm really not expecting any later than my son 40+1, so the more i think it could be, the more I worry about it! Xx
Ugh. Terrible sleep. Today I feel sick, head hurts, belly hurts and feel like baby is so low that she is going to drop out of me!
I think I'm going to have to go back to bed! Xx
Morning, hope things have kicked off for someone!! We need sum babies now.

I'm still not myself but a bit better I think, mayb it's just nerves now as I know with Harry it was 38wks n that's what I am today! At least hubbys around today n tomoz!!

The worst thing is swollen bits I don't remember getting this with Harry n it's not so much painful just swollen n a bit sore. Anyone no if that's a sign or just me being weird!!

I've had that on and off over the past few weeks. Only lasted a few hours each time.. no idea what caused it!
Really hope I feel better when I get back up. Eugh!
Any plans for Saturday ladies? X
I had a dream last night that onion makes breast milk supply higher so I was walking around holding 2 onions next to my boobs in my dream x
Sorry you had a crappy sleep Kelly, how are LOs movements this morning?

Has anyone heard from Summer? I'm beginning to think she might of had/ be having her baby...
Googled the foof n apparently it's normal phew!!

Was just thinking I wonder if Sumner had to stay in to be induced. Hope she n baby r ok wherever they r.

hope u feel better soon Kelly.

3more sleeps for me!!


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