*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Morning Ooh how exciting - we defo need some babies!! Feeling really nautious this morning with a funny tummy and allot of pressure on my back - tho that could be anything as I was on anti sickness injections earlier on in the week! Hoping it will come soon!
Hope your all feeling ok today - love the dream Kelly lol!
Getting my hair cut today - as a ftm wondering if I should go quite short (quicker drying time) or keep it shoulder length then I can throw it back in a bobble when knackered and not feel I have to wash it daily? xxx
Sorry you had a rubbish sleep Kelly and woke up feeling unwell, have you managed to get back to sleep and sleep it off? Is LO moving more this morning?

Nope haven't heard from summer which is strange she's usually quite active in the group isn't she, maybe her and OH are spending some time getting last bits ready now she knows she will defiantly have little man next week.

I slept okay last night and feel better then I did yesterday, we DTD again last night and nothing. I think little miss has got herself far too comfy and now thinking I will go over my due date, my baby perdition day was yesterday. Fingers crossed this full moon gets someone moving, wether it's me or not it'll get me excited haha!

I was meant to be going to spend the day with my mum but she's coming here now with her dogs, closer to the hospital if anything was to happen while OH is out at his first match at his new club. Probably go for s walk and some dinner. You ladies? Xxxxxx
Ugh yuck just fell asleep on sofa for 10 mins and woke up to throw up :/ what is that about?!

I am so tired today, teenagers across street had a massive party last night with super loud drum n base music outside in their garden until the early hours so I didn't sleep great lol. Probably going to have a nap shortly when I put Ruby back to bed for an hour :)
Seems like we're all feeling a bit under the weather the last couple of days - sickness should not happen in tri 3 it should be forbidden!!! Haha!

Oh no I can't bare not being able to sleep , bet you were going out of your mind. Did Ruby sleep through it?

Ooooo I'm 39 weeks today !!

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Yeah she managed to sleep through fine, I was really surprised actually as they were all screaming at top of their lungs too! Tell me about it, you wouldn't think you would be sick this late in pregnancy would you?! Lol x
Awwww that's good!!

No I know I wonder what causes it this late on? xxxxx
CharDrap I had mine cut short before Harry n altho I did enjoy it I found it a pain a lit of the tine as I just wanted to sweep it up off my face into a ponytail or bun n get going. Having Saud that it was fine when he was a newborn as they sleep a lot so cud do it more. It's long now n often tied up but then when I go out I can have it down n feel different to mummy if that makes sense!!

With two it's defo guna b easier to tie back n go as I doubt I will get much time to myself lol.

really hope summers ok.

hope u feel better h, someone's got to pop over the full moon weekend!!!

Hmm...thanks Michelle I think il keep it long - like the idea of styling it when wanting to feel less mumsy otherwise it'll just look the same all the time! Hope summers ok too!
Charlotte xx
Ooh hope summer is okay, sorry you're all feeling so rough ladies, hopefully the day gets better. I've just woken up, slept straight through first time in weeks. I'm going to DTD this weekend we did last week and I got such bad cramps so it might get things moving once I'm 38 weeks.

Bunny rabbit is all fixed, she had a huge grass seed in her eye. Hubby said it was 2cm long, bless her not sure if it was from her hay from the farmer or grass outside going to treat her to some posh internet hay and donate the rest of the farm bale to the rescue centre. I'm such a sad bum getting excited over rabbit hay lol.

Enjoy your weekends ladies! Xx
Morning, right ladies, we need to get some full moon rituals going on, I want to see spicy food, bouncing on balls, rlt being guzzled, epo being taken, pineapple, labour dancing, long walking, anything else I've missed off! Go, go, go! Babies, the countdown is on, you are being evicted from the big mumma house xx
Awww Doll_eyes, poor rabbit, bet that was really sore poor thing. Glad all sorted :)

Apparently some women puke before they go into labour? Didn't happen to me last time but you never know! haha yeah right, wishful thinking! Lets get some babies out this weekend ladies, I propose we all do the mad labour dance under the full moon - apparently it appears at 6.30pm :P lol

I agree with Michelle on the hair thing Char, I had a lovely side fringe, tons of short layering etc before I had Ruby but took ages to style so I decided to grow it all out long for when she was born and although it doesn't look as nice now it is definitely a hell of a lot easier just to put it up in a top knot or something out of your face! :) x
Lol purple you make me laugh but I totally agree! Totally accept the task :D x
Haha purplecandy that's brill I defo want baby out but I'm happy to wait till Tuesday as I'm now very terrified it's guna happen so quick n I will b out!!!

Yeah Char, I'd say longer too and invest in some dry shampoo - a girls best friend! Lol x

Hope Summer is ok and having babies cuddles x

Hope all your crappy symptoms ease up ladies so you can enjoy the weekend x

I'm working today and tomorrow then can finally relax on my maternity leave. The dogs have had their baths and haircut this week ready to meet their new baby brother and I've got cleaners in for a deep clean on Tuesday. Just need to stock up the fridge and freezer I think with quick meals then we're ready. Although still not received my SMP1 form to send off to receive my maternity allowance which is annoying and is going to end up delaying my payments x
Hayes, you only have to do half effort on the tasks if you're waiting until Tues ;-) x
Hi ladies! So sorry for not updating you last night - we had a very stressful and largely unproductive day at the hospital - after going back at 14:30 for scan we didn't get home until 8pm and I was so upset and disgusted by some of the treatment we received I literally just ate dinner and went to bed ...

So arrived early for scan - completely empty waiting room so was called in immediately by sonographer who seemed really pissed off from the outset ...
She very abruptly asked 'why we were there? / why we had gone for a private scan? She rolled her eyes and huffed at every answer - she asked the consultants name and then proceeded to slag him off - so unprofessional, hubby and I sat there in shock :shock: She said she used to work with him, and that she wanted to 'snap his trouser braces'?? I've no idea whether it was to do with politics between private health service / NHS - you'd think from how bitter she was she was his ex-wife or something?! And all this before she'd even put the Doppler on my belly - hubby and I looked at each other and knew straight away this wasn't going to go well - she very quickly went 'fluid is fine, baby is fine,'
I questioned how the data could be so different -
we now have a report saying baby has low fluid (2.4cm at deepest point) with a degrading placenta and should be induced within a week for safety of both mother and baby. And a report saying fluid is fine (5cm at deepest point) placenta is fine. No action needed. You can see how this is rather disconcerting for us?!
We went back up to day unit to wait for our meeting with consultant. A lovely midwife came to see us and asked if we were ok? She said I had a peek at your notes - that's rather odd isn't it?! How are you feeling? I didn't really know what to say - we felt as if we'd been attacked for giving a sh** about our baby and still in shock at how unprofessional the sonographer had been.

The consultant was lovely: I calmly explained that we had absolutely no interest in the internal politics between NHS/ private healthcare or the personal relationships between the staff and the private consultant we had seen but we felt that based on her attitude and rudeness towards us and our consultant the scan was extremely biased and not in any way reassuring.
The consultant apologised profusely, agreed that one of the reports had to be wrong and obviously required more investigation. She went and got the registrar. He was nice but clearly very busy (he was all scrubbed up and beeper kept going off) I felt really bad as he was obviously required for more urgent situations - he immediately started telling me the risks and horrors of inductions (which was horrible because I felt he thought I was just 'bored of being pregnant' and pushing for an unnecessary induction) In the end I made it very clear that this was not the case. I burst into tears and told him I did not WANT an induction - I had a very lovely birth plan which involved a ball and a birth pool and calming music and a healthy baby coming out of me! But 24 hrs ago a specialist consultant told us that our baby could be in danger if not born within the next week and quite frankly you can cut me open without anaesthetic if you please! but after the appalling unprofessional treatment of your sonographer I'm not going home without satisfactory reassurance or a plan in place!
He said he understood and asked if I would be happy with daily monitoring on the CTG and another scan on or before my due date to ensure all was well. I felt this was absolutely fair and agreed.
He went off to arrange - after an hour the nice lady consultant came back and said the triage midwives are aware of the situation and you can come in at any point any day to be put on the CTG (no need to phone ahead) however the ultrasound department are refusing to re-scan you ... :shock: WHAT - apparently they said the scan done today showed no further scanning was required at this stage. Can they REFUSE to scan me under your referral?? She said: As it's not directly our department yes, but they were very abrupt and rude to me - I gave no explanation as to why I wanted you re-scanned in a weeks time they just point blank refused to do it'

Never have I been so disgusted in the service of the public sector in my entire life!!! The consultant said the best she could do was get us an appointment with a consultant at a different hospital (1hr away!) and their sonographers would scan me there. However as the consultant is not back until Tues (bank holiday weekend) she couldn't confirm date/time. I told her my due date was Thursday - she said she would chase it up and try and get me seen urgently on the Wednesday or Thursday, if the consultant was at all worried or scan showed conditions were not favourable I would be sent straight back to my original hospital and baby delivered under her care.
She asked if I wanted to make a complaint about the sonographer - I said All I care about is the welfare of my baby - she wrote the number of the complaints department on my notes anyway (got the impression she wanted me to as they had been very rude to her also!)

So we are in limbo really!! Baby could be (hopefully) fine or could be slightly unfavourable in there!! - before we left she told us to do all we could in the next few days to induce labour naturally (sex / spicy food) but also told me to rest as if fluid levels are low I don't want to put extra strain on body or baby. She reminded me triage door was open to us and we should come back the instant we are anxious or baby has reduced movement etc. she asked if we wanted a specific daily time slot but I said no thank you I'd just come in if I was worried. She also said that although they don't usually until 40wks, under the circumstances, I should ask my midwife for a sweep or 2 leading up to due date ... However it's bank holiday weekend now and I wasn't able to get an apt. with her initially until 3 days after due date! Might drop her a txt and see if under the circumstances she can squeeze me in! Not the anxiety I needed in the lead up to labour! Just watching little mans movements like a hawk now.

Wow that was long - well done if you made it to the end!! So sorry to worry you guys (and unfortunately not have news of another baby arrival) - hope you're all ok - I'll catch up on the thread after brekky!

Wow summer! It sounds like you had a pretty crappy day with the NHS yesterday! I have no idea how a private consultant can tell such a different story to the NHS? And to be so rude about it too? That lady NEEDs a complaint against her. Firstly, her attitude at work is disgusting. Secondly, her slagging off of another individual in front of you is ridiculously unprofessional and she also should certainly not have made you feel bad about checking on your baby. I am glad doors are open to you this week to check on baby everyday however, after the service yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if you would feel a little unwelcome?
Do keep up updated and remember to text if you happen to go into labour :-) xx
Summer i am absolutely appalled reading that! I would certainly be complaining. How dare anyone treat you like that for worrying about the health of you and your baby!!! So glad you got a nicer person in the end tho. Fx ypu can get a sweep and thatll kick things off.

Kelly thats the oddest dream ever haha! I had a dream i started bleeding and lost my baby :( it was horrendous! My dreams have either been really strange or just awful! Hoes the lo's movements now?

Had no more leakage... so im assuming it was maybe little dribbles of pee LOL!! kinda gutted... even tho i was so exhausted last night i was so ready for things to progress! Had an amazing sleep last night till i awoke from that dream.. got a lot of back and tummy cramping but thats about all.

Is it tonight theres a full moon??

Im getting really impatient with these september babies... how bad of them to make us all feel so rubbish but continue to be so stubborn and not make an appearance! I dont care if its me or anyone else we need some babies!!!! Xx
I did get back to sleep and don't have a headache anymore but I have backache and still feel a bit rough. Not as in labour rough, just feel unwell in general.
Luckily, OH at work and Joshy is at my mums so I can afford to stay put in bed for a while today.

H, sounds delightful waking up to throw up! I have seen many women throwing up in labour on obem. I would definitely hate the added grief of that due to my sick phobia! X
Oh no what an awful dream! That would wake me up in a sweat!
Haven't felt her move today but I've been asleep most of the morning today. I did think that by Monday we would have had another baby! I guess there is still time lol xx

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