*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Thanks lovelies, I do hope it goes quick when I get in there. Can't wait to tx u the news Tessa.

Not much planned today Harry Will b going off grandma layer n u will prob just do sum chores n relax.

Morning ladies,
Oh has upset me a little this morning I don't think he did it on purpose by any means but I do a lot of house during the week today is my chill day and one of our dogs had an accident so he's left me to clean it up :/ it's not even a little it's doggy poo but also vomit and it's everywhere so I'm gonna be scrubbing it off today *sigh* not what I planned this morning at all xxx
Michelle I can't wait to see your labour thread!!!

Tessa glad you managed to have a good sleep, it's good that the tightening still seem to be there too! I wonder if the dance made H go in to labour she seemed to feel things right away??! Exciting!

Just wanted to give you all an update on 'wish upon a star.' Am sure many of you remember her from tri1 and 2 ~ she was due later sept but was then diagnosed with breast cancer in tri one.

Well, she had her baby today! We have kept in touch on fb and she has been a total trouper, dealing with chemo whilst also growing a little baby boy. He was born via planned c section today so that she can resume chemo in a few weeks time. I asked if It was ok to give you all an update as I am sure she has been in some of your thoughts. She is an amazing lady and has really taken the last few months in her stride. Wish upon a star if you read this well done on doing such a super job ~ you are one amazing lady xxx

That's lovely news, I have thought of her often. So happy to hear her news!
Morning girls, bunny I'm totally doing the dance if it made you feel so good! Although I'm not ready for her quite yet and want my two weeks maternity to get everything ready, going to do some major tidying and organising today just in case she decides to come this weekend on the full moon though! Definitely getting the closer to labour symptoms now, loads of cramping and feels like her head is burrowed so far down!

My bunny rabbit has a poorly eye too and I got so upset about it yesterday because I really don't like going to the vets after my other bunny choked last year after the vet forced meds into him and Hubby's at work so not sure he'll be back to take her. So praying he'll be home early xx
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Ps violet my hubby would do totally the same as that, and to be honest I would expect him to. He is not remotely lazy but if he had set his alarm to get up and out for work at a specific time then he simply wouldn't have the time to stop and clean. It's a shame it impacts on your day but to me that makes more sense than it impacting on his day. Maybe one hour of cleaning up after the dogs and then you have the rest of the day to chill as planned still. Sadly it's one of the things with having dogs, and babies, that sick/poo/mess happen unexpectedly and plans have to sometimes change. X
Aww it did honestly Doll eyes, I'm in such high spirits and as much as I want her here now I'm in such a good mood and actually don't mind waiting as much as I thought I would. All about mindset and doing things that make you happy :) thanks Tessa for sharing!

Yeah I feel the same as Tessa about the whole hubby situation xxx
Thanks for the lovely message Bubbles :)

Violet, look at the positive side of having to scrub the floors - it may start off labour ;)

No baby for me ladies, had really bad tightenings for ages after the dance and felt a bit weird so went to bed at 9 and woke up at 6 feeling nice and refreshed. My belly feels really sore this morning from all the BH last night but apart from that I feel great lol.

No massive plans today as I have a bit of a moody toddler on my hands - she ended up in my bed at 3am this morning asking for snuggles bless her lol. She has just gone for nap number 1 so hopefully she wakes up a bit happier. I will probably take her out for a walk and some fresh air in a bit if the rain doesn't appear - been so wet here this week! xx
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Oh meant to add I had my first silly baby dream last night - I gave birth to a baby girl with an African skin tone and my OH was like "what the hell - why isn't she white?! Is she mine?!" lol x
Glad you feel good this morning H! Really thought the dance may had done it for you ! What a funny dream also - have you told your OH haha?

Purple my friend is nuts she's trying to make it go viral she wants everyone to share it haha! Surprised she hasn't wrote in here asking as that's how I met her 2 years ago and we've been close ever since.

H glad you are ok! Glad you said about sore tummy! Mine really hurts to touch today and I wondered why but as you said must be from last nights cramps ~ good to know! Hope ruby wakes up happier xx
I have been having so many hideous dreams the past week all about baby or random weird stuff. Harry's just gone off with grandma to the local country park to feed the goats n ride the tractor with his cousins!! They asked if I would like to go but I said no thanks lol.

I'm really feeling odd today. Light headed n yuk not sure if I need to eat or b sick, more plug, baby wriggling loads n pressure down there is awful keep thinking I need a poo but I can't go when I get there. Got jobs to do but feel like just lying down on sofa.

Violet my hubby would of had to leave it if he was going off 2 work I'm sure he did mean to leave it all to u n as h said it may work out well if it brings on Labour!!

No she was very quiet but active when I got up today instead.
Tessa, hope your symptoms progress! Last night I had a feeling that I was going to have baby today. But that feeling is long gone lol.

Haha H!! Your dream!! My OH would be well off with me.

Michelle, hope you feel a bit better soon! I'm so excited for Tuesday!

My friend text me this morning to say her sister had her baby. The poor girl was 10 days overdue, had to be induced and had contractions for 48 hours before he arrived. Makes me feel lucky with my first labour x
At my baby shower when we all did predictions me , OH and Mum all said today. No signs as of yet! Still watching Harry Potter as electric man came round to fit new appliances. I was so ashamed I forgot he was coming and I'm in my pj's , no bra or anything. Look amazing haha!!!!

Fingers crossed this full moon helps us tomorrow - I'm excited!

I can't wait for Tuesday too Kel - so excited for Michelle!

Have you seen what's happened in one of the TTC threads? So sad a lady has lied for years to people on the forum saying she was struggling to conceive and she has 3 children. She's lied about her name and made friends with these ladies on Facebook, even to the point they call each other etc. horrible. So thankful were all so open and honest with each other xxxxx
My mum said today too! I still say the 1st :)
Haha, I'd feel the same Bunny!

Oh my god what a horrible thing for that lady to do. I never have really used the ttc thread on here so I'm hoping I never came across her. I don't understand why she would do that!? X
Morning ladies! Glad everyone is feeling progress :)

Had initial appointment at hospital this morning - just regular checks with midwife, and on CTG for half an hour - baby seems happy enough, heartbeat fine and lots of movements which is great. I had a few braxton hicks contractions whilst on the monitor - midwife witnessed one of them because my bump goes severely hard and deformed - she said 'blimey - is that painful? That looks like a good ol' contraction! You never know - might not need an induction ...' - I just said 'not unless I've been in labour for 2 weeks!!' :lol:
I've got to go back at 14:40 this afternoon for a scan and discussion with consultant.

Ah summer what a bugger that you have to go back. Is it far to go?
Atleast you will get answers though :)
And it's Good that baby was happy and moving plenty x
Thanks, No we're quite lucky - hospital is 10-15 minute drive - they offered us to hang around but much easier to come home/relax have lunch etc.

Does anyone get a kind of scrapey feeling on the inside of foof sometimes? Would assume it's baby's head pressing but it's not a constant pressure just sometimes a sharp scratch/stretch feeling for couple of seconds ...


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