*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Summer, what an absolute nob, you must put a complaint in for anyone else in your situation being treated like that.

I'm glad the consultant was a lot nicer able to offer some reassurance for checks and monitoring.

Defo text your midwife (or we have midwife drop in sessions at the local sure start children's centre) and get a couple of sweeps booked in x
Summer that is so horrible, you poor thing!! So glad you saw people who were reassuring and understanding towards the end, and the can tell a lot about how baby is doing from the ctgs. Sounds like you explained yourself really well and stood up for yourself too ~ well done! Keep Us posted!

Girls hope you feel better soon ~ being sick at the best of times is horrible.

I know, disgusting. The fact that she could be so unprofessional in the first place and then refuse to re-scan me in a week just because she has a personal problem with the private consultant we saw is ridiculous!
Just want to say that the doctors/consultants/ midwives we saw were all amazing and so supportive - just disgusting that one person can throw such a spanner in the works!

Sorry some of you are feeling sicky! Full moon tonight ladies lets get on it - I am all up on mission baby eviction!!!

Kelly - I will def txt you when I'm in labour :)

Going to try and shrug off all the negativity of yesterday! Heres a pic of my cat on the loo as requested haha :lol:


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Oh my god summer I am so angry and disgusted at how you were treated, that has left me gob smacked to be frank! You poor thing! You expect a bit of reassurance and support not to be treated like a pain in the ass just because she has a problem with the other person that scanned you! Definitely complain hun, she can't treat people like that!

Love the pic of your cat haha that is too funny!

I had a 45 min nap and feel absolutely horrendous now, pukey, cramp, back pain, headache and some mad cold and flu type feeling in my head! Yuck! OH came in the bedroom and said the best way to get baby out is super hot curry and rough sex hahahha I was like what have I been saying to you for the last week! Hahahahaha! Men!

Hope eveyone gets some progress this weekend xxxx
Summer! I love the photo. Thank you for sharing :-D
H, I hope your not poorly and it's the start for you.

I just went downstairs to make myself a cuppa and some crumpets when I got a feeling I was going to throw up and really painful ribs/back. I had to stand over the worktop to try stop myself from falling over lol. No idea what that was but It's fine now x
Summer what an awful experience, definitely complain! Wow what a clever cat that has totally made my day haha. Hope you have s more relaxed day today xx
Just catching up ladies - Summer I am completely horrified and sickened at how you have been treated! Did this sonographer have children I wonder??!! Nasty piece of work. Who cares why and by who you had your scans, end of the day your a Mummy with you babys best interests at heart!!! I won't say much more because seen since that you want to shrug the negativity off and I don't blame you - will all be irrekevent when your little man makes his apperance! Lots of love babe! ABSOLUTELY LOVE the picture of your cat!!!!! SO SO FUNNY!!

Looks like this full moon could be having its affect already - hope you all feel better ladies!

So what's the plan for tonight Purple? xxxx
I am howling at that picture omg that is friggin hilarious!!! Does your cat always do that?!?!?!

Sorry to day kelly but during my labour i was extremely sick! Not even sickness injections helped. Constantly sick every few minutes for hours :( as soon as i gave birth it stopped immediately! would not wish it on anyone tho xx
Kelly if it makes you feel any better I was quite sick in labour and it really helped ~ weird as that may sound! I have never minded being sick and I found it a really nice distraction from the contractions! Every cloud!

Summer that is fab, had a proper giggle!

Anyone used clary sage oil? Xx
I'm interested to know if anyone's used clary sage oil too :) xxx
I haven't but have heard mixed reviews, seems it works for some and not others but always worth putting some in a bath and seeing what happens, nothing to lose! :D

I think the only mucus plug I will be Losing today is the one in my nose! Lol x
Summer I feel for you with that - such a trauma! But positive thoughts and fingers crossed it just starts spontaneously for you!! Loving the photo! What an awesome cat you have! :)
I'm with the plan tonight good luck everyone! And thanks for the hair advise! Xx
Ok, I propose:
- 2 (at least) RLTs to be drank this afternoon.
- 1 (at least) evening primrose oil capsule to be take orally or 2 to be inserted at bedtime.
- 1hr (min) bouncing on gym balls.
- 15min (minimum) labour dancing to desired music channel/radio - upbeat tempo.
- A vindaloo (or similar) to be ordered from the Indian tonight for tea.
- Pineapple to be eaten/drank in any form.
Once dark and full moon is visible:
- 15min (minimum) of nipple stimulation, optional with partner or not, lol.
- Sex (duration as required) resulting in male donation towards the cervix. Howling under the full moon - optional.

Have I missed anything?

A point for each of the tasks above - so total from 8!

Good luck ladies x
Haha purple I LOVE THAT!!

Full moon is really getting us set for labour threads ;)

Are you doing all these throughout the day or closer to full moon? xxx
I've had 1 rlt and epo but the rest will be later as I'm working until 6pm. Watch us do all this and kick things off and the labour wards are full! Lol x
I couldn't cope with it at all. Luckily I had no sickness with my first at all and none with this one so I hope I pass it during labour again too.

I'm feeling much better now. I've just got up and cleaned up the kitchen a bit as I didn't wash up at all last night lol (only had a takeaway though)

Can't remember the last time I was as lazy as I've been this morning!
Purple I totally love a girl with a plan! Have screen shot your list and am on it! 2 epo and 1 raspberry leaf tea down, along with a bath and some loss of plug. Let's do this!!! Xx
I don't have any epo and can't be bothered to go out lol. Will try and stomach the rlt though but find it really hard to keep down, maybe I will try putting something else in it, not sure what though! Def will be doing that labour dance later though as it gave me strong tightenings really fast after only doing it for 10 mins the other day :D defo will be on the ball too! :D might try for another nap in a bit just incase any of it works today as feeling shattered already. Good luck ladies! Xx
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Haha Tessa I've screenshot too - 2 RLT down dont have any EPO and being 39 weeks today thinking it's not worthwhile me going and getting some?

We DTD again last night and nothing , will try again tonight. Good luck everyone!!

Back ache is back with a vengence today!!!

Sometimes you get days like that don't you Kel where your body just needs you to rest! xxxx
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