*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I know Kelly! She's hurt so many of the girls I speak to by doing that - it's mental I just don't know why you would. I only read two pages of the thread and couldn't read anymore because it wound me up so much! For people that are genuinely struggling and have struggled it's disgusting!

Oh god I was so ashamed - thankfully his misses is pregnant too so he understood haha!

Ahhh summer glad baby is all happy and healthy , let us know how your later app goes :)

I've never had the scratch feeling so not sure lovely, sorry! Xxxxx
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That's all good news so far then summer, keep us updated later!

Bunny that's so sad, just tried looking but can't find anything ~ maybe it has been removed? X
Missed your initial post bunny - how horrible?! :shock: And what a bizarre thing to lie about? Going to have to go and have a nosy ... Xxx
Ps violet my hubby would do totally the same as that, and to be honest I would expect him to. He is not remotely lazy but if he had set his alarm to get up and out for work at a specific time then he simply wouldn't have the time to stop and clean. It's a shame it impacts on your day but to me that makes more sense than it impacting on his day. Maybe one hour of cleaning up after the dogs and then you have the rest of the day to chill as planned still. Sadly it's one of the things with having dogs, and babies, that sick/poo/mess happen unexpectedly and plans have to sometimes change. X

I wasn't angry or anything I just saw it and ended up crying. Daft I know cause it's not hard to clean up it just really made me upset I understand the dogs have accidents not their fault and not hubby's fault if he's just heading to work I just got upset it's all clean now so not a bother xxx
Glad things r ok so fat summer defo keep us updated.

So weird to lie I just dont get it what is the point!!

Ah that's not too bad then. Ours is only about 15 mins away but right into town so a bit of a pain.

Never had that feeling either Summer, sorry x

It is a shame and I also find it an odd thing to lie about and also difficult to comprehend how she managed to keep that up so long!
Our dog rarely has an accident - I clean up poo but I must admit I HAVE to get hubby to do vomit - I have a real phobia (so lucky I only suffered mild morning sickness in tri 1) even working with little ones at primary school all my colleagues knew I'd take my turn with wee/poo accidents but couldn't do sick :lol: baby sick doesn't bother me but when he gets a bit older I'm going to have to have some sort of hypnotherapy haha :lol: (everyone tells me you just deal with your own child's but Im not sure ...)

You guys are going to think Im crazy now but my cat uses the human toilet haha! (Ever seen 'meet the Fockers') He's a pedigree Bengal so an indoor cat only - but I HATE a litter tray so never had one - when we brought him home at 12 weeks I trained him to use the loo straight away! He's never had an accident and has better 'aim' than hubby :lol: he just meows when he needs it flushing. I hope potty training is as easy haha ...

Summer that is actually bloody hilarious!!! I need actual photos of your actual cat using the actual toilet!! Haha! X
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Hopefully it has been removed, it was in the TTC journals forum.

Haha Summer we do need pictures !!!! SO funny! xxxx
I'm The same with the phobia summer.

I love the astory about the cat though. That's brill! :-) xx
Haha I'm sure I had some pics years ago but can't find them now (it's a perfectly everyday occurance these days :lol:) guests to give a funny look when we say 'please can you leave the lid up for the cat' ha ... I'll try and catch him in the act later!
Wish me luck im going to catch up on obem think I have two episodes to watch!!!!

I wish we didn't have a litter tray!
Enjoy obem michelle. I have 1 to watch later :)
Another evening where OH is on late. He finishes at 11.15ish and is back in at 7am Doh x
Can safely say I did not mention my dream to OH hahaha.

Just got back from a nice walk - we live at the top of a ridiculously long and steep hill so I have been having to catch buses for last few months as was finding it too difficult to walk up on way home but I walked up it today no problem, was actually the easiest I have ever found it. God what a difference it makes to your lungs when baby drops! :D

Tessa - yeah definitely sore from the cramps etc. I worked out that is a cause when I had all those horrendous long contractions a couple of months ago as i would always be sore sore the next day! Ruby woke up in a much better mood after her nap but was a little bit moaney on the walk as she kept asking to get out of her buggy and was annoyed when I said no lol. She has gone for nap number 2 now so I am enjoying a bit of peace and a sit down! :D Hope your tummy feels less sore soon!

Ohhh Michelle, do you think you will make it to induction day?! Sounds like very promising signs of impending labour now!

OMG Bunny are you kidding?! That is AWFUL! What on earth is wrong with some people?!

Summer, glad first appointment went ok. Maybe this full moon will help you out tomorrow! I think I know the feeling you mean, I get the stretching but not scratching. This baby has spent all morning convincing me he is forcing me to start stretching and dilating, the only way to describe it is that is feels like he is pushing so hard things are opening up - is that anywhere near what you mean? Hope the second appointment goes well and omg your cat is hilarious - defo need the pics lol xx
So glad Ruby woke up in a better mood:)
Just dropped my son off at my mums for the night so i have a long old afternoon/evening on my own xx
Ohhh enjoy the peace Kelly, soon enough you won't be getting a minute to yourself ;) xx

Think I will do the labour dance underneath the full moon tomorrow night, maybe that will have an added effect....that or I will birth a werewolf lol x
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The way I feel right now h no I don't think I Will make it!!! I'm so sore n feeling so yuk. Thank God fir peppa pig today Harry is having a tv arvo n he's having chips, chicken nuggets n spaghetti tonight naughty mummy has no energy.

That sounds lovely kelly - you have much planned for the night?

Haha H that made me laugh - please don't give birth to a werewolf!

I was planning on doing the dance again tonight and DTD but I took a funny turn again this afternoon a bit like last week, went really drowsy & nausea's, been heaving and can't get off the toilet. Heads banging also so been in bed the past hour or so with my fan on. Later on I'll attempt a bath & face mask. How can you feel amazing one minute and shit the next haha! Probably feel better soon strange how it comes and goes.

Sounds like were all feeling a bit rotten. We're meant to be going to a buskers tonight, last night out before baby. I've got my hair dye on, but I sooo would rather lay in bed and watch movies. I've had s massive sort out today, every room tidied and disinfected finally. Well except our downstairs bathroom that is still housing hubbys mountain bike. It's shameful no one can use that loo! Xx

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