*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Aww thanks for the update, that's lovely news :) - wishing her a speedy recovery xxx
Thanks for the update Tessa, pleased to hear she has had baby, send her our love, can't imagine how tough this journey has been for her x
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Ah bless her what a horrible bit. Amazing time for her x

Mummybee, your baby just is so comfy hehe :)
Okay, just got up and danced like a crazy lady for 5 minutes and it killed me with my PGP! Haha. 5 minutes bursts it will have to be! X
Kelly - going to be like her big brother at this rate. He didnt want to come out!! Iv that problem too. So painful, i can barely move in the mornings. After moaning about it to my mw's for the past however many weeks i got a phone call yesterday offering me an appointment for today!! Not only was it too far for me to get to but 6 days before my due date it a bit ridiculous. I told her to just take me off the list. Iv suffered it for this long im sure i could do another week.... i hope that baby arrives lmao!! She told me i can alwawys self refer myself after baby is born if the pains are still there. Fx they bugger off straight away! Xx
I think sometimes they don't realise just how much pain you are in with it!
And Yeh, it's probably not worth it this week now!! Xx
Families! My Mum has been pestering me for ages to try and have this baby early before she goes back to work (she had summer off) and even said this morning she would love it if he came this weekend as she is back to work next week. Now she lecturing me via text telling me I shouldn't be using birthing ball etc etc and making him arrive before 40 weeks! You wouldn't know that I am already a parent and a 30 year old woman and don't need a lecture when I have already been given green light by midwife to use ball, RLT etc etc! She was even with me at last midwife appointment when she told me she thought I was in pre labour and would definitely have baby before due date! Grrr! x
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Oh dear H! Sounds just what you want, a lecture from mum!
Ignore it and carry on :) xx
Definately not kelly!
Hahahaha thats brilliant summer!! Lmao
Noghtmare H! My mums constantly going on at me telling me i HAVE to have baby bedore the 13th cause she goes away on holiday for a week! It gets old... yes i want baby out asap now.. of course i dont want to have it while shes away but when she keeps going on it makes me want to cross my legs lol!! Xx
Lovely update, congratulations to wishuponastar and her beautiful baby boy. Xx
Just wanted to pop in and say massive good luck to all the September mummies. Many of you urged us on and were a great support throughout my pregnancy. You are only hours/days/weeks away from meeting your little ones so hold on in there. The last few weeks I was huge, sore, sleep deprived and soooo fed up but I would go through it 50 times over to have my wee woman in my arms. Good luck and see you on the other side :-)
My mum wants me to have baby before the.13th too.due to her holiday. But she isn't gutted if I go longer. I'm bloody hoping I don't though! I am hoping for an early baby this time! X
Sorry ladies been out for 3 hours, went for a longggg walk with OH and then for some food. After all that dancing, squatting and lunging today that's me for the night. Bath & some music I think!

Tessa thank you so much for the update - what an amazing woman and so so happy for her and her LO please send my love! Over the moon for her and her family. Puts things in to perspective when you hear someone's journey has been so much tougher then your own.

Haha summer that cracked me up!

H I would say ignore as much as you can, people love to have an opinion don't they even your nearest and dearest and I think we are all our wits end already towards the end it's the last thing we need haha!

Bubbles such a lovely message - thank you so much means the absolute world to me and I'm sure I speak for everyone else in the thread too! Enjoy cuddles with your LO! Xxxx
The last weeks of pregnancy are so worth all the waiting and pain etc. I remember looking at my son after about 3 days and being totally amazed that he was all mine!

I am going to go for a bath soon. Baby is very quiet today! Especially since my 5 minute dance burst. Oops, must have upset her! X
Thanks bubbles that's very sweet if you, my baby is most defo only days away. Keep swinging between excitement n fear lol but I can't wait really.

Hope all the dancing has worked ladies I'm to scared to try now think I want lo to stay put till tues now!!

Morning ladies !!

Well the dancing didn't work for me .... Yet! I am going to try again today tho because it put me in the best mood ever having a loopy hour with my baby girl, couldn't stop smiling and laughing! Had a lot of twinges last night but nothing this morning. 39'weeks tomorrow! Went for a longggg walk last night also.

Oh Michelle I am so excited for you, it's crazy how quick it's came round isn't it! You'll be amazing!

Anyone got much planned for their days?
Think I'll dance, clean, and then have a pamper - didn't get time yesterday as ended up being out and about for the majority of it xxxx

Michelle you are so nearly there, so exciting!! Kelly did you get baby moving last night?

I really though things were starting up last night. Didn't get my hopes up but was having loads of cramps and tightenings, feeling sick, rocking around etc ~ and I hadn't even done the dance!! Ended up sleeping ok, still feel the same this morning but no further progress. Gonna try have an easy day today. Hope you lpvely lot have fun things planned x

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