*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Aww me too Tessa!! It's one of my favs - I watched it about 5 times in my second tri then checked yesterday and they had taken it off Netflix!!!!! So upset

Not heard of the labour dance - I'll have a look ...

Ohhhhh Tessa! I will definitely be trying this! Already found the link ;) Will have a nap first though incase it works tee-hee! Thanks for sharing hun xx
Summer that's rubbidh ~ what was Netflix thinking?? Amazon next day delivery?!

H and summer I wish we could all meet up and do the dance together ~ would be hilarious! X
I actually told my OH that I'm going to dance around the room tonight anyway. It will bloody kill my hips and pelvis but worth a try haha!
Then afterwards I can relax in the bath with a film on the tablet :-D x
Hahaha Tessa I am actually picturing that hahaha!

Kelly, that sounds like a nice relaxing end to a mental dance haha x
I have told my family I will try and get baby out this weekend as my mum is off work until Wednesday and OH is not entitled to paternity so he hoping baby arrives tonight/tomorrow as it is a bank holiday on Monday lol. Come on full moon, help me out! Going to have a nap after dinner and then do that mad dance, keep your fingers crossed for me. Been very crampy with lots of back pain this afternoon and baby is super quiet again so hoping all good indicators and with a little bit of pressure he might make an early appearance lol. Poor baby, I am such a bully lol x
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Ooooo I need to find this dance!! Just search baby dance?? xxxx
Well those 10 mins I did have caused serious tightenings so clearly something to it! Can't wait to try it for longer when Ruby goes to bed! X
Ohh exciting! I wanna try right now lol. Maybe I can get Joshy to do it with me lol. I'll have to close my living room blinds mind
Ugh can't believe I found this and you girls have done it before me!

Did the sainsburys shop but felt really off going round. Spent £107 just chucking stuff in the trolley ~ no idea what I got really! Feel really sick and a bit out of it and back still cramping. Ended up being a woss and asking my mum to entertain Belle for an hour. On the sofa under a blanket now, had a nap but still not feeling good.... Maybe I will have to save the dance for tomorrow! X
Ugh can't believe I found this and you girls have done it before me!

Did the sainsburys shop but felt really off going round. Spent £107 just chucking stuff in the trolley ~ no idea what I got really! Feel really sick and a bit out of it and back still cramping. Ended up being a woss and asking my mum to entertain Belle for an hour. On the sofa under a blanket now, had a nap but still not feeling good.... Maybe I will have to save the dance for tomorrow! X
Awwww Tessa sorry babe, really appreciated your advice tho. Haven't had any tightening' but it's out me in such a good mood so thank you. I recommend wether pregnant or not everyone does it now and again, I can't stop giggling and just feel so happy! Thanks Tess!

Hope you feel better soon - could be time for you? Lots of love x x x
No need for sorry ~ didn't mean it like that at all! A good labour thread would perk me up I am sure! X
Just wanted to give you all an update on 'wish upon a star.' Am sure many of you remember her from tri1 and 2 ~ she was due later sept but was then diagnosed with breast cancer in tri one.

Well, she had her baby today! We have kept in touch on fb and she has been a total trouper, dealing with chemo whilst also growing a little baby boy. He was born via planned c section today so that she can resume chemo in a few weeks time. I asked if It was ok to give you all an update as I am sure she has been in some of your thoughts. She is an amazing lady and has really taken the last few months in her stride. Wish upon a star if you read this well done on doing such a super job ~ you are one amazing lady xxx
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Hope ypur feeling better soon mary.. maybe this could be the start of it for you?

Jel of you all having symptoms... shouldnt be long now till we start seeing some labour threads!!

My symptoms have came to a complete stand still!! Havent had any BH again. Been dtd and no longer cramp up after. Havent lost amy more plug in the past few days. If normally loose a good bit atleast once a day! Havent had any pressure pains. Past 2/3 nights iv been sleeping great! Really loosing hope of going before wednesday!

Havent stopped cleaning. Been on my ball. Dtd. Eating spicy noodles (heartburn is killing me!!!!!) Still taking my RLT. Been swimming 3x this week. Been on bumpy drives... WHAT MORE CAN I DO?!?!?! hahaha

Wow that's so freaky just yesterday I thought of her n wondered how she was getting on. So pleased for her n really hope she is doing ok. Such lovely news.

Hope u feel better soon Tessa think we all defo need a Labour thread to lift our spirits!!

Aww thanks for that update! Put a big smile on my face! Massive congrats to her. Wishing her all the best -hope they are both doing good and she has a speedy recovery xx

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