*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Glad your class went well Tessa :)

My signs are all over place, one min I am convinced it is about to kick off and then it all stops and I curse myself for getting excited lol. I wouldn't be so excited so early if it wasn't for midwife saying it would be very soon lol, d'oh!

Would quite like to start losing plug now though as it takes ages to lose it all if my last pregnancy is anything to go by but no signs of that. We dtd again last night and I was super crampy after and thought yay maybe I will start losing plug now but nope nothing lol :( x
I had another broken sleep, that's 3 nights on the run now after me sleeping so well. I wake up and I'm either just wide awake, or I have pains. I've realised the pains are that I need a wee so I assume baby is pushing down a lot more on my bladder the past couple of nights.

Awww H that's so annoying, I feel like that because my MW said to OH I won't last till 1st September! Naughty really.

Summer hope you're feeling better this morning - don't worry about calling your MW and telling her the ladies are right she needs to know she's made a mistake and to be honest I'd expect an apology.

You lovely lot up too much today?
Think I'm going to have a bit of a pamper, do a food shop & then tonight go for a walk with OH & practice hospital run haha xxxxx
I'm Quite glad that I haven't lost any plug because I think I'd feel a bit teased. The rate I'm going with it, I think my start of labour may be similar to my last and just get my plug after my waters suddenly :)

Bunny I think I've stolen your sleep, I slept so well last night!

My dream last night included some of u ladies!
Summer, your waters broke and michelle was really Angry at you because you had your baby before hers lol. Then my waters broke hehe

My grandma is coming down today but no plans other than that. Lots of pains again in pelvis x
Summer what a worry, so glad you went to the private consultant. It was a doctor who's scheduled my induction if I go over, so if she's funny about it I'd go over her head again and ask to speak to someone else.

I'm off into Newcastle city centre today, get my last few bits and have lunch with my mum and a look about. Last time before baby makes an appearance hopefully. I want to get baby a nice little jacket and pick up.my groegg I've reserved.

Hope everyone has a lovely day. Xx
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Kelly your dreams are funny! Though I'd be mighty grateful if my waters would break!!

Thanks Doll eyes, When is your induction booked for? The consultant did say he'd send report to my GP (as opposed to midwife) so perhaps that's why - not really sure who has say in authorising induction m/w? GP? hospital consultant? I presume the hospital will want to do their own scan which is fine but just want to get things moving seeing as induction has been advised within 1 week. I had rubbish nights sleep too - think more due to worry than anything else. I'll feel better once a solid plan is in place - I.e if you haven't gone into labour by 'x' date your induction is booked!

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I lost some plug but that was almost a week ago, I know a lot of people can loose it throughout the pregnancy and some when in labour so it doesn't bother me too much , did get my hopes up last week as you all know!

Sister in law has just text me saying she had a dream last night that my waters broke!!!

Haha Kelly love your dreams!!

Ahhhh have a lovely day doll eyes ! Sounds fab! xxxx
Sounds like there are some nice days planned today :D

LOL, Kelly that dream sounds hilarious!

I slept on sofa last night as can prop myself up easier, between weight of baby and this cold that is still lingering I can't breathe if I lay in bed at mo. Daughter decided to wake up at 4.30 this morning and wouldn't self settle either so we both ended up snuggled up on sofa and then at 5.30 she decided she was going to sit up and stare at me until I got up lol. Not best sleep in the world but never mind, none of us will be sleeping much soon anyway so may as well get used to it! ;)

My only plans today are more cleaning, ball bouncing etc and I will prob put a film on this afternoon and veg out with Ruby (if she lets me sit still for more than 10 mins lol).

Also got to help OH with a job application later and honestly seeing some of the jobs on the University website (I used to work at a Uni before my daughter was born) is really making me want to go back to work, really missing it now as I went on maternity leave in October 2013 and got made redundant whilst on maternity leave in September 2014 and then we moved area and I had 2 interviews for Uni jobs before finding out I was pregnant! Dying to get back to it, if OH gets a fairly decent paid job then I will prob go back to work next year as the wages for HE admin round here are really good! x
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So got up this morning and my waters a leaking, little bit at a time so popped a pad on midwife has reassured me and I'll be going up later today if I have more or my pads soaked....wish me luck ladies cause I am freaking the fudge out. Was not expecting this this morning xxx
Doll_eyes, enjoy lunch with your mum today.

Summer, I have no idea what goes on in terms of private crossing over with NHS. But hope you get some answers soon x

I see it that way too H, I'm not too fussed about bad sleep at the minute, would be nice to always have a good sleep though x
H it made me giggle seeing you say your little girl stared at you till you got up! Hope you get the nice chilled day you have planned - any particular film in mind for later? Think I'll watch the 2nd Harry Potter at some point today haha!

One of my friends is 39 weeks on Friday and she's just text me saying 'I think today is the day' eeeeeek!

Good luck Violet don't freak - it's all in your baby's plan :)

Yeah but at least when I'm getting woke up when my little girl is here it'll be to her beautiful little face - I'm not good without sleep, plus my toilet is downstairs so walking up and down 5 times a night with pains isn't the most comfortable.
H it made me giggle seeing you say your little girl stared at you till you got up! Hope you get the nice chilled day you have planned - any particular film in mind for later? Think I'll watch the 2nd Harry Potter at some point today haha!

One of my friends is 39 weeks on Friday and she's just text me saying 'I think today is the day' eeeeeek!

Good luck Violet don't freak - it's all in your baby's plan :)

Yeah but at least when I'm getting woke up when my little girl is here it'll be to her beautiful little face - I'm not good without sleep, plus my toilet is downstairs so walking up and down 5 times a night with pains isn't the most comfortable.
Very exciting news Violet, keep us posted!

Bunny, I'm thinking The Holiday - saw it was on tv last night and it put me in mood to watch it today lol. Don't know if Ruby will approve of that though, will probably have to wait for her nap and pray she stays asleep for 90mins lol. I think I will just get her millions of boxes of toys down today and let her go wild TBH as could do with a chilled day, will worry about the horrendous mess after lol x
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Love that film! :)
I also love th Harry potter films but haven't seen them in seen while now so could probably go through them again.
My son's toy mess annoys me a little more these last few weeks. Probably cus I feel like I'm here more, tidy and clean more and he makes mess more lol x
That's my schedule for today too H! :)

Kelly enjoy your grandma's visit, and doll eyes enjoy lunch with your mum - I keep thinking it's so weird each time I see family/friends - the next time I see you I'll have a baby! :lol:

Violet - is it definitely waters?? Looks like you will be the next mummy as don't think they let you go beyond 24 hrs do they? :dance: exciting!

Aww bunny that loo situation must be annoying - hubby wanted our bathroom completely re-fitted before baby arrived (as did I) however we only have one bathroom and I realised I'd be asking the plumbers to get out every 30 minutes so I could pee!! :lol:

Midwife rang first thing which surprised me - but she was actually very helpful, finally! :dance: I have an appointment at the hospital at 9am tomorrow morning to further assess and discuss induction procedure.

Haha Kelly ur dreams r fab!!! I really won't b angry if summer or anyone else had a baby before me lol I can't wait fir Labour threads n babies!!

Summer glad it's getting sorted fir you.

Harry n I are having a chilled day at home with friends cuming to visit its lovely. Still can't believe I will b having a baby in 5 days time!!

Well just my luck nothing since I put a pad on! Grrrr baby is playing silly tricks on us. Just gonna keep busy now cause I know nowt is happening xxx
You know what I have never seen the holiday!! I'll have to watch it - is it one your OH's like too? Might save that for tonight when he's home as he hates Harry Potter haha so I'll watch then when he's in work.

Summer that's brilliant news bet you feel so so relieved don't you? How exciting tho you could have your baby next week for definate!! I can't wait for these labour threads to start - by the way if anyone wants me to do there's I'm really happy too I loved doing Gilly's!

Yeah it is annoying the loo situation but when little miss is here it'll be easier , and gives us more bedrooms so I need to stop moaning really haha! Just hard of a night when your shattered feels like I'm walking down a mountain haha.

Eeeeek Michelle 5 days how amazing is that! So excited for you babe!

I've got cramps again today and (sorry TMI) diarrhoea again :(

Awww Violet our sept baby's are little monkeys aren't they! Will happen soon enough chick!

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Yay nice early appointment tomorrow as well summer that's great :)
I know, I can't wait for anyone to have their baby now for the excitement yay! Maybe Summer soon if not then Michelle, we are all looking forward to the 1st :-) x

My OH watched the holiday with me once and I don't think he minded it actually.

Violet, that's a shame. Not long left though now xx
Oh sounds like everyone has nice chilled plans today!

H hope you feel better soon ~ a cold must be a killer right about now! Summer glad you have an appointment so soon, hopefully by this time tomorrow you will have a good plan in place.

I have just been reading about 'the labour dance' there is a baby centre article on it (second link down if you google labour dance' and then you can follow the link to you tube. Totally gonna be trying that later ~ who else is with me?'

I am having period cramps in my back today, but nothing new aside from that. We have been to soft play this morning and then just have big shop to do this afternoon. Really want these cramps to pass first though as don't fancy them ramping up at all in the middle of sainsburys!

Bunny the holiday is fab, can't believe you haven't seen it. I am going to watch 'father of the bride 2' later ~ it's one of my faves and I figure will get me all ready for a baby! X

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