Glad your class went well Tessa 
My signs are all over place, one min I am convinced it is about to kick off and then it all stops and I curse myself for getting excited lol. I wouldn't be so excited so early if it wasn't for midwife saying it would be very soon lol, d'oh!
Would quite like to start losing plug now though as it takes ages to lose it all if my last pregnancy is anything to go by but no signs of that. We dtd again last night and I was super crampy after and thought yay maybe I will start losing plug now but nope nothing lol

My signs are all over place, one min I am convinced it is about to kick off and then it all stops and I curse myself for getting excited lol. I wouldn't be so excited so early if it wasn't for midwife saying it would be very soon lol, d'oh!
Would quite like to start losing plug now though as it takes ages to lose it all if my last pregnancy is anything to go by but no signs of that. We dtd again last night and I was super crampy after and thought yay maybe I will start losing plug now but nope nothing lol