*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Evening! Sorry haven't had a proper chance to read through today's posts ~ summer checked through for yours ~ hope tonight is reassuring. Let us know.

I was at hospital practically all day before they finally decided to leave me another week, so back next Wednesday for a repeat of all today's tests etc. All agreed baby is small but everything is seeming healthy for the mo so they are happy to give me another week. However, they said if I go into labour this week I can go to midwife led unit, but after next wed they prob won't accept me with my next lot of apps. Basically this means I am on a 'get her out' mission for a week!

Was going to try 'inserting' evening primrose oil as heard this works wonders but am a bit nervous ~ anyone tried it? Xx
Michelle she's on my friends list on Facebook called Fern Milner if you want to add her and she can give your more info and best ones for what you want.

Haha H how funny is that. My dad came round for a couple of hours which was nice as he lives an hour away, he also brought me the complete Harry Potter boxset which I'm so excited about. Such a nerd but I love it so I'm currently watching the first one curled up on the sofa with the house full of candles. OH is at training tonight.

I didn't know we should take dummy's in hospital bag?

Made up with your results H!!

Summer sorry to hear today has left you so anxious, I would be the same and it's terrible they were going to leave you so long. Think you've done the best thing booking yourself a private scan - let us know how it goes im sure all is okay and it's just LO scaring you.

I haven't tried the primrose babe - I've heard it's helpful tho but MW said yiu should start it earlier?

Was just wondering if u were ok Tessa, glad baby is ok just small.

Can't believe I only have a few days left now it seems to b cuming round really fast now n Harry's very clingy with me n I feel so anxious n guilty I think he is picking up on it.

That's brilliant news Tessa - you feeling good about it all?

My boobs are sore today and my right nipple won't go down, constantly erect haha.

H do you rotate and not bounce? M

Awww Michelle little ones do pick up on it don't they - he will be over the moon when you bring baby home for him tho xxx
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Glad to hear they are happy with baby for now Tessa, I haven't tried Primrose oil but would be interested to hear if it helps!

Michelle, Ruby is like this on and off at the mo as well. She is a funny one though she keeps pointing to my belly and saying "baby sad, baby crying" lol.

Bunny, I love Harry Potter so guess I am a nerd too lol. I am taking dummies this time round but I didn't with Ruby. Taking them as with Ruby I ended up staying in for 4 days and the other babies crying kept making her cry so hoping if I have to stay in for a while this time too then they might help. Depends how good his sucking reflex is at birth I guess. I bounce, rotate and move side to side depending on my mood but have heard that rotating is the best for widening pelvis and strengthening lower back ready for labour etc. Not sure how true it is though?

Tessa, glad all seems healthy with LO but I wish you super good luck this week with evicting!

I have no idea about dummies in hospital bag? We didn't use them with my son and I won't be taking any in my bag this time either x

Michelle, super excited for you now as it's fast approaching the 1st! Eek :)

H, I will get on my ball soon too. Most women do actually rotate on the ball don't they. I will be doing this. I rotate as I bounce a bit :-)

Anyone seen Gone Girl? X
Hi ladies,
I've not had a great day today been very up and down and now I just feel so anxious don't even know why! I just keep thinking about baby arriving and how many people in gonna have pawing at my baby and I want to be selfish for a little bit I want to have my baby cuddles and the midwife worried me saying passing baby around too soon can cause some postnatal depression. I know it can just happen but I just feel so shitty right now I know it's hormones playing part but even my normal pampering hasn't helped, I love cooking made dinner and it didn't help been sat crying over these stupid worries like baby won't like me and won't latch, people aren't going to care if I'm breastfeeding or not and want to hold him in the middle of a feed etc stupid stupid things to fuss over but I can't shake it even cuddles with hubby haven't budged it :/ this isn't like me most times I get anxious over going out too like if I'm ready I have to go out or I won't leave....am I okay? That sounds daft but isn't this a warning sign? Xxx
Tessa, glad all is well with your little one.

Warning to all - FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS - especially if you have a crap midwife like mine! Just got back from private scan with consultant. Baby is currently healthy and good weight (7lbs 3) however my placenta is degrading and I have extremely low fluid. He has given me a report (and sent copy to my GP) stating that if I have not gone into natural labour over the weekend he strongly advises induction within 1 week :shock:
I'm feeling a little bit shell shocked and a little bit unnerved by the fact that my baby could have been in danger had I just left it as my midwife advised. I don't quite know how the relationship works between private consultants / NHS hospitals - hoping there will be no issues ...
I REALLY need to go into natural labour within the next week :shock:
Oh summer how scary! Glad you had the scan Hun, just shows you know your baby and your body better than anyone else! Stupid midwife! Lots of raspberry leaf tea and primrose oil capsules, birthing ball, sex, floor scrubbing etc for you my love! Keep us posted on how all these things go! X
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Summer! You and Tessa need to get on it.
Sex every night and morning.
Hot curry for dinner.
Long walks.
Scrubbing the floors
Lots of laughing (BH)
Dancing around your houses like mad ladies.
Play loud music too to disturb little ones comfy bed.

On a a serious note, I hope it does happen for you both naturally this week! Glad baby is measuring healthy. 7lb 3 sounds lovely. My son was 7lb 6 at birth and this time I want one smaller but I reckon I'll have an 8lber this time xx
Summer I am shell shocked at the absolutely diabolical standard of some NHS midwives!!!!! How dare they leave you! Well done for trusting your instincts babe, do what the ladies say above and of yiu don't go naturally don't worry - either way you'll have your gorgeous healthy boy before you know it!! Sending you lots of love, what an emotional roller coaster you've been on today! All on your anniversary too!

That's shocking summer so glad u know now tho hun. Fx baby cums soon.

I'm craving a Shandy and a McDonald's! Have been craving shandy a few days and I actually never drink beer. And I don't eat McDonald's often! Xx
Lol Kelly that is very random. I am still off food at mo, I'm eating but not massively hungry or craving anything really. Prob due to this bloody nausea though!

Just had a bath, dehaired and reshaped my eyebrows, was going to paint my nails but got too tired and couldn't be bothered trying to work out how to reach my feet haha. Will try and do it tomorrow though as feeling a bit yuck at mo due to being so massive now! x
I was craving a shandy the other day and I very rarely drink shandy's how random! Won't be long now till you can have one I'm sure :)

Baby hasn't stopped wiggling around tonight! I've been on my ball loads too! Think I'm going to have a pamper tomorrow and then when OH is home were doing a hospital run & a food shop :) x x x
Thanks ladies - yea not quite the relaxing anniversary we had planned. Feeling really anxious, though little man is kicking about as normal. I guess I'm going to have to phone midwife tomorrow and get her to notify hospital of the private consultants report?? Bit awkward as I've effectively gone over her head (not that I regret it for one second obviously!) but I don't know how else I'll get booked in for induction ...
Would be so much easier if I just went into labour in the next few days :wall2:
I wouldn't feel awkward about phoning her hun, it will make her realise she isn't doing her job properly and might save another lady from having a tragedy down the line xx
Summer so glad you got checked ~ what a relief! So come on, let's get these babies out!!!!

I had antenatal class tonight and after feeling a bit panic stricken by giving birth the past few days I have left feeling much more positive. Nearly didn't go but so glad I did in the end!

Hope everyone has a great nights sleep and feels ok in the morning. H hope you feel better soon. Kelly I would love a shandy!!,
Maybe it's carrying a girl thing!
Summer, I wouldn't worry. Just say you were very anxious and obviously good job you were x

Glad your feeling more positive now Tessa.

Night ladies. Hope you all sleep well x
Ooo how exciting, 2 babies to come in the next week! Fingers crossed for some full moon action too!

I've felt a bit rough the last few days but nothing to write home about. He must have dropped because I feel like I waddle and I'm really struggling to move in bed. My inner thighs are killing whenever I try to move. I think he brought his full back to the front too as I've felt like I'm gonna pop.

But no BH or plug or any waters or signs.

Hope you ladies get a decent sleep x

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