*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Your midwife sounds appalling!! The mistakes are so not good if of asked for a different midwife. Mines okay she's a bit dim but isn't bad or hasn't majorly effed up. It's the health visitor she's constantly making mistakes and it's the only one locally apparently she's really bad and has made loads of mistakes with 3 ladies who have had premies and generally can't be bothered xxx
No I was saying that to summer not my midwife to me - my MW said to my OH that she doesn't think I'll make my next app which I wish she hadn't said, that's only 6 days away!

Awww Violet how lovely!! Love little baby clothes and opening new presents for our little ones really does get you excited doesn't it. How are you feeling now?


Still really crampy but the abdomen cramps have backed off I have been eating like a horse though! I've practically devoured my body weight today not got dressed and it's chilled out all day it's my back ache more than anything haha I highly doubt this kid is coming any time soon xxx
Doll sounds great :)
I feel like I could spend the afternoon in bed. I've come over super tired! Xx
I bought myself some new candles as well yesterday after we were all talking about them lol and an electric wax tart burner that hubby hasn't realised is new yet whoops xx
I'm thinking of buying some sort of candle that hasn't git a flame I like the look of a scensty one but they are expensive, r they wiRoth the money?? Or can anyone recommend something else??

Back ache has ramped up today Been resting up at mums but just got home n put the washing out n waiting for harry to cum home from nursery no resting then altho I cud so do with going back to bed.

Violet thats so sweet of ur fil!!

The electric burner I've bought is just a glade one that was on special in asda for 6 pound. The little wax cubes were on special too, but I picked up some Yankee ones and they've melted fine. X
Sounds like a fab day doll eyes! I've just unpacked and packed my hospital bag again haha! Cleaned all the house and waiting for my dad to come round, only just got changed out of PJ's myself! M

I haven't spoke to my health visitor yet didn't know you did before the baby was here?

Glad you're feeling better Violet and having a nice chilled day!

I have candles on in every room today after my cleaning spree ! Michelle they are amazing, in the long run the work out cheaper then candles I think because you only have to buy the wax and I've had the same small block of wax in this one for 3 weeks now & it's still got lots left. You get 8 cubes in each wax you buy. My friend who sells them think I sent the page she recommends the cheesecake one :)

Thanks ladies, yes I did look at the link bunny n downloaded it but I've never tried anything like this before but think I will have to get some as I love the smells of candles just have a thing about flames. Defo think they will b needed if this lo is a boy as I will b surrounded by boys!!!

Saw hv before Harry was born but this time just got the red book through the post n a letter saying see u after the birth.

Bunny I think we are twins today, I just re packed my hospital bags, cleaned whole house and only just got out of my pjs too lol! I even cleaned out the cupboard under the stairs and sterilised dummies for hospital bag. Not sure what is wrong with me haha x
Really anxious after my appointment today :-(- my bump has always measured bang on or 1-2 weeks ahead now only 37.5 and I'm 39wks tomorrow - that means only half a cm growth in 2 weeks!! He's still only 3/5 engaged so hasn't dropped any further. 2 midwives checked measurement and agreed 37.5 so now I'm fretting! Midwife said to come back in a week (I.e on my due date) and they'll check measurement again, went to desk and they have no appointments next week!! The best they could do was at a different surgery the week after (3 days after my due date!!!)

I rang private consultant and He's going to see me for scan at 19:15 this evening. Bloody expensive but I can't wait potentially 11 days to know he's ok :wall2:

That's really bad of them not to fit you in next week. Can u not insist on an appointment? Surely if midwife says u have to go, they should fit u in. Hope scan is ok tonight! X
Sorry to hear your appointment wasn't as hoped Summer, good luck with your scan later, keep us posted x

Got my gtt results back, GP said I am nowhere near being even remotely diabetic, said it was one of best results they have had, really pleased :D x
Excellent news H :)

I dunno ... I didn't give detail about growth etc as it was just receptionist, she just said I'm afraid all the MW are fully booked next week - the soonest I can get you seen is at our other surgery the week after. I said but that's 3 days after my due date?! She just laughed and said well hopefully you won't need the appointment then ...

MW said if I experience reduced movement in the meantime call triage. No explanation as to why his growth could have slowed so dramatically! Lack of fluid? Insufficient placenta? I know I'm an anxious person but I'm so done with her complete lack of giving a damn :-(

Hopefully consultant can reassure me tonight - no way I will survive worrying for 11 days!!

Bless you Hun, sorry to hear you have got the stress and worry of this, last thing you need so close to due date xxx
Sorry that you are worrying summer. I hope that it is just due to baby position etc. Keep us informed and good luck for tonight. Hope it puts your mind at ease xx
After my walk I did sort out the steriliser and bottles and cleared a space for them so they are set to go. Then I did some housework. Then I baked a cake. Now time for a little bit of housework. I'm running out of things to do though as I'm. Not at work I can do things every 15 mins etc and it's all on top of haha x
Get on a birthing ball Kelly! I am currently using mine whilst my daughter is dancing round the living room to music lol. Rotate to dilate hahaha!
Omg. I totally forgot about my sterilizer!!!! Only got my moses basket and stand built and set up on monday and thought that was me done! Clearly not. Need to get that out, cleaned and bottles done! Thank god you all brought that up haha x
Sorry to hear that ur appointment wasnt what u were expecting summer hopefully tonight will reassure u that he's all fine.

Sounds like u have done a lot Kelly I have done nothing today really lol. Baby's really pushing down now n with Harry I'm so tired all the time. At least lo is wiggling away loads now so that's eased my mind.

I've got steriliser out but we haven't cleaned any of it yet and will sterilise bottles just before we use them :)
Got bibs for girly and dummies too but doubt we will use dummies this time round either.
I need to buy some Milton spray! Loved the stuff last time I had it!

It smells so strong ur afterwards everything smells so fresh! I need to buy those hospital bag snacks still. Prob do that Friday and also actually put clothes in my bag too lol x

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