*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Spoke to a lovely midwife she said it all sounds perfectly normal and it's just my body getting ready, not to worry but if I do lose my waters to ring and go straight up. At least now I can stop pestering you guys haha, I know I worry and I do ask a lot but I feel better just hope everything eased off and it's just the waiting game xxx
Babe you don't have to apologise were all at very similar and what can be very scary stages when you dot know what your body's doing or what to expect. Glad you called and feel better :) xxxx
I know I just feel like I wasted the midwifes time she was nice and I know you guys understand that's what helps the most I just didn't think it was normal and got a bit scared tbh but if she thinks it's no cause for alarm then I'm good. Will watch some walking dead and go to sleep soon xxx
Aww wow lots going on with symptom spotting in September mummies! I've had a lovely day at our friends baby's christening - then party after. Home now and keep poking baby saying oi you're behind schedule :clock: haha - still no signs of impending labour for me except the BH. though Kelly glad to hear sometimes it can just happen symptomlessly with waters breaking (to be fair that's how it happened for my mum with me).

Violet - I agree doesn't hurt to get checked out - especially as you felt a pop in the bath?? That would be enough to make me think waters!

Bunny - Sounds lovely! I'm a massive candle/smellies fan too! :) I've got a Yankee in every room - baby powder and clean cotton are my fav! My all time favourite candle is orange grove by white company - my mum always buys me one at Christmas and my bday. Not heard of a 'scentsy' though?!

I love yankee candles too hubby goes mad with me buying so many can't stand the vanilla ones hubby got me one for my birthday but my morning sickness was horrendous so I couldn't have it in the house, bought the wedding day one for brother in law last year for in their gift basket I made up and ended up keeping it haha xx
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Yeah summer, I've had that pop feeling before on the loo and nothing ever happened so I just assumed it was the same thing but then actually had a trickle on the loo was weird but she said it all seems fine and dandy so I'll see how I go now :) thank you all muchly xxx
Scentsy is amazing summer - have a look at my Facebook status from today about them. If you love candles you'll love these! I'll have to try that one from the white company!

So glad you had s lovely time at the christening - was the weather nice for you?

Haha as if you kept their candle! that's hilarious! My brother works at Yankee candle so I'm very lucky there !

All sounds good and exciting Violet - when's your due date again? Seems like your body is doing a perfect job of getting ready xxxx
I know bunny our wedding had been 3 months before theirs so I convinced myself it was a present to myself and hubby (mainly myself) xx
The same as doll eyes haha, I'm only just 37 weeks today! So if he's coming early then I haven't got long to go. Xxx
Haha I love that!! Does it smell amazing? OH's sister wants it for her wedding day!

Aww fab babe - 37 weeks was when a lot started changing for me, I'm only 38+1 now x x x
It's not as strong as I thought, but I like the fruity ones. Its more along the same as the vanilla and powdery ones. Still lovely though! I wanted the bunny cake one just because it was a bunny one lol but didn't like the scent too much. Might find my nearest scentsy rep though like the idea of an electric burner xx
Evening girls. Hope everyone is ok and has had a lovely weekend. I need to sit and catch up properly but I'm really rubbish at the moment, mad as it sounds I will probably have more time to pop on when hubby is back at work!
All is good with us, the girls are absolute angels at the moment for eating and sleeping. Otto is really taken with them, brings a tear to my eye when he goes and tries to comfort them when they cry!
I'm itching to start a September Mummies and Babies thread so I'm sending lots of labour vibes to you all. xxxx
Glad you had a good day Summer :) Can't believe you only have 11 days left!

Violet, glad you put your mind at ease hun - always good to get advice if you have worries hun

Bunny - Awww no, you need to get those contractions back, need some excitement in here! I love candles, might have to invest in some of those if they smell that strong. Saw your post on facebook about them they sound really good :)
My back pain has just started to ease off now after constantly getting worse all day long. Having a few tightenings at the mo but nothing too exciting to make me think anything will happen tonight :(

Haha Doll_eyes that is funny, that is the kind of thing I would do! Bought my mum a really pretty mug once as part of her xmas stocking and ended up keeping it for myself. Was even funnier when she came round my house after and I made her a cup of tea in said mug and she was going on about how pretty it was and where could she buy one lol. Opps.

All this talk of candles is making me want to go online shopping lol

Pleased to hear all is going well Gilly, things always seem easier for me with my daughter when OH at work too, weird that haha. Full moon this weekend so you may get your wish ;)

I have my GTT tomorrow morning so will see what that brings, I honestly think it will come back clear though and I just have a whopper rather than it being due to GD x

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Waaaah! Back pain back with a vengeance and feeling really pukey :( Don't you just love the last few weeks of pregnancy?! lol
Lol, I wish! I will still be moaning in 3 weeks time - sorry ladies, I am sure you will all be fed up with me by the time I give birth! x
Lol I'm only jealous as I have zero signs. Got a brief twinge today that felt like period pain and I was practically cheering, by the time id finished getting excited, I realised it had gone, lol x
DTD last night in a hope to get the contractions back and nothing, not even a twinge. Actually slept really really well last night! Sorry H no labour thread from me this morning. After all the signs I've had the past week things seem to have really died off - maybe the calm before the storm? We will see. Oh well - have to keep head up and not get too down about it.

How you feeling this morning H?

And everyone else?

Anyone got much planned for today? I'm off shopping with OH's little brother - getting car cleaned too. Going to have spicy fajitas from Aldi for dinner - I know people say it's a myth and doesn't work but with both OH's sisters little girls she had these and went in to labour they night. Coincidence or not I'm trying it haha

My friends site for her scentsy candles is : https://fmilner.scentsy.co.uk

If anyone wanted a look xxxx
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I love candles but can't have them as I'm scared of fire n fey so anxious around them!!

Not much planned here today as its ment to rain all day so will b trying to entertain a toddler all day whilst resting lol.

My back aches now pretty much all the time and hips ate hurting aswell now. Won't b long for me tho so I shudnt complain.


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