Glad you had a good day Summer

Can't believe you only have 11 days left!
Violet, glad you put your mind at ease hun - always good to get advice if you have worries hun
Bunny - Awww no, you need to get those contractions back, need some excitement in here! I love candles, might have to invest in some of those if they smell that strong. Saw your post on facebook about them they sound really good

My back pain has just started to ease off now after constantly getting worse all day long. Having a few tightenings at the mo but nothing too exciting to make me think anything will happen tonight
Haha Doll_eyes that is funny, that is the kind of thing I would do! Bought my mum a really pretty mug once as part of her xmas stocking and ended up keeping it for myself. Was even funnier when she came round my house after and I made her a cup of tea in said mug and she was going on about how pretty it was and where could she buy one lol. Opps.
All this talk of candles is making me want to go online shopping lol
Pleased to hear all is going well Gilly, things always seem easier for me with my daughter when OH at work too, weird that haha. Full moon this weekend so you may get your wish
I have my GTT tomorrow morning so will see what that brings, I honestly think it will come back clear though and I just have a whopper rather than it being due to GD x