*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Just popping in to wish you sept mummies good luck for birth, after being due 1st sept myself, I stayed an august mum as booked in for this week, but popped on 7th aug!!

Is it just gillyboos from sept thats given birth? Ive lost touch since my birth :)
Thanks bunny they look lovely - Michelle take a look (no fire involved!)

Hi JJ! Lovely to hear from you - yea just Gilly's little ladies who made an appearance so far but lots of teasing babies so we think it won't be too long before another couple show up. Hope you are enjoying time with gorgeous Griffin - are you both doing well?

Thanks H - I keep looking at my ticker and thinking oh my gosh I'm now counting down the days as opposed to weeks!!! (Well hopefully - still symptomless so he's seeming a bit chilled out in there for my liking :lol:)

*boob question* I know your proper milk doesn't come in until a couple of days after birth but my friend had leaky nipples (just clear colostrum stuff) from 35weeks. I'm now 38+4 and nothing whatsoever - even given them a little poke and squeeze and zip! Anyone else the same? Or any second time mums same first time around and still produced it in time for babies first feed? Xxx
One of the candles I got is sweet pea scented it's got little bumble bees on the side and I love it it's my calming one my vanilla ones have gone a bit weird on me now, I did get a Yankee candle but it was so strong I felt a bit sick :S it was cinnamon I think not my fav smell anyway haha xxx
Gilly just seen this on Facebook :love:


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Thanks jj Mum, I'm due to go in 1st Sept for induction if this lo can wait that long lol. Feel there will b sum babies cuming soon tho!!

ohhh if there's no flame I will take a look thank you.

I never had any leaking nipples until after Harry was born n nothing this time either. Don't worry it will b there when u need it hun.

UhHaha summer I squeezed mine too to see if anything would come out and nothing! It's my final shift at work today, was meant to be done last week but covering so a lady can move house. They're interviewing my maternity cover this week too scary!

I've had zero signs purple, but yesterday felt quite crampy and sore. I think I'll either go overdue or just suddenly into labour. Not this week though I've finally got nice things planned for finishing work and want to do them lol xx
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Thanks JJ! How are you getting on with the new arrival?

I've had some leaking in my bra but only recently summer , I wouldn't worry too much. Xxxxx
I've noticed whenever I go for a walk be it 5 mins to the shop and back I go the loo after an part of my plug is coming away, everytime i just go out. Had another bit before and a lot of cm feeling v crampy again today and the back pain is back. But I am just about to walk one of our dogs (smallest one haha) so let's see where today leads me baby's going crazy having a right squirm. I think doll eyes it'll be really random for you too but as you said youve got stuff planned and want to do them I have booked a hotel for the weekend....bet you anything something happens xxx
Sorry ladies ive been really quiet I will take some time and catch up. I have been getting symptoms everyday then they disappear so trying not to post too much and get my hopes up!
Hope everyone is keeping well, as exciting as all these symptoms are it's disheartening sometimes when it leads to nothing.
I agree Ramsey - I really thought things were starting at the weekend and felt a bit fed up last night but put some fab music on this morning and danced round the house. I woke up and thought to myself whatever happens I'll have my baby in 3 weeks, if any earlier then we are lucky. We are all so lucky to be in this journey and have our baby's growing inside us. Going to try and keep this frame of mind even if I go over , when I'm 42 weeks that all be in 3 weeks time (just under) xxxx
I was in the bath the other day and my boobs started leaking down my belly lol. I remember this from last time too. My boobs started leaking at 19+5 last time and 19 weeks this time! But not very much and my supply afterwards was ridiculous I think I could have fed triplets on it!

Dtd, did nothing but today I have back ache :(
Midwife tomorrow for possibly my last appointment! Xx
That's a good way to look at it bunny, I keep thinking the same by October I'll definitely be a mum and have baby home, hopefully will be a lot sooner than October lol im just wanting labour out of the way now and to get stuck in with parenting xx
I feel the same and I'm sure I'll have my off days like last night where I'm fed up and want her here but I'll keep saying that to myself every morning and every night, having a good frame of mind can change everything.

I'm defiantly nesting, cleaned yesterday and I'm cleaning again now. Scrubbing everywhere and rearranged all the food in the cupboards haha xxxx
Hi ladies, I am a September mummy (due 21st, team yellow), but never post, although I do keep up with what's happening in here. :)

I am 36 weeks today, this is baby no. 2. Molly is 2.5 years. Textbook pregnancy with her (rough birth, but we won't go into that). This one is proving a pickle- measuring big, borderline diabetic, and now query breech! I have a scan tomorrow, to determine the position- just wondered,if anyone else here has a breech baby, where you feel movement? Xxx
Hi ladies, I feel so ill atm I've got a bad tummy again but feel sick to my stomach I've not eaten anything that would cause me to be I'll either normal food I've been used to and I've got back and lower abdomen pain xxx
My first baby was breech and she hardly moved. She got herself wedged in my pelvis, bum down with her feet up by her head. She was like that pretty much all pregnancy and she hardly moved so didn't feel much movement. Not like this one who never stops moving. X
Hi NicNax! Sorry I'm not much help as don't really know the answer to thank but wanted to say hello!

Awwww Violet sounds like your having a rough time of it late pregnancy - do whatever your body is telling you too. Rest when you need to :)

Mum surprised me with a visit so she came out for dinner with me and OH's little brother, had a lovely little day and came home to a lovely smelling house after this mornings upside down cleaning extravaganza!

Hope everyone's having a lovely day - full of lots of symptoms that babies are on their way. Can safely say since Saturday I've had nothing really - except loosing a lot of white CM. feeling really good and positive tho x x x
I had a bath and hubby came home so I cut his hair for him (getting a bit crazy) and now just sat in the garden for a bit xxx
That's it girls I'm a lady of leisure! Got some lovely gifts and flowers from customers, made me sad to leave. Glad I'll not be driving twenty miles a day now though! Little miss better stay put until I get my hospital bag done and start some nesting finally. Xx
Hi nicnax sorry I don't know about breech as both have been head down, well so far unless this lo moves now!!

Sounds a nice day bunny.

Glad u r finally finished doll eyes time to rest up before baby arrives.

Well Kelly no baby so far hun, does anyone else have a prediction for me I'm starting to get very nervous now it's a week away.


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