It's getting exciting in here with all this talk of bags and plans. Really hope some of these bubs make an appearance soon. September is fast coming around, we're already mid August.
We were hopeful to come home today as the paediatricians are really pleased with the girls and they're feeding well etc. Had them weighed and they've lost 20g (Indi) and 5g (Merryn), this is after them weighing them on Saturday. I'm pretty sure they're are still within the 10% limit but the mw said the paediatrician is keen for us to stay another night. At the time I just sort of shrugged and said ok but now I'm sat crying. I just want to be at home with my family, Otto has just been in for a visit and I'm finding it so, so hard being away from him for so long (especially as they girls have no hospital needs). I wish I'd had the sense to ask to speak to the paediatrician, because what difference is one night/day going to make? Are we here indefinitely? If what we are doing (feeding 3 hourly and the girls are taking more than their calculated requirements) isn't working what are they going to do about it? If I'd pushed would they have let us go? I'm annoyed I just went with it and didn't question it. I'm so sorry to whinge when I know everyone else has their own shit to deal with. I'm just so desperate to have my family together, I've never been away from Otto like this and I feel like I'm totally letting him down.
I know the baby blues are probably making it all worse but I just feel so down. X