*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I went for a nap as was feeling a little rough. Woke up an hour later feeling awful. Bad belly and feeling sick and headache :(
Hoping it passes very quickly and was just sleeping funny :( x
Oh she was so scrummy ladies I loved meeting her. Altho her mummy has now traumatised me!! She gave birth very very quickly on the pre natal Ward in front of the other ladies with a student mw catching the baby as they told her she was only 3cm n they were to busy up on the Ward for her!!! Really scared me now.

Hope u feel better soon Kelly n try not to let the mess get to u Tessa just ignore it u have plenty of time to clean!!

enjoy ur relaxing day h.

It was her second child btw n she had been relatively quick with the first n they still didn't listen so there's no hope for me!!!

Hey guys :) bh are uncomfortable i usally sit down and wait it out. Ive been having them since my 2nd trimester. I got up a bit quick today and pulled a muscle down there,it was so painful was limping for a bit. My upset stomach due to the iron tablets is just annoying me that i have to think about when to take the tablets,what to eat and if ill be popping out.
Bathroom done, washing done, roast dinner in the oven, perfect prep machine setup and been through a clean cycle, Moses basket set up properly - been quite productive day so far but having a sit down down as my back is killing me! Just want to redo hospital bags later as I am not happy with them yet, going to try and pack some clothes in them and find something else to wear for last few weeks otherwise I guarantee I will have no clean clothes to pack when labour starts! :D
Im just thinking how i will cope not doing the chores when i come home my dh will do it but i wont feel satisfied lol but i know ill be focused on baby too.
Past 3 days ive been getting menstrual cramp pain, when we feel presure does that mean baby has dropd? or when tummy faces dowoards slightly.my babys head is right down so when wil he drop again? Surely that would mean he pops out. Lol
Been a week since ive had carpal tunnel.its so painful. My hands swell so much and i cant move my hand for half an hour after waking up. An area by the wrist feels like a burning sensation.
Feet are okay though.
Sara my lo has been head down all the way right down on my bladder little monkey but bump is still high. Lots of niggles n pains r common at the end so try not to worry.

Can hardly kept my eye open today which is a bot embarrassing as the in laws r around lol.

Just seen your post about your friends labour Michelle, OMG that sounds insane! x
Well the last weekend in August is also a full moon Bunny - so you never know!! :)
So glad you are pleased with your pram (hope they apologised when you collected it) but glad it was worth the wait.

H - sounds like a productive day! Well done you - I know what you mean about hospital bag - Having a limited supply of comfy maternity clothes I keep packing an outfit then pinching it back out the bag again to wear :lol:

Bless your friend Michelle! Must have been slightly disconcerting :shock: still at least it was a nice quick labour I suppose!

Sara not sure if it's similar but my hands feel really stiff when I first wake up - it disappears quite quickly after getting up though. Just keep your eye on the finish line - not long to go ...

Tessa you need to take it easy lady!!! I know that feeling of needing to do a proper thorough spring clean though. I went a little cleaning mad yesterday. Suddenly small bits around the house that I've been gradually getting to need doing RIGHT NOW!!! I quite literally woke up this morning telling hubby that a boxed TV stand in the spare room (one of those things we've been meaning to put on eBay forever) needs to go in the attic RIGHT NOW because it's driving me INSANE! He did it bless him but looked a little bewildered ... The things been tucked behind the sofa bed for about 2 years :lol:
Hope you've managed to have a bit more of a rest today.

Hope you're feeling better too Kelly?

This baby is moving around really really low Down. It's so painful and giving me pains right into my legs :( xx
Hopefully if they are that low down now they may come sooner rather than later hun, bless ya, pain isn't fun! x
Do you have a yoga/birth ball Kelly? I found that rocking on it kind of helps as it opens up your pelvis and let's baby burrow down a bit easier. Just think the lower baby gets the closer to coming out :) xxx
Yeh I have a ball :)
She's really giving me some grief. At first she was tickling my bladder, that was much nicer than this pain :(
Will have to go bed soon I think if I can sleep through it! Xx
I'm still in shock n traumatized!!! I really don't want that to happen Esp as there was no towel no proper me no equipment n no drugs lol.

Slept ok last night which I didn't think I was guna, bit woke up in a panic at 5.45 thinking I hadn't pit the monitor on as I hadn't heard Harry all night so went to check n he's fine n I'm now wide awake!!


P.s I'm predicting Kelly is next!!
I'm predicting ill go at 40 weeks exactly! No idea who will be next though. I've had shooting pains up my left side last night which woke me up a few times. But I guess this baby just wants to give me more grief than my son did lol.
My own fault for saying I didn't get anything last time! Xx
Awwww Kelly I hope these pains ease off for you!

I had terrible hip pains all the way through my pregnancy with my daughter to the point I couldn't sleep at night, was awful. Thought I had gotten away with not having them at all this pregnancy which surprised me as I am so much bigger this time round but low and behold last night / this morning my hips are hurting so much it is horrendous! :( At least I made it to 36 weeks without pain this time though, thank god for small mercies! x

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