*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I almost wish I had but then when I know my date is the 4th, I don't know how well I would imagine it being the 18th! I don't think I'll go overdue this time so I will most probably be in a foul mood if she isn't here on due date like I did last time.
It's really weird that we are most impatient with the less time there is so go lol xx

Katherine, I think it's because babies pop in and out of being engaged second time round. It's worrying though as baby might get engaged and pop out, flip around and then try come out! Lol xx
U never know Kelly u may b the same day as me!!!

Gilly how fab is ur hubby, I remember the crying from last time u just can't stop it cam u it's so write our poor hubbys must b very baffled by us!!

I do have q feeling we will see a baby(or two) in the next two weeks.

There has to be Atleast 1 before end of August!
I know my baby isn't coming soon. She is too active. I'm sure they go a bit quiet before labour?
Have any of you had any craving or going off anything last few weeks? X
Aww Gilly enjoy your pate! :) I totally understand your frustration - a hospital stay is never nice at the best of times but when you're desperate to get home to Otto it must be even worse. Glad the girls are doing well overall though - I bet Otto was excited to visit them - he's going to have his work cut out find him in a few years :lol:

I know I really shouldn't focus on my due date as first babies and boys are statistically late so the odds are against me :roll: apparently in France they calculate your due date as 41 weeks! Even if 40 weeks us statistically the average it's probably better to do 41 weeks so that most women are just pleasantly surprised if baby us slightly earlier :lol:
Everyone keeps saying I should be resting and sleeping and not wishing this time away as I won't have time to myself again for a LONG time. When I was still at work I was beyond desperate to just loll out on the sofa watching Disney films and 'friends' but now I've suddenly got an energy burst and I'm going stir crazy at home. Today I spent 5hrs at my husband's office 'helping' (hopefully :lol:) just to get out and focus on something other than waiting for baby.

I must admit it is a bit tedious being home all the time because then you get bored of doing the same things. There is only so much relaxing you can do. Without this forum I'd have one less thing to check. That would be boring!
I'm set for the night, LO in bed and OH at work. Got some choccy and my blanket and watching a film. Pains again!! X
Summer we are the same person I'm sure - I spent 7 hours helping out at OH's office and going to do it all this week, when in work I couldn't wait to finish so I could chil watch disney films and box sets. since ive been home from a pretty busy day ive scrubbed the kitchen, made tea, scrubbed our bedroom, 2 loads of washing, made packed lunch for tomorrow and done an hour bouncing on my yoga ball - not to mention replying to tons of messages about my own business - what is up with me???

Currently sat watching the football with my 3rd raspberry leaf tea of the day - i love this stuff!

I wish I hadn't got myself so set on her coming early but I am - completely set on it, oops!!

Probably TMI, and slightly embarassing, but is it normal for farts to smell so bad? I have never ever smelt like this haha xxxx
Ahh gilly that's so cute!!!

baby Hayes is so bloody active tonight n feels so low down n up high at the sane time he/she has defo packed on the 0zs these last 2wks.

Got my last mw appointment tomoz at 1 that's it then fir me till hospital!! Feels so real now n yet I cant imagine giving birth etc again n having a baby!!

I weighed today, put on 1st 5 altogether now! Hoping baby will be about 7lb of that atleast!
Doesn't help that I've eaten so much choccy this last week. That's what happens when it's your birthday lol. I'm not normally a sweet tooth at all x
Ohh michelle that's exciting. I think I have just the one left too now but that's not until the 25th xx
Just been looking at everyone's due dates and looking at who may go next. I think my money is still on Michelle but I think I'm stuck on that because of my dream!
I went overdue with Otto which was frustrating but then when I got to 40 weeks I felt better knowing I had no more than the 2 weeks left, the window was getting smaller. Sounds silly but it kept me going a bit longer without going nuts! Xx
Blinking heck just had to catch up with 3 or 4 pages lol.

Bunny - hope you get good news about position of baby on Wednesday :)

Summer - I am on 2 weekly appointments but only because it is baby number 2. I remember having a lot more appointments when pregnant with my 1st :)

You only get your cervix checked if you go past due date, I had mine checked I think day after due date or something and she told me I was 1cm dilated so I got all excited and she gave me a sweep and then when I went for another check later in week I was still only 1cm dilated. Was so gutted lol. I didn't bleed with my sweep but have heard that some people do. It shouldn't be loads though.

Sweep didn't bother me as I figured loads of people would stick their hand up there soon enough to see how dilated I was on labour anyway hahaha. I don't get bothered by smear tests etc either though but I know a lot of women who hate things like that :)

Kelly - I have stupid amount of cm at mo too, to the point where I think I am leaking waters or something! Ruby definitely went quiet for 2 days before she was born so I agree with that :) Enjoy the choccy and the film.

Summer - I had never heard of boys being late! That is depressing :(

Gilly - sorry you are feeling down hun, hope you get to go home soon, your husband is sweet, I started drooling over that pic of pate - OMG roll on this baby being born as that is first thing I am going to eat once home! lol. Super cute pics of Otto and his sisters, adorable! How is he liking his little sisters so far? :)

Michelle - hopefully all will go ok and baby will behave and arrive in the hospital in privacy for you :)

Katherine - I was told that 2nd / 3rd babies etc quite often engage straight before labour starts so think that is why they don't think it is as important if it isn't your first :)

I'm fully expecting to be the last one on here to give birth, I am actually feeling a bit gutted about it as I know how awful it was going so overdue with Ruby, I really wanted to cry at the end. Got midwife appointment on Thursday and if I am still measuring 5 or 6 weeks ahead I am going to push her to check all is ok though as it is really stressing me out thinking I will go overdue and end up birthing a 13lber or something! Not a nice thought as I found labour hard enough with an 8lb8oz baby and I am finding I am enjoying pregnancy a lot less at the moment due to the worrying.
I don't think your going overdue H! I reckon latest would be due date.
I need one of these dreams about you all. I do have really good dreams so I may have one!:-D

Yeh definetely asked to be checked if you feel you Need to hun xx
I just got a really painful sensitive boobs. Only for like a minute when I moved and it disappeared. But it reminded me of how painful my boobs were after having my son. Last time I breastfed for 3 days and then because I stopped, my boobs were leaking so much and we're so achey. I can't imagine the pain of expressing all the time? :( x
Been awake for the last hour feeling really pukey, crampy and weird, started losing plug now which doesn't mean much but you never know. Baby definitely changed position too, felt him do a massive flip and now I have what feels like a back sticking out behind my belly button :D x
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Ooo H, this is exciting! I've been awake and feeling pukey but that's it for me, lol x
Still feeling a bit weird but probably the lack of sleep haha. Glad he seems to of moved into a more sensible position now though, lets hope the cheeky monkey stays there! :)

28 days to go hun! x
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Had some horrible dreams last night nothing baby related but still horrid n when I woke at 5.30 I just thought I can't b bothered to go back to sleep to wake up terrified again!! So I got up, feeling tired again now tho.

Seems I'm top of the list to pop next then lol. But my money's on Kelly or h!! We need some exciting Labour thread can't wait to start seeing them.

You lot were all awake early!

Hope your all feeling ok? I was woken at 7.15 but didn't get to sleep until early 2 x

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