Blinking heck just had to catch up with 3 or 4 pages lol.
Bunny - hope you get good news about position of baby on Wednesday
Summer - I am on 2 weekly appointments but only because it is baby number 2. I remember having a lot more appointments when pregnant with my 1st
You only get your cervix checked if you go past due date, I had mine checked I think day after due date or something and she told me I was 1cm dilated so I got all excited and she gave me a sweep and then when I went for another check later in week I was still only 1cm dilated. Was so gutted lol. I didn't bleed with my sweep but have heard that some people do. It shouldn't be loads though.
Sweep didn't bother me as I figured loads of people would stick their hand up there soon enough to see how dilated I was on labour anyway hahaha. I don't get bothered by smear tests etc either though but I know a lot of women who hate things like that
Kelly - I have stupid amount of cm at mo too, to the point where I think I am leaking waters or something! Ruby definitely went quiet for 2 days before she was born so I agree with that

Enjoy the choccy and the film.
Summer - I had never heard of boys being late! That is depressing
Gilly - sorry you are feeling down hun, hope you get to go home soon, your husband is sweet, I started drooling over that pic of pate - OMG roll on this baby being born as that is first thing I am going to eat once home! lol. Super cute pics of Otto and his sisters, adorable! How is he liking his little sisters so far?
Michelle - hopefully all will go ok and baby will behave and arrive in the hospital in privacy for you
Katherine - I was told that 2nd / 3rd babies etc quite often engage straight before labour starts so think that is why they don't think it is as important if it isn't your first
I'm fully expecting to be the last one on here to give birth, I am actually feeling a bit gutted about it as I know how awful it was going so overdue with Ruby, I really wanted to cry at the end. Got midwife appointment on Thursday and if I am still measuring 5 or 6 weeks ahead I am going to push her to check all is ok though as it is really stressing me out thinking I will go overdue and end up birthing a 13lber or something! Not a nice thought as I found labour hard enough with an 8lb8oz baby and I am finding I am enjoying pregnancy a lot less at the moment due to the worrying.