*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Sorry you had bad dreams Michelle, these hormones play havoc with our dreams and sleep patterns don't they? I went to bed at 11 last night but been awake since 3.30 this morning. Knackered now, going to have a nap shortly when Ruby goes back to be bed for an hour. Bet you are knackered too Kelly, you have had about the same amount of sleep as me! x
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Gosh so much to catch up on after a day off!! Sorry you had bad nights ladies, hopefully you can get a little rest at some point today. And I totally agree defo a sept baby by the end of next week!

Will keep everything crossed that today is gillyboos coming home day!

I have scan app today. Feeling really relieved as movements have been reduced for a week now. They were much better yesterday but are increasingly less and have lost their pattern too. After scan last wed/thur I knew this one was coming up and that all looked ok, but today will be good to see what progress she has made in the last week and then see midwife to discuss what to do if reduced movements continue. It really got to me Sunday night as I tried everything and was just getting barely any response from baby. Roll on 12! Xx
I was in bed by 10 but was awake every 2-3hrs peeing n then terrified it was horrid.

Hope u both get to have a nap today, Harry went off to nursery at 7.30 so I've already strolled the beds, done a load of washing cleaned the bathroom n ensuite n emptied all bins. Time for a break n a snack!!! Can't seem to sit still to long atm either end up with bank pain or just feel on edge don't know what's wrong with me.

Hope it goes well today Tessa I have defo noticed baby has less room so not as bigger movements n pattern has changed a bit they do like to worry us these bubas.

Hope u get out gilly.

Hope all goes well today Tessa, I will check back in later for an update xx
Let us know how you get.on tessa x
I've got one grumpy child today :(
OH Is off so we are food shopping soon. Feel like I've got a few hours housework to do today. Floors need mopping again (really don't wanna do it :( ) x
Hope all goes well today Tessa - I'm working in OH's office today so will be online all day to check in. I'm sure all will be fine :)

H sounds like you've had an exciting night, tiring but exciting for the rest of us hoping your baby will come soon!

Oh no Kelly grumpy child and food shopping don't sound like they go well together.

I'm helping OH out then final hypnobirthing class tonight x x x
Morning girls not had a chance to catch up but Tessa hope your scan goes well. I've been so Ill with heartburn even water felt like acid and my throat is really burnt with the acid so my throat is red raw, I'm back at doctors tomorrow as the tablets aren't working so need changed.

Had my last growth scan yesterday, she's measuring at 5.8lb roughly but water is a bit low. Her feet are right in my chest up into my stomach so think thats why my heartburn has gotten so bad.

Off today so at gala bingo with my mum to cheer me up lol xx
Hope your scan goes well Tessa. Will be checking back after lunch to see how you get on.
Kelly instead of mopping - try scrubbing - pretty sure someone on here said they went into labour that way ;)
Sorry you are having horrible dreams Michelle - last night I dreamt I was in hospital giving birth to twin boys :shock: then I was trying to breastfeed both of them - think somehow I merged Gilly's situation with my own :lol: Hope you can go home today Gilly!

I braved the Brazilian this morning!!! :lol: waxing is never the most comfortable experience but to be honest I don't think it was more painful than usual - and actually I do feel a little more fresh and prepared for labour.

Enjoy Gala bingo doll-eyes! :)

Yeah that was me Summer lol. Was already 8/9 days overdue so scrubbed floor on advice of MIL and then my contractions started lol.

Jeez you are brave getting a wax, I just about managed to dehair myself at weekend without any major accidents but don't think I will risk doing it again before labour now haha x
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Enjoy going to bingo today! :)

My son was grumpy until we changed him. I think his top was irritating him as he kept saying it was hurting and we were presuming it was his belly. So happy that we no longer have a grumpy boy!

I mopped kitchen and OH mopped dining room. I would scrub as it waa suggested a near my last birth but can't get down that low lol. My hip keeps giving way today as well :(

Ohh summer you are brave! But at least all will look nice lol xx

Bless you Dolleyes, hope it gets better sounds awful!! Enjoy the Bingo :)

Hope you're home soon Gilly !!

Summer you are so brave - I really want one as I feel horrible down there and it's getting harder and harder to even attempt shaving! Feel sorry for the MW's !

My friend thinks shes going in to labour, shes just text me and shes a week late x xx

Glad your little one has cheered up Kelly. Mine is being a nightmare today, up since 5am, being stroppy as she is tired but screaming house down for 40 mins when put up for a nap etc. I have given up now and she is sat next to me watching cartoons feeling sorry for herself. Toddlers! x
Aww well I know lots of people say it hurts more when pregnant but I found it the same as usual so if you usually get one then I'd just go for it (not because I think there's any shame whatsoever in going 'au natural') I was totally going to leave it but I'm naturally kinda hairy :oops: and think I will feel a lot easier managing after birth bleeding/stitches etc. The beautician was lovely and said she gets lots of pregnant ladies ... Though I did feel the need to apologise and say I haven't properly seen down there in several months :lol: and of course the embarrassing positions they get you in to erm 'access all areas' was even more hilarious with a giant bump in the way :lol:

Aww bunny how exciting for your friend!! Let us know how she gets on ... :)
I've never had one before - I'm such a wimp when it comes to waxing but shaving is so hard at the moment ! Will see how I feel!

Awww I will do - her waters haven't gone but shes getting what she thinks are contractions every 15 minutes now ! So exciting !! Can't wait till that's me xxx
It's funny how we all want to be in agony - the only time in your life you ever wish for pain lol x
Hope everything is alright Tessa.

Had my last mw appointment all went well still only measuring 32wks but that's ok as it has grown. She told me If I feel I'm in Labour or waters go to ring an ambulance as its better to v safe than sorry in my situation!!! Ekk!!

Won't see anyone now till after the birth. Oh n baby's head right down but only a little bit engaged.

Ohhhhh Michelle, brilliant news that they are in position. Very exciting! Glad she told you to get an ambulance, probably sensible in case of quick labour :) No more appointments until after baby, wow that is scary how fast your journey has gone! Do you think you will make it to your induction date or do you think they will come early? x
That's great Michelle. Hope baby Hayes gives you lots of notice when he or she decide to start making an arrival!

I've just been for a nap. Much needed. My hips are actually killing me today :( xx
Mine were the same yesterday Kelly but they are fine this afternoon. Hope they stop hurting for you soon x

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