*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I've been the opposite. I did get hip pain with my son but only at the very very end. This time I got Pgp at about 13 weeks and have a horrendous time with it.
I can only be grateful that I had no morning sickness again as that is a real fear of mine. I've not been sick for about 7/8 years now and truly can't face the next time I am!
Today I will make a list of snacks to pick up for hospital bag and make sure that's finished at long last. Then, no plans for the rest of the day x
Yeah I think your next Kelly closely followed by Summer! I said to OH yesterday that little miss feels so so low and like you said it's hurting when she moves. Got my MW Wednesday so excited to see what position she's in and how low down, fingers crossed for me that she's no longer back to back.

Up too much today ladies?
I've decided to do a weeks work at my OH's office while the receptionist is away, gets me out the house and busy so hopefully this week will go fast and being active will get LO moving.

I spent yesterday seeing my dad and then came home and scrubbed the house xxxx
Kelly when you've got your snack list sorted do you mind posting it, I'm really unsure as what to get and that's the last thing I need to pop in now xxxx
I'm so unorganised with hospital bags, I keep packing and unpacking and also need to stop wearing my clothes from the bag! I really need to sort it out, told other half he will need to practice putting the car seat in today, he thinks I'm mad haha.
Was up most of the night with tightenings but it all passed, which I knew it would. Why can't we not get period pains when we are period free for 9 months :wall:
I'm so excited to see who is next, keep expecting to pop on and something is happening for a September mummy, that will set me full of excitement, got my midwife on Thursday when I'll officially be full term :shock: haven't seen her in over 3 weeks so will be good to see the changes, although I'm a little nervous at when I was referred to hospital a couple of weeks back they said they may consider induction at this stage as there is signs of same problem with DD, no more signs as of now though so hopefully not
Not sure what today's plans are although I may work a few hours as I have a handover to do! xxx
Sounds like some productive days planned ladies. I have a bit of cabin fever today so going to do the 45 min walk into town centre and buy some extra clothes for hospital bag as I keep wearing all mine too lol. Just need it packed now so going to grab extra leggings etc today so I can just get it done! OH also doing my head in as he still not working and is getting a bit moody now where he doesn't have a job so few hours to myself will be good! X
Oohh bunny hope she is properly engaged ready for her arrival soon! :-D
Can you feel different movement or do you think she may still be back to back?

Hope you take it easy in the office. I haven't had a nesting scrub yet x

I will do. Might take me a while to decide what to put on it lol x

I'm the same Ramsey, every morning I log in hoping to see some juicy news :-)

Enjoy your walk, hope it isn't too much for you.
I have hardly any clothes now. I think I may have to wear my maxis for a few weeks x
Quick question - are ladies over 37 weeks on weekly midwife check ups now? I had my last one at 37wks and she told me to book another one for 2 weeks time (so potentially/hopefully my last one at 39wks) but just wondering if she made a mistake (again) as I thought check ups were a bit more regular right at the end ...?
Kelly and bunny - I definitely think you will be before me - my symptoms seem to be going in reverse this last week! no heartburn, no back/pelvic pain, loads more energy - I'm actually feeling pretty good and hubby mentioned my general mood is better ... Only remaining thing is increasing Braxton hicks - but otherwise think my little chap us just chilling out in there - too laid back like his dad :roll: ha
I feel like she has moved yeah because the movements are different - but i don't want to get my hopes up and be told different come wedneday. Actually can't wait to see MW it's been 3 weeks because she's been away, be every week after this week that I see her now. Do they check your cervix or anything?

Summer I have been the same - are we pregnancy twins? Haha, today I feel full of energy, no back ache, sleeping loads through the night, better moods etc xxx
My checkups are every 2 weeks summer x 36,38 and 40.

Summer, I guess the weird thing is that all this winery could mean baby is settling down now ready for birth ;) ;)
Fingers crossed for Wednesday Bunny! Hope she is in the right position :)

I never had my cervix checked last time. I remember having an appointment with my midwife at about 39+6 and the next one I was due was over 41 weeks and she said that I would get a sweep that day. Was gutted as thought I'd end up being ridiculously overdue x
I don't think anyone looks at ur foof ladies till after 40wks. I think u get seen at 39n then 40 n then every few days if u want sweeps before a plan is made to induce, I'm no expert tho as didn't get past 38wks last time or will b thus time. Every where dies seem to do things differently tho so made b different in each area.

Thanks Kelly!! Fingers crossed, I'll keep you all posted anyway.

Yeah I didn't think so either Michelle but my pregnancy app keeps telling me at my next app she will do - doubt it tho.

Is it common to bleed when having a sweep? Just want to be prepared xxxx
Yes it is hun. Hopefully the mw would tell u what is normal bleeding tho n what to look out for. Try not to worry tho my friend bled after every one this time n ended up in hospital one time just to check het over n all was well n baby was born just fine Thursday.

Thanks Michelle !

I keep wearing the things I have to come home in, worried thatthey will be in the wash when I go in to labour haha!
Think 2 pairs of leggings and 2 tops is plenty for hopsital bag? Or would you advise a maxi dress?

I had a sweep when I was already in labour and didn't bleed. But, I'm Sorry I can't be of any more help there as I only had the one.

I've done a little snack list.
Cereal bars,
Brazil nuts
Starburst (cus they r individually wrapped)

And I've got water and isotonic sport drinks (mainly for OH as I don't like them but may need a bit of one)

I've also put grapes and bananas so I'm going to keep stocked up on those the next few weeks.

If we need to stay in longer then OH will be able to get more at the time but none of us ate during last labour x
I'd suggest maybe putting a maxi in. I wore a skirt home and was grateful for it because I was exhausted and a little bit tender so it didn't effect me too much down there lol x
just ordered one, hard to know what size to get for coming home haha! xxx
Ah ok - maybe after my 39wk appt. she will want to see me again at 40. I'm really nervous about the idea of a sweep (sounds so stupid when I've accepted I'm pushing an entire baby out of my foof! :lol:) I feel the same squeamishness about cervix checks/ pessaries / forceps - I'm ok with things coming out just not things going up! Ha :lol:
I didn't want a sweep last time either. I was more concerned about that than giving birth. I think there was also the idea If somebody down there aswell where as in birth, I didn't care less lol x
Loads of CM today and achey pains again. Have I got this to look forward to for the next couple of weeks!?? :-( x

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