* september 2014 mummies! *

So we are in St Thomas Hospital in London with James and he had his operation this evening. He has osteomyelitis and sceptic arthritis, which is a bone infection and joint infection in his knee. They had to cut open his knee to flush out the infected fluid and later today he will have a pic line fitted as he will need iv antibiotics for a few weeks. Hoping to be transferred to our local hospital by the weekend and then discharged to home to continue his antibiotics. xx

Oh kanga - what a thing to go through. Thinking of you all. I had a pic line for my c-section infection antibiotics and it's so much easier than cannulas (and the antibiotics don't sting at all through it). Hope you are able to get nearer to home soon xx
Aw Kanga. Glad they know what's wrong. Hopefully he'll be on the mend ASAP and home soon x
Hello ladies, it's been quite a while since I posted...babies take up a lot of time. Who knew?! Haven't caught up with people's news yet, that's a task for the next feed!

Kanga just read your posts, so sorry your little man has to go through all that so young! :( hope you're ok and that he recovers quickly.

Well Luna is 4 weeks old now a and everything's going pretty well. She took 3 weeks to regain her birthweight so I've started combifeeding (sadly, more formula than boob now :( ) but she's absolutely thriving on it. I've never been so utterly exhausted and so incredibly in love! We're settling into life together, she's very patient with me bless her :)

Attached a couple of photos - one of her looking like Smeagol ;)

Now to catch up on all these beautiful newborns! X


Sorry to hear about James,I hope he makes a speedy recovery..poor wee man xxx
Glad they have managed to find and treat James kanga. Fingers crossed you get home soon and he has a speedy recovery xxx

Oh god I'm mental for Christmas and always buy way to much have done since my daughter was born. Here's Oliver's list of what I have bought and left to buy :|

I have bought him and my daughter matching pj's I'll take a pic and post it later they are awesome xxx
Talking bear*****
Lamaze rings*****
Nursery rhyme book *****
Musical bear*****
Bumbo seat******
Hungry caterpillar book*****
Dressing gown
Sommat nice to wear
Elf baby grow
In finding it difficult cause we still have loads of toys ect from when Tyler was a baby. Im so confused what to get lol. Need a new high chair but will prob ask one of the grand parents for that as they are asking what to get aswell xx
Yeah I'm lucky there I have a 19 year age gap haha. Oliver has a huge family on daddies side and everyone is asking me what to get. I'm not going to be able to move lol. So glad new house has a garage xxx
Oh Kanga! Can't imagine what you're going through, but glad the docs know what they're dealing with and hopefully you'll be home soon. Big hugs xxx

Loving the pics ladies! For some reason my phone is not letting me upload anything...Grrr! Take my word for it though, Henry is up there in the cute stakes with all your lovely bundles too!! ;-)

Ooh Lilmiss, great list there! We have so much stuff from DD to hand down to Henry, but there's a few ideas from you I might steal..!
Kanga, sorry to hear your little one needed an operation, hope he gets well soon xx
Kanga so glad things went well and he is being looked after well.. Thinking of you xxx
Oh Kanga sorry to see you and your little man is going through that. Wishing him a speedy recovery x

Sarahlouise I have no clue what to get Elara for Christmas she'll be over 3 months by then and nothing springs to mind. I know she's going to be spoiled by all her grandparents (she already is). Which makes it harder to find things for her ourselves.
Kanga- good to hear James' surgery went well, wee sole. Hope you and daddy are doing ok too- what a worrying time.

Re Xmas - I have no clue. Ds1 was 3months at his first Xmas and we got him ...... Nothing. He had been given so much when he was born. This year, ds2 will be 4 months old and looks like he might get a novelty Xmas outfit from us but we still have most things from ds1. .........
Hope little James is recovering Kanga, and hope you're holding up ok! Must be such a stressful time for you x

We're not doing xmas gifts for baby either. The way I see it, she's going to cost us progressively more as each xmas goes by, so why waste money on the first year when she's going to be utterly clueless! Think instead we're going to put some money into her account and buy a couple of personalised 'baby's first christmas' things.

My little angel has turned into a howling banshee these past couple of days, was up until 4am with her...non-stop crying, squirming, screaming from 5pm.

Where's the coffee...
Kanga, wishing your James a speedy recovery.

Just thought to update you all on my September baby who turned out to be an October baby. He was born on the 9th of October at 42weeks, after a very quick labour (just under 3hrs). So far, so good :)

I've been lurking in here gathering some tips, so thank you ladies.
Congratulations Mrscee - I am technically an August mum but he was due in Sept!
Congrats mrscee! I was technically an August mum but oscar refused to leave the premises! He now refuses to sleep at night so I am currently rocking his Moses basket trying to keep him asleep! Just taken over from the hubby so god knows what I'll do when he goes back to work! Move mum back in I think!
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Kanga so sorry to hear about your Lil man, here's hoping he's on his way to recovery.

Sorry I've been a bit awol too but finally told my sis to get out my life and now very close to saying same to my mother (will explain in detail once I have time to post more) but just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

Blake is now 5 weeks and on hungry baby milk and guzzling 6oz happily. He's excellent during day and defo more awake in the day, poor lad doesn't get peace to sleep with his tornado sister running riot, but come 7 Pm ish he just screams and eats. Will go through 2 6oz bottles over space of 4hrs nothing settles him and then it's like a switch and by midnight he's happy to finally sleep and that's usually him till 4.30am then takes another 6oz bottle and settles straight away till 9.30am.
I'm shattered as I'm not able to sleep cos of the pain I'm in with my back and also still sore from section although I'm defo more mobile than before. My daughter is draining me emotionally, she's needing to constantly repeat herself and I'm as patient as I can be with her but come 7 Pm I'm needing her in bed. It's to point I'm feeding Blake and she's trying my patience then, doing things she wouldn't get away with but trying it while I'm feeding as she's figured out I can't just get up and stop her. When feeding she's trying to get her head under my arm, throwing pillows at me etc. It's all for attention and even got her a baby with a bottle and nappy on etc to feed while I'm feeding but she just ends up wanting me to do it. Argh!

We are still in hospital and will be til at least Tuesday before being transferred to our home hospital. Poor little man has been stabbed for bloods and cannula so much I have lost count. We had a new cannula done at 7pm on thurs which failed at 3pm yesterday. They then spent an hour trying to do the pic line and failed so did another cannula which failed at 12 this morning so had to have yet another cannula fitted, which took 3 attempts on its own. Feel so sorry my little man. He will now be having a pic line done under general as far as I know on Mon, but that could change. He has now been in hospital for a quarter of his life!! xx

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