PF Diet & Healthy Eating

Starting weight: 15st 2 :(

Dress size: 18

we are similar, i am 5'9 (not sure how tall you are) so can wear a 16 in trousers but definately a 16/18 on top. this year, i no joke have put on i think 2 stone. i think i was in denial cause i can carry it cause i am taller but i caught sight of myself in a mega unflattering position in the mirror, sitting on the floor hunched over and all could see was gut and back fat, ewwwww, i HAVE to do somethign about this.
i need an idea for breakfast, i have it at work so needs to be quickish and filling. i usually have oats so simple the plain sachet one but its only 100 odd calories (i dont use milk - only water) and i am starving by 10.30am!!
i need an idea for breakfast, i have it at work so needs to be quickish and filling. i usually have oats so simple the plain sachet one but its only 100 odd calories (i dont use milk - only water) and i am starving by 10.30am!!

hey hun do you have a microwave in your work? you could take a few whisked eggs in a plastic tub and pop it in the micro until its scrambled eggs and have it with a slice of wholemeal toast. protein is meant to keep you fuller a bit longer. i'm the same with the oat so simple sachets, always hungry a couple of hours later and i use (skimmed) milk! i try and chuck in blueberries and bananas with it to fill me up a bit more. if i'm hungry mid-morning i have clementines in my desk drawer, takes the edge off at least. and apprently if we drink lotsa water it'll fill us up til lunch, not very exciting though :eh:

I'm not sure what I weigh as scales need a battery but I'm am a dress size 20!

Need to start by losing 10% of my weight so that's my mini goal but will get battery tomorrow and tell you what that is in weight terms x

Last time I checked I needed to lose 8st in total x x
Hello Everyone

Well after a hard day yesterday and a good night's sleep....When I woke up this morning I craved eggs lol So I had a healthy poached egg on brown bread with no butter and a cup of twinnings tea, it was lush....

I think I may have a nice home made chicken salad for lunch.

itisbabytime - Maybe you could take what cereal you can and extra pieces of fruit with a low fat cereal bar. I always have a mid morning snack around 11-11.30am, whether it's a apple/pear or cereal bar and a glass of water.

Keep up the good work ladies. Of too the gym later with hubby

Donna x
Haven't done so bad today.
I had a couple of slices of toast (must get some red milk so I can have cereal) and I'm going to pop some soup on for lunch. x
Hi ladies. Going well for me so far.

Except I'm starving hungry. But that's just because the portions I'm having now (normal ones) compared to my normal fatty man sized ones are going to take a while to get used to!

Especially after Christmas!!

Still. Have had plenty of fruit and veg and nice healthy meals. So I'm feeling good. :)
Hi girls

Starting weight: 13st 11lbs :cry:
Goal weight: 10st

Considering having my jaws wired shut or arms cut off so I can't physically reach for the Christmas chocolate any more!

Going to slimming world this Monday as I put on the 3 stone I lost last time :-( good luck everyone, great thread! Xxxxxxxxxxx
i think if i was organsied and took fruit to work i would eat it. bananas i think would be the most filling. as for eggs - i coudlnt eat them by themselves and dont have a toaster at work. good diea for weekend brunches though!
Hi girls can I join? I'm on slimfast I lost over 4 stone last year but put lots on since my mc I'm a size 14 at the mo but need to be a small 12 to fit into my already bought wedding dress eeeek! I'm trying to change from sf and adopt a clean eating life style of non processed food it's something I'm really interested in. I'm on my fitness pal I find it fab. I'm rosepenniston if anyone wants to add me xxx
Hey girlies - best of luck to everyone :good:

Today i've been good again:
1 egg + 3 egg white omlette with ham for breakfast.
A fresh tomato soup with some chicken breast for dinner.
I had some mango and an apple for snacks.

Soooo about 800-900 calories.

I'm hungry and tired but i'm sure i'll get over my funk soon ;)
I've not snacked today although I'm feeling the urge :( Going to have a glass of juice (I cant stand water) and go to bed so I dont snack.
I had lasagna and salad for tea. Not massively healthy but better than it could have been. x
Well not had a very good day today as been busy all day and hardly ate, which is not good I know lol

Had the following:

. Bowl of Cheerios with 1% milk
. Special K Cereal Bar

Skipped lunch

Then had a mid afternoon snack of a packet of velvet crunch crisps and a banana

I had a home made chicken burgers with low fat chips and salad
glass of water

Donna x
Ok, so i ate loads today because i had to eat out twice but i did make choices that kept to my no starchy carb rules but there was a lot of food.

I had 2 eggs for breakfast, lunch was a goats cheese and beetroot salad and then dinner was half a small chicken with lots of boiled veg.

I'd estimate about 1200 calories.
I've had a bad day but did 20mins Zumba wii and my god, I was shattered!! x
I was good all week on my new healthy eating wholemeal toast for breaky soup for lunch and fish or chicken for dinner with veg!, then last night I was naughty and had 3 gin and tonic! But it tasted bloody good! Normally we have takeaway on friday but we have decided to stop doing that now. Going to have some dippy eggs for breakfast now. Yummy. Have a nice weekend girlies. Giz x ps Kay Kay I hate water too I drink innocent smoothies and tonic water as an alternative as I find water so boring! Xxx
Breakfast was one egg, three egg white omlette with tomato this morning and just had a giant lamb chop with veg - i felt really full very quickly.

I compromised on the fat on the chop by cutting off half for the dogs and eating the rest... why does the fat always taste the nicest :roll:

Oh, and i've realised the dogs will have my left over yolks :)

About 800 cals i reckon :eh:
Hey ladies can I join too :)

Went to the states boxing day and put on tons so my pt at the gym has said all her ladies do calorie counting and it's worked. She used to be 14 stone and did this after trying weight watchers and slimming world. It's good as you can eat what you like as long as you count it but her only rules are 8 glasses of water, no diet drinks and make sure your never hungry so snack if you want to (otherwise your body goes into starvation mode)

I'm starting at at about 12 stone 12 eeek!!! Want to lose at least 1 stone 5 and am doing 1500 calories a day. I think my BMi is about 27 or so.

Good luck with your weight loss :) xx
Gosh you must a tall one if your BMI is 27 at 12 st 12 :) I wish i was taller :(

I went to the states for a month once... you can imagine how much i'd put on by the time i came home :shock: The starters are like mains and everything is deep fried... tasted nice though :good:

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