October testing


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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October Testing!!

Originally created by Flopsybunny:

I thought I may host the thread again. Hope no-one minds. It will be good to see a testing date up! Feel free to post your pregnancy testing dates anytime! Good luck, hope this will be a bumper month for some summer babies!!


Number of Testers =38
:bfn:= 22/31
:bfp:= 8/31
= 26% success!

October 1:

October 2:

October 3:
maybe baby :( :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 4:

October 5:

October 6:

October 7:
flopsybunny :stork: :bfp: :yay:

October 8:
Rebecca27 :( :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 9:

October 10:
clairebear22 :stork: :bfp: :yay:
Spinneygirl :( :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 11:

October 12:
Bunny82 :stork: :bfp: :yay:
Samsgirl :( :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 13:
scottishlassie :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
MrsH2009 :stork: :bfp: :yay:

October 14:
Buggy82 :( :witch: :dust:for November!!
Naomi N :cry: :angel2: :dust:for November!!

October 15:
beanster :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 16:

October 17:
Binzy :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 18:
lrb :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
positivity :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
star fish :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 19:
:sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
:sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 20:
LauraAnne :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
kizzibea :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 21:

October 22:
Eternity&ADay :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
WiccanRachel :stork: :bfp: :yay:

October 23:

October 24:

October 25:

October 26:
RachelLouise :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
Jennyfarful :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
October 27:
:stork: :bfp: :yay:
nmf1987 :stork: :bfp: :yay:

October 28:
Sparkle82 :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 29:
LouiseB :sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!
:sad: :witch: :dust:for November!!

October 30:

October 31:

Last edited:
Hiya Flopsybunny, if I don't get a bfp this month then I think my date will be 20th. xx
Ok girls, you are down for those dates! Good luck bunny82 and star fish, I hope I have to take your date down because you will have your September :bfp:!! :)

8th please.
I have a holiday on ovulation week - hot tub and outdoor BD!!
hopefully that will do it! xx
Can you put me down for the 13th please.

Trying to stay positive as af just got me.

sorry you got your af scottishlassie - was really hoping for you this month :( did you say you got some ov tests for this month?
hi treeze. Thanks hun. I haven't yet, just looking at ebay just now and i'm going to buy some cheapies i think. I haven't bought them yet coz i actually had hope this was my month. Will buy some now though. :( xx
Can you stick me down for the 10th please Flopsy?! Same day as you!! Test buddies!! Yay! lol

can you put me down for the 17th please, might change though - im not due to test until this sunday x
Ok girls. All updated.

I hope you get your September :BFP: cherelle, and I can put that next to your test date! :)

scottishlassie, I'm sorry the :witch: got you. It is such a horrible feeling when af arrives.

Hope October is our month girlies!!


Can you put me down for the 14th please, I'm armed with my thermometer, pre seed & OPKs bring ok the :bd:
gonna test twice in october if af doesn't arrive! on 17th (my birthday) and 25th (the morning of my hospital appt).
Why is this the first time i have noticed this thread...?

Yes i mind!!! You're so greedy!

Nah, not really :good:

I'm not going to be testing in October unfortunately because i'm going to get my BFP in September and if not, i'll let you know ;)

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