October testing

I always thought I didn't want a summer baby as I always feel really sorry for those heavily pregnant ladies waddling around in the heat and now I'm like, pleeeeeease let me have a summer baby!

No no - i want a summer baby! I held off ttc specifically because me and my hubby are both January babies and come January everyone is all spent up, all partied out and sick of the sight of each other :)

I need my BFP by November...
I think a summer baby is nice because when they get older they will be able to have their birthday parties outside (if the British weather improves). But a winter baby is nice because all the woolly things I am and will be making are small and won't fit when a baby is older than 3 months and will be too hot for the summer...although once again, given the British weather, maybe not! :)

As sad as it sounds, I've no idea what this month will bring....... It's our first month trying so I am just excited to be in!!!!

It was always a bit sad though for those who had their birthday out of the school holidays though, wasn't it? I think May/June would be perfect, not too hot and right slap bang in the middle of the year. If only it were that easy, seriously, have I not learnt anything yet!
It was always a bit sad though for those who had their birthday out of the school holidays though, wasn't it? I think May/June would be perfect

Oh don't Binzy :cry:

I have my heart set on May/June - last cycle for it :(

I've just about convinced myself i can phone around and collect kids from their home for a summer holiday party if it ends up having a summer holiday birthday :)

It's funny what becomes important when you start thinking about your first child ;)

...I was thinking...

...that the number of BFPs in the title = BFP announcements and they shouldn't be in the ttc section :shakehead:

I just was on BabyAndBump and on one of the threads it had something like

Numbers of Testers = 20 / :bfp: = 20 / :bfn: = 0 (i wish ;))

at the top of the first page to summise how the month was going instead.

I know i'm kind of interfering but i just thought it was an idea you might consider :blush:
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It is funny isn't it! As if it matters now after all these months!
How dare you interfere louise! :shakehead: What cheek!!

That is actually a good point and after careful consideration, I have come to the decision that I will use your recommendation for this thread. :)

Oh by the way my "as if it matters" comment was aimed at when my future baby will be born , not Louise's comment on BFPs! Thought I'd just clarify that or I sound like a right cow! I like to dream I'll be having a May/June baby but frankly any birthday will be fine!
Oh by the way my "as if it matters" comment was aimed at....not Louise's comment on BFPs! Thought I'd just clarify that or I sound like a right cow!

LOL I must admit that is what I thought at first until I read back the prior post! :)
Oh by the way my "as if it matters" comment was aimed at....not Louise's comment on BFPs! Thought I'd just clarify that or I sound like a right cow!

LOL I must admit that is what I thought at first until I read back the prior post! :)

Hear that Binzy - she thought you sounded like a cow! :mamafy:
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Hi Flopsy, Can you move mine to the 16th? AF came early this month so I guess I have to adjust to compensate.

Louise, I think you're idea is a really good one, we can show some balance so all those that dont get BFP don't feel alone in the face of all the positive results
Stirerrrrrrrr, you have a smiley ready for everything!!
been a bit irregular lately but think I'll wait till the 19th to test thanQ x

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