We are doing great thank you!! Here is what I posted on the Facebook group earlier re my birth experience :
My birth story!!
So Friday, I was feeling slightly irritable and weepy all day. I obviously told you all about the pram thing which I couldn't get off my mind, I was weepy at baby not sharing my surname, felt irritated by the sofa as I couldn't get comfy so we went for a drive to get out of the house. Ordered a Chinese take away and kicked back for the evening. Baby seemed really active all day - all feet up the top of my bump and it felt rock solid. Looking back, these "movements" were possibly early tightenings and contractions rather than kicks as they were pretty uncomfortable (saying that, I've now seen her feet ��
. Started with a bit of backache about 8pm so had a bounce on my ball on and off as it was the comfiest place to sit. Suddenly when bouncing I felt a huge rush of pressure in my pelvis and my breathing automatically changed - looked at Rich and said "I think I've just had my first contraction. DONT PANIC". He panicked �� and went into madman mode around me which wasn't necessary. I had another one about 8 mins later and went to the loo where I passed some pinky fluid to which I then panicked and phoned triage (don't know why I didn't expect it to be pink fluid!!). This was 10pm ish - triage told me to lie down for an hour then get up slowly to see what happened then and to time the contractions - they were every 6 or 7 mins lasting for about 20-30 seconds at this point. Then about 10:45pm I heard a pop then felt a gush - so bizarre!!! Triage told me to go in to be looked at so off we went excited but not really sure what was happening.
Well, while waiting to for a room my contractions started coming thick and fast - every 2 and 1/2 mins lasting for nearly a minute so they took me in a consultant led room as that was the only one available. Had an examination.........2 bloody CM dialated ������ I was coping pretty well with breathing so decided to go home rather than be admitted to anti natel and Rich having to go home alone. We were home less than an hour and a half when I screamed blue murder to get me an effing epidural because I'm not the big brave girl I made myself out to be in the lead up to it ������ Rich phoned the hospital back because he was terrified at home much pain I was in (bless him - he sobbed his heart out watching me frantically pace the house trying to find a comfy place that didn't exist!!). By this time my contractions were relentless and not giving me a break much at all. So off we went back to the hospital.
When discussing pain relief I was dead against diamorphine because of the sleepy impact on baby, but I needed it. I was so distressed at my inability to cope so between me and Rich we agreed the diamorphine. I don't know how many CM I was at this point - it all gets a bit hazy so bear with me! After having the diamorphine Rich asked me if it was working after having a contraction - he says my response hilarious!! "It's done fuck all" then gave him the peace sign and fell asleep ������ that was until the next contraction a minute later. Gas and Air was fab!!
As I say, everything goes really hazy and can't quite piece together how and what exactly happened in what order. Think firstly theatre was discussed as baby's heart rate was dropping during contractions and not coming back up as quickly as it should. I was really active during contractions so the monitor kept slipping but I managed to stay still pretty still for a while after for them to monitor her properly. She stabilised so happy with that at that point. Then later theatre was mentioned again and Rich was basically rushed into scrubs - forceps and c section was discussed to which I said under no circumstances do they perform a forceps birth, just go straight to section. Was waiting for anaesthetist and whatever was the problem corrected (think at this point back to back was mentioned but they turned her?? I can't quite remember). Then later I was 9 & 1/2cm dialated and I needed to push. Like really needed with each contraction. But something was in the way which would have caused some serious issues so back to c section again!! A doctor came to examine me, told me to use G&A and I think they moved whatever was in the way plus fully opened my cervix to fully dialated - so no theatre again!!!! This was 7:25am and I'd been earlier told I could have more diamorphine at 7:15am so screamed at the lovely amazing beautiful midwife (who was 30 weeks pregnant with a little girl that they are calling Penny!!) to give me the drugs!! However I was told it was too late and to keep on with G&A. Pushing was genuinely the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life. I was pushing from fully dialated to the time she was born - 4 huge pushes per contraction yet she kept slipping back up because I couldn't physically hold her in place. I was knackered. I felt a failure, kept apologising to Rich, our beautiful midwife, the ward because i was screaming like a banshee, sobbing. I broke down that I couldn't do it. I developed a fear of pooing in front of all these people (I was on the bed on my knees, kneeling over the back of the bed so arse for all to see!!) and was scared to push too hard - absolutely stupid!!! Then suddenly, my subconscious gave me a pep talk, and this warrior woman came out and gave the biggest pushes. I could feel her head and was told up to her nose as out. So I took the biggest breath and pushed - the encouragement from midwives (think there was 2 at this point!!) and Rich was deafening when her head came out!! Then paused for the next contraction and pushed the rest of her out!! The relieve you feel when thy are out is immense - I can't describe it. I couldn't wait to get her in my arms and time seemed to stand still for them to pass her through my legs. Felt like forever!!! Rich was sobbing his heart out and I was just smiling like a crazy loon!!! Then suddenly embarrassment hit me - I behaved appallingly during labour and kept apologising for swearing, snapping, being a raving lunatic to everyone that entered the room. Midwife said I was the most polite woman in labour she'd had ������ we didn't have her weighed for a while as we just wanted to savour her. As you can see from the pictures she wasn't cleaned up at all. She was finally weighed - 7lb 15oz and born at 9:47am. She had quite a low temperature so was put on a heated bed for a while to try and bring that up. My heart rate was quite high at first but that stabilised so we were allowed home at 5pm. However was back at 8pm as I have a slight infection. Back home for 1am - fed and changed Penny and she's given us a nice 4 hour stint of sleep!!
If you've got this far - well done!!! It's a bit all over the place but those 12 hours seemed to pass actually really really quickly (but we crammed a lot into those 12 hours didn't we?!?) xx