**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Aw Ruth glad to see you again hun! Ella is so gorgeous - I love her dress in the last pic is that from Next? It's amazing how big they are all getting but I can honestly say I don't share your broody-ness lol! Xx

Hello Ruthie!! Ella looks adorable in those photos are growing so much!

Wilson, M loved her porridge so I gave some for "dinner" and she also took a good few sucks from her bottle! Wahoo...so I'm hoping she will fully take it soon. Bless little Arthur, raspberries are a favourite of Ms to do, always at the most inappropriate times! x
Hope the boobies are feeling better soon hun! Ouch!!

Ella is just adorable Ruth...

James is fast asleep in the cot so I am going to join him. Bet I am up everyhalf an hour to check he is breathing.

Do you ladies all use the baby monitor thing that checks they are breathing? I have to confess we've not. I know everyone on here raves about them but no-one I know with kids in RL has ever used them???

Am I terrible? I'll order one tomorrow I think. Will I need to get some plywood as they don't work on the slats.

We have an Angelcare monitor but I'm not sure I believe it so don't use the sensor pad bit! All we used under the mat was a piece of stiff card (ours is a cardboard chess board lolololol) xx

I just never got round to buying one? We got all the other gizmo's but for some reason I just didn't go for that?

As we are in a one bed (all on one level) we can hear James from any room and I go to bed within the hour of him going down.

The crib was right next to me but now he's further away I think I may invest in the sensor pad thingy? Just for peace of mind.

I don't know. It's something I've always dithered about for some reason.

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I only use the monitor when M is upstairs asleep and I'm downstairs. When I go to bed I turn it off, I will use it when she's in her own room but mainly so I hear her x
Lyla is in our room in her cotbed, Nat, at the other side of the room and I thought I would be nervous about her not being right next to me in her basket but its honestly not so bad. Except the having to pop dummy in and get out of bed! :lol:

I'm sure after a few nights you will have peace of mind, I honestly wouldn't bother in an angelcare monitor unless LO was in a different room

I didn't use it until she was in her own room and as I said we only use it as a monitor really not a movement sensor xx

Arthur is at the other end of the our bedroom, we dont use monitors, only when hes up and we are down. Xx
Aww ruth ella is soo cute.

We have the tommy tippi sensor mat and monitor thing. Its quite good since toby is his own room. It has a little ticker light when he moves which is quite reassuring. Plus its a night vision camera and it amazes me some of the weird positions he can get himself into.

Like this one. He went to bed the other way round. And just some recent pics.



Wilson just saw the news. Its just horrific. Thoughts go out ti those poor people.

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Wilson - its just awful isn't it! poor people

carnat - I have a sony monitor its a video one but not sensor! I never check on her (terrible) I was so paranoid that I needed to learn to calm down so I just glance at the monitor every now and again! I think once shes in her own room il be checking a bit more!

Thankyou for your nice comments on ellas pictures :)

Her dress is from next yes.... im not going in again as I spend to much money lol
Hi sazz your looking like a hot yummy mummy :) lovely piccys xx

I find a piccy out as me as a baby what do u think??
Aww ruth ella is soo cute.

We have the tommy tippi sensor mat and monitor thing. Its quite good since toby is his own room. It has a little ticker light when he moves which is quite reassuring. Plus its a night vision camera and it amazes me some of the weird positions he can get himself into.

Like this one. He went to bed the other way round. And just some recent pics.



Wilson just saw the news. Its just horrific. Thoughts go out ti those poor people.

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Aww thanks wilson. Wow you can see the resemblance between you and arthur. How did he sleep last night? And how are you?

Not sure why that got posted twice. Still getting to grips with this tap talking app.

Whats everyone up to today? I'm starting my spring clean where I go through everything but it takes a bit longer with toby but he likes to watch what I'm doing. Then off to a new baby group at the end of my road. Yey. Xx
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He is sleeping shocking, hes in a habit of waking ever 2hrs, so he went to bed at 8.30pm tuck himself nicely off, woke at 10.30pm but rocked him to sleep, then he woke at 11.40pm and fed, put him in his cot at 12.10am, then was up at 1.30am rocked him to sleep, but woke when i put him down so it was a bed job with me, till he dozed then back to his cot, then he was up at 3am for a feed, then up at 5am in bed with me then up at 6.30am sooo tired :( xx
I heard the horrible news about the Marathon last night, terrible!!!

Not sure they have confirmed yet if it's an international cell or something internal. Whoever did it is so cowardly - *******s!!

Thanks for reassuring me ladies about the sensor mat, I may hold off as I can still hear James very clearly from his cot...

He had an OK night. Sleep well until about 3am and was then very restless so I took him in with me at 5am.

Plans today are just to pop out for a walk and tidy the place up. OH is in bed with man-flu :roll:

Aww no wilson thats terrible. Maybe co sleeping might be the way to go if hes up so much through the night. Will you be able to catch a little sleep today? I have heard from a few people that once their little ones were weaned and as long ad thier evening meals weren't loaded with carbohydrates then they would sleep a bit more. I know its a littlw way off but hopefully arthurs sleeping will get better then.

Aww carnat your poor hubby. Mine always tells me man flu is deadly still doesn't mean he needs the xbox to get better lol. James cot is beautiful.


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Oohh sazz ill keep that in mind, thanku :) xx

Happy birthday mrsw hope u have a fab day xx

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