??May & June Mummies 2016??

Sorry it didn't go well Stephy - what are the issues you're having?
To be honest if her nappies are good and she's gaining weight and not dropping Centiles I wouldn't worry too much.

I have a fast let down and I did have a massive oversupply but this calmed down once she settled herself into a routine of feeding (she doesn't ever cluster and is a super efficient feeder)

My let down can be a bit extreme especially if she's gone a bit longer between feeds so when possible I feed laying on my back and it gives her more control.
Seriously my milks shot about 8 feet across the room when she's pulled of to get over choking lol

I wouldn't worry about what other people think - I've had comments on what a guzzler my little girl is and how loud she feeds sometimes but I think people just say it sometimes for something to say as they're unsure what to say when there's a baby attached to my boob lol

Keep going Hun - you sound determined and Thea is obviously getting what she needs from you x

MWs and HV all said they liked my LO's noisy feeding, lol.

She has been super unsettled today, I didn't get an afternoon nap and toddler has been quite stroppy too, so not the most fun day. Did get them to a playground this morning though, which was nice. Definitely good to be able to take off my enthusiastic happy face now that toddler's gone to bed! Now bring on the chocolate!!
Sorry it didn't go well Stephy - what are the issues you're having?
To be honest if her nappies are good and she's gaining weight and not dropping Centiles I wouldn't worry too much.

I have a fast let down and I did have a massive oversupply but this calmed down once she settled herself into a routine of feeding (she doesn't ever cluster and is a super efficient feeder)

My let down can be a bit extreme especially if she's gone a bit longer between feeds so when possible I feed laying on my back and it gives her more control.
Seriously my milks shot about 8 feet across the room when she's pulled of to get over choking lol

I wouldn't worry about what other people think - I've had comments on what a guzzler my little girl is and how loud she feeds sometimes but I think people just say it sometimes for something to say as they're unsure what to say when there's a baby attached to my boob lol

Keep going Hun - you sound determined and Thea is obviously getting what she needs from you x

My let down seems to last a good 10 minutes which is her entire feed, she'll stay on the breast that long and then start choking, I bring her up and 2 minutes later she'll start rooting...we do this about 6-8 times per feed, sometimes she'll refuse to go back on. All the while she screams as even though she's removing herself she must view it as interrupting her feed. The most horrible ones is when she's a bit sleepy so she doesn't notice she's taking to much and milk literally flows out of the nostril at the bottom of the boob.

I've been block feeding since I realised the problem which is why I think her poo's and weight has been good. I find lying back helps too.

It's her feeding screams that make me conscious in public because that combined with milk pouring out of her mouth it looks like I'm doing some kind of baby waterboarding. At home or in front of family/friends I can deal with it but her screaming does put me on edge and I think even one comment or look from a stranger would make my self esteem plummet but I need to get out of this house for my sanity.

The other thing getting me down is I worry she's not viewing me as comforting anymore, she's such a lovely calm baby so it's killing me that I'm the cause of disruption.
Hello welcome to our group and congratulations on becoming a mummy@x
Hey folks,
Not been on here for a bit - busy of course, but aren't we all! Rowan had her 6 week check up a few days ago, and is on the 9th centile for weight haha - she's just my petite little chipmunk... She's fine though, feeding well and very alert, even smiley and playful during the day, but of course upset all evening, a bit like some sort of Jekyll and Hyde. We actually made it out to the cinema the other night too for Star Trek, thanks to my folks babysitting for 3 hours.
StephyLou - Tigger gave some tips on fast let down, I was trying a few of them when my boobs went out of control, such as lying down feeding and letting the excess fall into a muslin cloth, or baby on top of you so gravity works against the milk. Go back through this thread and I think her link was there somewhere... I really think it'll sort itself out at some point though, so don't let it stress you out too much - apparently there comes a time when the milk production kind of levels out. Mine didn't stay so forceful for too long.
I'll leave you with a daft picture of Rowan my dad got the other day when they were babysitting... love the expression... ;)


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Hi everyone! How are you all? I've not been on here in ages!! Life is busy and the days seem to roll into the next.
Yorkslass, how are you? Rowan is sooo cute! Glad she's feeding well:-)

Ruby is 7.5 weeks now and such a good baby. In fact, I'm feeling broody and started thinking maybe we should go for a 3rd in a couple of years...?? Crazy thought seeing that Ruby was defo our last. Lol! Maybe it's hormones playing tricks on me. Ive booked in to get the coil fitted mid sept and i feel a bit sad that my pregnancy journey is over and i'll be going back to normal. Anyone else feeling like this? Hope you are all well and enjoying your new bundles:-)


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Awww... what a sweet little face babymaker! Good to hear from you, sounds like you're doing well :-) I know what you mean about broody :-o I really want a sibling for Rowan now, even amid all the crying and all, which I'm quite surprised about - didn't think I'd feel that way so soon. My partner won't have it at all... he says he doesn't want another and I can tell he's serious. He was really traumatised by the birth and watching them operate on me and being convinced I was dying, and has found the newborn stage very hard and frustrating. I hope I can talk him round one day and that he'll forget, as I always wanted more than one, but he's even written it all down so he doesn't!
My other half was exactly the same after our first. He was adamant after the traumatic birth and diffucult newborn stage that there was NEVER going to be another. But after 3 yrs we both felt we were ready and now he's even making noises about a possible third which I thought would be unheard of! So, im sure as time goes on and things get easier your OH will change his mind and want a playmate for Rowan. For now, enjoy your little princess;-)
Hope one day we could go thru the pregnancy journey together again. How cool would that be?! :-)
That's reassuring to hear your OH was the same - hopefully, one day...! :-)
My little pickle is in the 90th percentile for height and weight, evidently my milk is doing something.

Started tummy time, she actually prefers this to lying on her back on the play mat.


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My OH was adamant a couple of weeks ago that he didn't want anymore, I mentioned I was going to give her newborn stuff to good will and he said we should hold on to them for a year, definitely his earlier reaction was because of the first couple of weeks.
Hi ladies been a while since I posted been busy and been away in Scotland. Summer hates her car seat and we couldnt risk driving back with her so we flew. I was worried about the flight but she slept the whole way. Poor hubby had to drive back. Summer is 8 weeks and I can't believe how fast it has gone. I'm not sure about having more children I'd like her to have a play mate but if I just have one child I coul give her more. Think my hubby would like more even after the difficult birth.
My partner's talking about giving away the tiny clothes already :-( I have a pregnant friend though - might give things to her and secretly say we might want them back some day!
I've renamed tummy time as tummy torture lol - she'll put up with it and do the exercises, but usually cry the whole time ahaha
We need to do more tummy time. We are hving her 8 week jabs today. Currently sat in doctors feeling sick for her x
I was always the one who wanted 3 or 4, OH was happy with two....now he's the one who keeps talking about 'the next one'! I'd be happy with the two we've got, but it would be nice to have another in a few years, I'd definitely like a bigger gap next time! But then I'd feel bad having a big gap and them having no one to play with, so I know I'd end up wanting a 4th. But 4 just seems far too many. Lol its a battle in my head
Hey girls, I've not posted for a while! Robyn's 10 weeks now. She's getting on so well, she's such a good baby. We've had a pretty horrific time lately - Jake (he'll be 3 next month) has gone through the WORST tantrums. He's been so awful. Not to Robyn, but to me mainly. Even nursery have commented on how bad his behaviour got. He's coming out of it again now - still difficult and spirited but manageable! He's decided himself that he's potty training so dealing with that and a baby has been interesting.

Robyn hates her car seat too - with a passion. So much so I've had to jib on a family get together with the inlaws tomorrow, 2 hours away (oh what a shame...) but she is getting better already so I COULD go. But I won't!!

She's a super sleeper, too. Her usual is 10pm-4am, then back off until 7ish. We've stopped getting her weighed now because it was stressing me out more than needed. She's so chubby with massive leg rolls and she's really long, so I'm not too fussed on the numbers. She's been desperately trying to roll onto her back this week, it's soooo early. I keep telling her no and to stay a baby some more!!

My husband is another on the "no more" bus. I envisage it causing a huge row because we always agreed on 3 with a possible 4th. He says life is no fun anymore and it's all too hard - but he might change his mind in a few years. I'm not very impressed with that answer!!!

I'm also very close now to my pre pregnancy weight. Few more lbs and I'm there! We're walking everywhere at the moment and that combined with a slight decrease in chocolate intake and breastfeeding appears to be doing the trick!! Xx
Hi ladies. Haven't been here for a while. Stanley is doing great and is now nearly 16 weeks old. We still have regular checks with the hospital to make sure he's progressing as he should and he seems to be doing fine. We've started swimming and he loved it. Stanley also loves his car seat :)
He's still teeny in weight. He's about 13lb now.
I seem to be hanging on to my weight. Need to loose another 7lb and I'll see 8 Stone again. I go spinning weekly and eat as little rubbish as I can, tho tonight I had a dominos.
Regarding another baby I think me and the husband are almost certain Stanley will be our first and last. I had a lovely preg minus the constant sick feeling but labour was horrible and then Stanley being so ill I just don't think we could cope if it happened again.


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No one posts on the July/August thread :sad:


Phoenix is doing well, stil exc BF and most days I pump 2 to 3oz and store it for donating to the milk bank but I haven't got on with getting the blood test yet so will do that this week and get it sent off.

I weighed Phoenix myself a few days ago and she was 8lb 4oz (at 4 weeks) so 2lb over birth weight. Getting her weighed "officially" on Wednesday, the HV is coming.


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Hi everyone!

Charlie is 12wks today & just bloody scrummy!
Still EBF which im really proud of! Never did i think id still be managing it 3months in. Hoping to go the full hog till hes 11/12months. But will be expressing alot due to returning to work in Feb.

Charlies a very chunky 15lb 6oz - was last weighed 11+4 weeks xx

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