??May & June Mummies 2016??

Blueclass I had the liquid morphine in the afternoon as they don't give the injection on the ward (must be an A&E thing) and I think it's that what sort of knocked baby out. I'm not sure just speculating it could well have been baby knackard herself out from being away from me most of the day and unable to settle. They've said I can have tramadol if I feel I need it now as that is safe to use for breastfeeding but atm I'm back on the paracetamol orally and when I was in anaesthetic room they told me to have paracetamol and ibuprofen but space each med out two hourly so once the paracetamol has peaked at 2 hours take the ibuprofen to top it up till next dose of paracetamol. I may ask for tramadol once baby is settled for the night tho as that makes you sleepy and hopefully I can get some kip.

They've also given me a private room in maternity ward as I am able to use a Zimmer frame to hop along to the toilet so at least with a room I don't have to hop that far to the ensuite.

Stephylou I had no choice really I think if I started to formula feed baby they would have just said she will need to go home as hubby can sort that out and she don't need me. When in fact I'm the one only she settles on seeming she been attached to me 24/7 since birth. So I was adamant to stick it out even though I have a very low if not no pain threshold. I haven't seen my son since yesterday morning when ambulance took me but at least he's ok and have my family to distract him till hubby gets home for him. Fingers crossed I get discharged tomorrow. I'm not allowed to weight bare for 6-8 weeks depending on how I heal as I've snapped both bones in ankle.

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Evening ladies.

My second night home and it's hard going. If my marriage survives till this cast comes off and I can walk again then we will survive anything. I'm stressed out to my limit. I'm not eating or drinking well and it's affected my breast milk greatly. Baby will not suck the back m ilk out so when she's done with the easy milk she screams the house down in temper. I've tried giving her ready made formula but she fights and fights and will not drink it.

I've contacted work today (work for local government) to see if I'm entitled to any help after being discharged from hospital but I am not as I don't have a permenent disability but they did say for me to contact family information to see if they got anything for my toddler to attend, phoned them and nothing as he is under 5! So they gave me child minder contacts in my area where I would need to pay going rate for full day.

Contacted the health visitor and no joy there either, she phoned around a few places but again I won't be entitled to anything other than putting my toddler into crèche.

I slept on sofa last night which wasn't too bad as I got some sleep but that was because I had baby sleep on me.,,I did manage to get her in the crib half way through the night but she woke at 5am for a feed and I just left her sleep back on me as it was easier to for me to get some more sleep.

I've done nothing but cry most of the day as I'm feeling stressed. I can't move from sofa that good, I have to use a commode downstairs my house is in a complete mess (something I know I shouldn't think about but cannot help it) and it's gonna get worse tomorrow as I will be here on my own with the two kids, I've seriously made a rod for my own back with baby as she will not rest off me now.

Hope everyone else is well and good and sorry for the moan again. I'm hoping it will make me feel better ventin git out as hubby is just telling me you just got to get on with it which is easier said than done at the mo,

God Fruity that just sounds awful, don't know how you're doing it. That's just too much for one person to deal with. You're doing so well to be managing at all. Do you have any family that can help out or even come to stay? Sounds like a situation for all hands on deck and accepting any offers of help that are going.
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Sounds really really hard, why can't hubby take time of? What about yours or his family helping? You can't be expected to look after two kids. I think most breastfed babies only settle for mum so my hv says. Summer won't settle for hubby I always need to settle her at night. Ask someone to get you fenugreek capsules as they help wit breastmilk x
Thanks ladies.

Hubby can't take any more time off he's taken loads from me being in and out of hospital and took two additional weeks on top of his paternity.

I've made two decisions toda. First to put eldest into childcare. Phoned around a few today and settled on one my sister used for her two children, she's taking for a trial tomorrow afternoon and if it goes well he'll go in on Thursday. I feel so guilty for him atm. He's had to adjust so much. I couldn't play with him much while pregnancy due to spd pain I had, then baby was born and she was constantly stuck to me so again couldn't play with him much and now this and I feel I'm just fobbing him off for someone else to deal with him. I know childcare will be best place for him right now as hell get to play loads and interact with others. I've had offered of help but none has come to fruition unfortunately. I'm not one to push things or ask again so this is the decision I have to live with.

The second is I'm giving up breast feeding. I'm not eating properly or drinking enough and this has greatly affected my supply. Baby is getting agitated as she is too lazy to suck through the back milk and I'm getting stressed from this as she is screaming the house down. So my prep machine is up and running and she's had her first feed from it instead of the ready made stuff I been using to top her up.

Health visitor is coming tomorrow so will discuss my low mood with her as I been been brushing it under the carpet everytime she has asked me. This heat isn't helping things either. I can't wash properly and everytime I do wash myself I still feel dirty and smelly another things that's bringing me down.

So again for the moaning ladies.

Goodness fruity, I've just caught up. Sounds like a nightmare, but you're doing a fab job. I think childcare sounds like the best option for your eldest at the minute. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to be too hard on yourself. Like you said, he'll be getting lots of interaction, making new friends and will probably have far too much fun to notice you're not there (I work in a nursery so see it from the other side, and believe me, it's very often the parents that find the adjustment harder!). It also means that you and baby can hopefully get some rest while he's not there, and feel a little more refreshed to deal with eldest when he's home.
As for the breastfeeding, you've done AMAZING to get this far. I take my hat off to you for sticking to your guns and not taking the stronger pain relief so you could feed baby. You should be very proud of yourself for being so strong :-)
I hope your chat with the health visitor goes well, it's hard but always best to be open about these things. Xxx

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Yes fruity you have done so good and so what if baby has formula? You have gave the best bit at the beginning and you have to do what's best for you. You need to be happy, happy mum =happy baby. Your going through a really tough time at the min so I also think putting your eldest in child care is a good decision. He will have so much fun he won't want to stop going once your better. I'm sure your chat with HV will go well and tell you what we have told you. Keep up the fab work xx
Little update.

Health visitor has been and gone. Become quite inconsolable when explaining what been going on. She phoned GP to request a home visit for me as I'm housebound and can't get to the surgery. She's reassured me I've done a very good job breast feeding baby up to this point and I shouldn't be too hard on myself about it. I'm just annoyed that I stuck to my guns in hospital refused the strong painkillers as I wanted to breast feed baby and then i give up due to being unable to feed her properly.

So GP has telephoned me asked me a few questions and I'm being given some meds to help me through the next few weeks as he believes Ive not been well for a few weeks and it's been made worse from last weekend. Got to make an appointment with him for a few weeks time so he can assess me once the meds have kicked in.

I'll discuss it in more detail with him at the time as my sister was also here when I was on the phone so I wouldn't say much as I don't like my family knowing anything really but I think this has all stemmed from a few months back.

Many, many thanks for all your kinds words ladies. I've taken on board all your advice and hopefully things will start to get better for me. I appreciate you all for allowing me to vent and taking the time to reply.

Well done fruity for getting help - sometimes that's the hardest thing to do!

I hope you're being kind to yourself and really don't stress about the breastfeeding, baby needs a happy mummy more than anything x

So glad you're getting the support you need fruity x

How is everyone else doing? Our LO is settling into a pretty good routine. She tends to have a decent sleep in the morning and another in the afternoon, clusters all evening and then sleeps until about 1am and then again until 4am. She's smiling and enjoys a bit of play when she's awake now and she is besotted with her sister (who loves to lie on her activity mat with her pointing at all the toys and telling her what they are).

Tomorrow is my first whole day alone with both girls and I'm quite apprehensive. Am hoping the weather will be warm but not too sunny so I can take them out to local farm park for a walk around and a picnic. Otherwise it'll be paddling pool and water table in the garden (it is mostly in shade and was cooler than indoors yesterday!) Just need to keep the big one entertained so that she doesn't mind if I'm busy with Kara a lot.
Summer is 6 weeks now and weighs 10lb they said she is 100g under weight but they are not to concerned. She is not yet smiling so I'm waiting for that. X
Finally off to register Rowan tomorrow after much indecision about a middle name. We've gone with both grandmothers now, so it'll be Kathryn Maureen :-)
Finally been discharged from the midwife too! She wasn't quite her birth weight last week, but enough for them to be happy.
We've had a few smiles that we reckon weren't just farts, but mainly for my mother rather than us lol
Hope you're all doing good ;-)
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Meryl was 3 weeks old yesterday :shock::)

This week has been great so far because DH had another week off work so we've been going out on day trips Tue and today. He certainly picked the best week for it, the weather has been lush, albeit horrid on an evening. Safe to say all 3 of us have been sleeping in just our undies! Because of the change in temperature, Meryl has gone from kicking off when she doesn't have clothes on, to kicking off when she does! :lol: She's grown quite a bit already and has already outgrown 2 pieces of clothing.

She is co-sleeping with us atm because she really doesn't like the Moses basket. We were going to get a co-sleeper crib but I think they're a bit overpriced. Considering getting one of these because she only naps in her snuggi bouncer during the day which I imagine is because it 'hugs' her. She's been napping whilst in the pram on days out, we've left the padded footmuff in for her to lay on (just unzipped/open) but again it has a bit that 'hugs' her. Ewan has helped too, providing familiar sounds but tbf she's quite chilled out with any noises. Maybe if I'm persistent she will just sleep in the basket if I keep putting her in it? Might lift the head end with my pg wedge or something? :think:

I was feeling a bit weepy during last week but DH has been very supportive and talking things through with me. I feel a bit better for having him around though.

We registered Meryl's birth last week and have sent child benefit forms off too. I need to register her with the dr and then next Thursday we're going to the first Stay and Play and Well Baby Clinic to have her weighed. She's proper strong at 3 weeks already. She can hold her head up for a couple of seconds and if you hold her up under the arms she does little steps. We have had a few smiles as well but my gosh, the grip she has with her little hands is unbelievable!

I bought a funki flamingo wrap as well but I'm struggling to get along with it :( DH and I are gonna give it a few more tries and if no luck will send it back and try another. :(

Hope everyone is well too :hugs:
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Hi all as some of you know iv had issues with breast feeding but iv kept going. I still have problems so this week went to the breastfeeding clinic twice and finally they told me she has tongue tie. I'm paying for someone to come and do it privately as nhs is to long of a weight and it might help the feeding. Today she has been so cranky she finally asleep now. I'm very much looking forward to sleeping but I know she will wake up very soon to be fed again.

All I want is to sleep!!!
Hope all goes well Blueclass and bf picks up and that you can get some sleep!
I actually managed to get 5hrs think she was shattered after all the crying she did x
That's great blueclass :-)

I survived my first day alone with two. Very hectic though. Going to enjoy a calmer day today. Only have to go shopping and maybe catch on some sleep (Kara didn't want to go back to sleep after her 4am feed - probably because she slept a lot yesterday)
Maud, I too as so shattered. Yesterday she did not stop crying and today is busy and already my eyes are burning xx
Thea is 5 weeks tomorrow, got weighed today and she's 11 pounds, up from 7, 6 at birth. She still struggles a bit at the nipple but is getting better daily just always spits up/vomits and generally doesnt enjoy it that much after 10 mins.

Sleep wise from 9pm to 9am i get a 4 sometimes nearly 5 hour block, quick feed and a 3 hour block. HV is attributing it to her solid weight gain as bit unusual for a bf baby.

Worst time of day is about to happen for me, she wakes around 6ish from her afternoon nap and its a good 3 hours of screaming...which is what i attribute the 4 hour sleep to.

She's very alert and not happy if she's not on someones shoulders, can hold her head up for minutes at a time and push herself up with her arms...just a very strong little girl. :)
Summer likes to be on someones shoulders all the time and hates being put down.
How do you get a routine for her to nap? Mine sleeps in the day but nor the same times

Also I found out yesterday that summer has a tongue tie. Iv been asking for 6.5week about this seen varies mw, hv and breast feeding clinics. So this could be why I'm struggling with feeding. Today I had someone come round and cut it privately as nhs is to long of a wait. It was horrible, I hid in my bedroom while hubby helped the lady. I then fed her and she been ok since. Feeding is less painful now so hoping it will improve.

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