??May & June Mummies 2016??

Jabs done, calpol dosed. Fingers crossed for minimal reaction.
Rowan was fine after this morning but is very unsettled since about 2 ish...just gotten her to nap on me for a bit, but she keeps whimpering. So heartbreaking to hear her so upset! :-(
Kara has been crying her eyes out on and off since shortly after my last post. Lots of feeds and cuddles helping settle her but each time she wakes she just cries. She's usually such a calm girl, it's horrid :-(

Fingers crossed both girls will be feeling better soon x
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Rowan seemed better this evening and has been sleeping soundly in the Moses basket since about 9:30, which is crazy - she usually won't go down properly until we go to bed, 11 or 12... must have wiped her out. Our dog is over the moon - she's snuggled up on my knee now lol
Calpol doses worked well keeping the little un's temperature down. Hope kara's doing ok now too! The info leaflet we got said the fever from the meningitis b jab peaks about 4 hours after, which is just when Rowan was the worst. Hopefully that's true for Kara too and she'll be over it soon.
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Thankfully after a very unsettled evening she finally fell properly asleep and slept well. Glad Rowan was OK x
Charlie's also full of wind. We had a really bad night last night I managed to settle him at 11 with skin to skin but he was up an hour later and barely slept and couldn't get him to burp or fart which he desperately needed. He's so much more awake and focused now he has a lovely smile but you have to work hard to get it out of him.

Fruity - So glad to hear your doing better, your amazing for coping with the situation you had.

Glad everyone's jabs are going ok, I couldn't get an appointment until next Friday when Thea is 9 weeks, do you think I should have pushed for them to have given me one this week. I'm really nervous, she hasn't got chubby legs so I'm worried it will hurt her more and really scared of potential issues after.

To finish on a bright note, how is everyone sleeping? Thea goes down between 8/9, then wakes at 12.15 for 20 minutes and 4.30am for 30 to 50 mins before sleeping until 8.45am. Pretty sure she'll drop the 12.15 in the next couple of months and then I think that's the best it will be until Christmas. Weirdly I use to have to commute 2 hours each way for work so find if I take myself off to bed at 10 I get more sleep now then I did when working, just no REM.
I wouldn't worry roo much about her lack of chubbiness stephylou - I was worried about Rowan having the jabs as there's nothing to this girl! She's below 9th centile and was only just on the 4kg mark so she could take the calpol, but she was ok after the fever passed yesterday ;-)
As for sleep, she'll rarely ever successfully go down until we go to bed around midnight, then on a good night wakes some time between 4 and 6 for a feed, then tends to be up at 8. It's tiring, but we share the job by sleeping in different rooms at the moment - when my partner's working, he sleeps in the back room, but when he's not too much in need of a full night's sleep, I go in there. I was always a chronic insomniac anyway, so it doesn't bother me too much! Worst thing is when she sleeps soundly but I can't get off haha
Although when she does sleep well, she constantly chatters and makes noises in her sleep, which keeps us awake too... gah
This week though, we started to try to get her down in the Moses basket earlier and to encourage her to start settling in there and not falling asleep on me while feeding, so we can start to break that habit...
We're really lucky that Kara is an amazing sleeper. She clusters all evening, but once down (usually 10ish) she sleeps for 6 hours straight, has a quick feed and back to sleep :-) Very different to our first!
God, I feel quite depressed about A's sleeping now. He's a really slow feeder and has reflux, both of which conspire to rob me of quite a lot of sleep. On a good night, he'll cluster feed all evening until 10:30pm ish when I go to bed. I never actually get to sleep before 11 despite my best efforts. He gets a bottle of expressed milk from my husband at 11ish (will take a full 100ml even after cluster feeding!) and wakes at 3ish for his next feed. I'm usually up till 5:30 with him by the time he's fed/been sick/been fed again as he's hungry after being sick. Then I might get an hour before he's up looking for a feed at 6:30 and that's him up for the day. Last night was rubbish as he woke at 2 and only slept for an hour before his next feed at 6:30. Sometimes I don't even get that hour as the cycle of feed-vomit-feed-vomit continues. He doesn't nap any longer than 45 mins during the day usually unless I'm very lucky. I am so so envious of people whose babies only wake for short spells through the night and feel a bit broken from the lack of sleep. Health visitor and GP say he'll grow out of the reflux but I may have lost my mind by then.
Genuinely wondering if there is anything I could do to make things easier for us. He's much much faster at feeding from a bottle (which might cut down on time spent awake during the night) but I find if I don't breastfeed through the night my boobs are ready to explode. Also my husband can't/won't do night feeds as he works. A is on Gaviscon but it's not doing much for the vomiting I don't think. The vomiting doesn't seem to bother him much so GP isn't keen to prescribe anything else. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could do things differently? I hate being up for such long periods overnight and am really struggling with it.
Siskin, do you have oversupply?

Do you express at the same time every day?

The milk you produce at night has more melatonin in it which helps them sleep. But the way you describe him eating often and vomiting and taking a long time over feeds makes me wonder if he's struggling to get to the fattier milk at the 'end' of the feed, as it's the fattier milk that fills them up more.

With regards to reducing the vomiting, keeping him upright during and after feeds should help. On a night if you feed laying down/with him horizontal, tr to keep him that way maybe and don't wind too vigorously.

If oversupply may be an issue you should try 'laid back breastfeeding' where he is 'above' the breast so gravity works against the milk flow. Also block feeding (using one breast per feed and/or for every feed in a 2hr period) can help reduce supply.
Of course you can express a little before a feed and save it, but just make sure you only express a little off so you aren't encouraging more milk to be made.
Hi Phoenix, thanks for replying, you've made some really good points. I think I do have oversupply, yes. However this only seems to be at certain times of the day - when I get up to do the night feed and first thing in the morning (6:30-7am) my breasts are very full and hard. I have had plugged ducts and am currently on antibiotics for possible mastitis. The rest of the day my breasts feel "emptier". A does sometimes cough and splutter when feeding during the night and also in the morning. However he otherwise seems happy to feed. I had been expressing first thing in the morning as that seemed to be when my supply was best, but maybe that has caused problems by exacerbating the overproduction at that time?

I had actually started just using one breast per feed over the last couple of days (having previously switched to the second breast when he'd come off the first breast) - now I just keep offering the first breast until he refuses it and actually it does seem to have helped in that he seems more content after a feed and has had longer intervals between feeds.

I think you're right and maybe what I need to do is cut down on the expressing (as that is probably exacerbating the problem) and space it out over the day so that I am expressing just a little each time rather than a lot in one go? I am reluctant to stop expressing altogether as I've found it a lifesaver for my husband to be able to give a bottle when I'm exhausted. I do wonder if I need to do the bedtime 11pm-ish feed myself though because of the melatonin thing as you say - maybe he'd sleep better for the first part of the night if I did that?

Thanks again for the help, I do find myself floundering a bit having never done this before. I haven't found the health visitor especially helpful either. Am going to go to a local breastfeeding support group this week and see if they have any advice.
No problem. Hope it continues to improve for you. The breastfeeding group should help too :)

Yes still express but I'd probably try only doing it when you feel really full and stop when you have an ounce or two (or when the milk stops coming out as fast). If you express for a long time it's extra stimulation so in theory is sending the message to make more milk. You want to just express off a little bit at the start to relieve the fullness.
Also be aware that expressed milk will probably have a lower fat content because the fat sticks to the milk ducts and is harder to get out (which is why it gets more fat dense towards the end of the feed) but generally the pumps don't get as much fat rich milk as the baby does when they feed. So when you feed that milk he may want feeding again sooner than if he'd had a good feed from the breast.

Good luck, hope you get on ok at the group :)
Hi Phoenix, thanks for replying, you've made some really good points. I think I do have oversupply, yes. However this only seems to be at certain times of the day - when I get up to do the night feed and first thing in the morning (6:30-7am) my breasts are very full and hard. I have had plugged ducts and am currently on antibiotics for possible mastitis. The rest of the day my breasts feel "emptier". A does sometimes cough and splutter when feeding during the night and also in the morning. However he otherwise seems happy to feed. I had been expressing first thing in the morning as that seemed to be when my supply was best, but maybe that has caused problems by exacerbating the overproduction at that time?

I had actually started just using one breast per feed over the last couple of days (having previously switched to the second breast when he'd come off the first breast) - now I just keep offering the first breast until he refuses it and actually it does seem to have helped in that he seems more content after a feed and has had longer intervals between feeds.

I think you're right and maybe what I need to do is cut down on the expressing (as that is probably exacerbating the problem) and space it out over the day so that I am expressing just a little each time rather than a lot in one go? I am reluctant to stop expressing altogether as I've found it a lifesaver for my husband to be able to give a bottle when I'm exhausted. I do wonder if I need to do the bedtime 11pm-ish feed myself though because of the melatonin thing as you say - maybe he'd sleep better for the first part of the night if I did that?

Thanks again for the help, I do find myself floundering a bit having never done this before. I haven't found the health visitor especially helpful either. Am going to go to a local breastfeeding support group this week and see if they have any advice.

Hi Siskin i experienced exactly the same a couple of weeks ago, bubba was feeding every half hour/hour, would sputter, choke and milk wont come out her nose. I stopped expressing and went to block feeding as well as lying back for the night feeds effectively holding her where your cleavage would be. I took about a week to sort itself out but im now back to feeding from each breast, i still have a fast let down which if im engorged (after she's slept 5 hours) i spray about 15 pumps into a muslin or if its coming out on its own i let run itself out.

Thea's now down to 3 or 4 poo's a day rather 10 or 12, she's sleeping good size blocks at night. Like you its worse at a particular time of day which for me is 1 to 4pm but i find because she's more alert i can take her off for a break, wind ect...

Just keep at it, she's now in week 9 and i see myself breastfeeding into 2017
No one posts on the July/Aug thread.
Looking for some advice
My wee man is 5 weeks exclusively bf (will start expressing st 6 weeks). He's quite unsettled between feeds. I never really know when he's finished - feeds approx 40 mins every 2-3 hours but sometimes every house like today as he got up at 10 and hasn't slept since!! I think the crying may well be over tiredness not sleeping all day. He sleeps quite well at night. Usually goes down 11 and wakes 3 for an hour then sleeps til 8. Any help with why he may be so u settled all the time. Bouncing him on the gym ball works to settle him.
Also plenty wet dirty nappies and weight gain great so hv happy
Dont know if ive got potential mastitus or just a bit of a head cold. Since early evening yesterday ive been chilly, headache and achey all over. My right boob doesnt look inflamed but there is a hard spot at the top. Not painful to feed.

Paracetomal makes the symptoms go away, OH is away tonight for work so dreading the evening/night. She was good as gold last night but once i got her back down i couldnt sleep due to shivers.

This is basically a woo is me post as i have no one to complain to today.
Ttc, Rowan does the same - the crying if not feeding and feeding every hour usually signifies a growth spurt! She can do that routine for a couple of days and then tends to have a day of sleeping a lot to make up for it. She also is usually bang on every 2 hours for a feed even at nearly 9 weeks, but I think that's just because she's small and her stomach hasn't grown to take much more milk yet. The bigger the belly capacity, the longer between feeds! She was weighed last week and was 8lb13oz :-) an improvement by our standards! She's also a very lazy feeder and I struggle to keep her awake and feeding properly, so she can spend anywhere between 20-50 mins on the boob...
The crying may be overtiredness too though - Rowan just refuses to nap properly a lot of the time and gets worked up.
Stephylou, could you have a blocked duct? I had some and massaged to make the milk flow better, had her feed from the boob more, etc.. there's a nhs page on it that gives advice - including having your baby's chin pointing towards the blockage while drinking, which in our case would have involved some really weird positioning!
Should add that I felt shivery and feverish with it too and feared mastitis, but must have cleared it before it got that bad. I called my midwife about it at the time but she was bloody useless! Do see your doc if you feel the same tomorrow though...
I think its clearing up, boob doesnt feel as hard and not feeling anymore. Very weird 24 hours :/. I have a feeling its because she's gone from two long feeds ar night to one so my milk supply didnt get a gradual decrease.

Glad rowan is putting on weight, thea continues her quest to be the largest baby at baby group! Someone thought she was 4 months the other day which made me a bit sad as i dont want people treating her older than she is for her younger years. I think the mix of being really long and lots of hair makes it hard to judge.

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