??May & June Mummies 2016??

My Charlie is six weeks tomorrow and ebf I have a decent freezer supply as well as a fall back. He can roll back to front which scared the hell out of me yesterday ! He gets weighed next week and I think he'll be around 10lbs as he's piling on weight. Glad to here everyone's babies age doing so well xx

M is now 13 weeks! Last weighed her a couple of weeks ago and was 13lb 8oz and still ebf. She doesn't feed huge amounts though only about 6 times in 24 hours.
She's rolling front to back and back to front and picking things up to put in her mouth! Nearly lost my popcorn and the cinema last week!
Busy weekend with lots of parties and socialising so glad the weathers nice!

Hi all :wave:

Meryl is 5 weeks old and still EBF. She is doing really well, had her weighed at the baby clinic last week for her 4 week check up and she weighed 8lb 9oz! HV very happy with her progress, she is up exactly 2lb from her weight at Day 5. HV will be coming again this Fri for Meryl's 6 week appointment so will be interesting to see what she will weigh in at because she feels heavier today and has been napping loads but hasn't fed much so thinking she's having another growth spurt!

Last week we managed to get her sleeping in the Moses basket (finally!) after she had been co sleeping with us since birth. The wonders of a sleeping bag! We already had a 2.5 tog but it was too heavy for the summer but since getting a 1 tog from toys r us she has been sleeping much better. She likes to kick her legs so blankets don't work for us in the basket, blankets only work if we take her out in the stroller and it's a bit chilly.

She feeds on demand during the day but she does like to feed up from around 7/8pmish and has her last feed at 11:30pm before she heads off to sleep until her dream feed at 2am and then her next major feeds start at 4/5am, which is fine because we get up at 6am most mornings anyway so DH can get ready for work. I will start expressing this week now I'm more confident that my milk has established so DH can share feed time.

We've been out quite a few times with her already and I'm getting more and more confident feeding in public as each outing passes. I have an apron as I'm not confident enough to whip my top up though but its a happy medium.

She's starting to babble more and touch everything. She is taking steps if I hold her up and her neck muscles are getting stronger all the time.

Lovely to read everyone's updates and seeing photos :D :thumbup:

Here's a photo of her investigating Daddy's beard yesterday :D


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Summer had her injections yesterday and has been moody since. Poor girl has been screaming then sleeping then wakes up screaming. Her smile has really started showing this week and it's so cute. I just love her so much.
Lovely to hear all your updates and how well all our babies are doing :-)
I posted a little update on Belle yesterday but it doesn't seem to have posted.
Belle is now 12 weeks old and just the most gorgeous and content little thing :-) she was last weighed at 10lb 14oz at 9 weeks, getting her weighed again Monday but I don't think she's put a huge amount on. She was just over 12lb on our bathroom scales, and that was with her clothes on. She's still on her prescription milk for suspected cmpa. We seem to have finally got her reflux and constipation sorted with omeprazole, it's just a nightmare getting it into her. The poor thing screams the house down, it's literally the only time she properly cries but I'd rather that than have her in pain and uncomfortable all day.
She is SUCH a good sleeper! We've been so lucky to have two good night time sleepers, I'm praying it lasts! She will go down around 9pm through til around 7am. It makes a world of difference getting a good night's sleep.

Here's a recent picture of my little smiler.


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Loving all the updates :-)

Ours is doing really well too. Older sister started being very difficult and stroppy but we are making progress dealing with that. Kara is still very chilled out and the complete opposite to how Isabelle was. It'll be interesting to see whether that continues as she gets older.

We have our first health clinic next week (HV said to go after a month as no issues), plus 8 week GP appointment and Isabelle's 2 year HV review. Also doing our first weekend away staying with my mum next weekend. Busy, busy!

I'm a bit sad as my mum has told me she is moving to Scotland in a couple of months. She has promised to come back down every month, but I've been loving having her close and do worry that she won't be able to keep that up. Isabelle adores her so I really want her to keep seeing her regularly to keep that strong relationship and hopefully have the same for Kara.
Aww... what a bunch of sweet little things! Good job rowan's so damn cute or we'd be having words when she keeps me up all night, as in last night ahaha
Shame your mum's moving away Maud - where abouts are you based?
Haha yes Yorkslass - the cuteness defo makes up for the keeping us up at night!

Oh wow Maud - that's quite the distance :( :hugs:
Hampshire... yeesh... that is a fair trek. Train's not too bad though - my brother's in Edinburgh and often takes the train down south. If he books well in advance it's not too expensive...
Yeah I expect she would take the train. It's hopefully only going to be for 2 years and we will hopefully get up there once or twice for a holiday.
My breastfeeding woes have literally gone overnight, I don't if its Thea getting bigger or my milk supply calming down (still seems quite strong) but for the past few days she's back to calm 15-20 minute feeds and there not as often, it also means she's not crying that much during the day and I can go out. Just spent 3 hours in town. She's now contently lying in her crib as pushing my luck to see if she'll self soothe down for an overdue nap and because I think she was a bit overwhelmed being out that long.
Got Kara weighed today. Just a fraction off 10lb. No wonder she's looking so much chunkier :-)
Hello ladies.

It's been a while since I last posted on here and it's been great to read all your updates on your little ones.

Things my end don't seem as bad no more. The medication has kicked in and at last I'm feeling ok and can see some light at the end of the tunnel. I've also had my staples taken out of my ankle and proper cast put on which is lighter and I can get about a lot easier. My eldest is thriving being in nursery so even though it is financially straining it's the best decision I made about this whole situation I found myself in.

My daughter is now 9 weeks old and coming along great. I see the difference in progress between her and her brother at this age. She is holding her head strong and smiling and gurgling loads. Only snag is I can't get onto the floor with her to to practice tummy time which is a pain as I don't want her to fall back in her development but little steps at a time I suppose.

I went for a break to my in laws house For all of last week (the live in west wales overlooking the sea) with the kids while husband stayed at home to go to work and have a break himself. It didn't turn out to be the break I thought it would be as I still had to chase around after my toddler and deal with the baby. However, it was nice to be able to sleep in a bed at night and use the toilet instead of a commode as my bathroom is upstairs. I have the option of going to visit them again but I will not be taking them up on this offer, I think it's easier for me to stay home and continue paying for the nursery till I'm more mobile.

Baby had her immunisations yesterday and even though she was upset and unsettled for the remainder of the day she has settled down and slept most of today. She is also sleeping through at night now and has been since my accident which has been a blessing. She sleeps anytime from between 10 & 11:30pm till anytime between 5 & 6:30am. I am more than satisfied with this as my eldest was still waking at night for a feed right up till he was 6 or so months. But at least I am not as sleep deprived as I was. Baby is still feeding between 2-3 oz per feed every 2ish hours and now weighing 14lb 7oz so she's a little pudding like her brother was and is following the 91st centile. Health visitor and doctor is satisfied with her progress so I am pleased with it too.

Fingers crossed I'll have this cast off in 3 weeks and will start the long progress of getting myself to walk independently again.

Hope everyone else is keeping themselves well and enjoying the holidays

Glad you're feeling better Fruity and that you were able to get a bit of a break at the in-laws! Sounds like things are progressing well with the injury and with baby girl too! :hugs:

Yesterday Meryl turned 6 weeks! She is starting to show her personality a bit more and we are starting to get proper smiles, not just wind or feed smiles! :D She happily sits in her Snuggi bouncer or lays on her mat and entertains herself. DH and I think she's going to be quite an independent but social little thing as she grows older. :lol:

I was able to take her out in the pushchair yesterday too after my complaint to the local council was acknowledged and addressed! Long story short, we live in a tiny hamlet outside the nearest town and the footpath to get to said town (where children's centre is etc) had all overgrown. We had previously tried taking Meryl out when she was 3 weeks old but it shook her around a fair bit (because we were pushing over long grass) and it caused her to be a bit sick :(. But on Monday someone came and scraped all the overgrown grass etc off the footpath, which widened it enough for the pushchair! There's still one bit that is bumpy and really should be resurfaced though - I recorded a video on my phone to show how bumpy it is and I'm going to send it to them :shakehead:.
The above aside, I'm so glad the local council listened though because even though DH has offered to give me the car 2 days a week (I drop him off in the morning then go back to collect him in the evening) it's just nice to be able to get out for some exercise and fresh air again! :dance:

Meryl has a visit from the HV tomorrow for another weigh in and check over. We're interested to see how much she weighs now! :D
Gonna have a word with HV about a couple of other things because since Sunday she has been a bit irritable and sicky on an evening. She's also been wheezing and seems to be straining to pass wind even though we wind her after every feed. I've put a wedge under the head part of her mattress this morning and she's napping happily so I'm not too worried, but it's probably best the HV is aware of it all. :oooo:
Glad to hear you're doing well fruity.

Alrm, good on you for contacting the council. I had to do that when my first was little as the path along our estate was blocked by an overgrown hwdge. It took about a week but they cut it all back.
Good things are a bit better for you fruity!
Alrm, Meryl sounds like a lovely little lass :-)
Rowan's so farty too - I can't believe how many farts are stored inside her :-o She squirms and cries on and off until around midnight usually, firing them out. My partner seems to be the best at getting her to do them. I fully expect her to fly around the room like a deflating balloon at some point, there's so many!
Plus, she's taken to not pooing for several days at a time and then having a huge surprise poo...
She has her jabs tomorrow... eek! Oh, and had a check on her single kidney yesterday. Got the letter for that on Tuesday and the appointment was Wednesday at 8:45am o.o yeesh... talk about short notice...!
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We've got jabs tomorrow too. Bit nervous actually. With my first the GP was really clinical and wouldn't let me hold her while she had them and it was just horrid. Future jabs were much better as the nurses have better bedside manner. Add to that that this time we have the meningitis jab as well and the HV warned us that because she has had a high temperature before she is more likely to suffer badly from this and she may need more than just calpol afterwards. Have to wait and see I guess, but we're away this weekend, including dinner out on saturday, so hopefully she won't be too off colour...

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