Glad you're feeling better Fruity and that you were able to get a bit of a break at the in-laws! Sounds like things are progressing well with the injury and with baby girl too!
Yesterday Meryl turned 6 weeks! She is starting to show her personality a bit more and we are starting to get proper smiles, not just wind or feed smiles!

She happily sits in her Snuggi bouncer or lays on her mat and entertains herself. DH and I think she's going to be quite an independent but social little thing as she grows older.
I was able to take her out in the pushchair yesterday too after my complaint to the local council was acknowledged and addressed! Long story short, we live in a tiny hamlet outside the nearest town and the footpath to get to said town (where children's centre is etc) had all overgrown. We had previously tried taking Meryl out when she was 3 weeks old but it shook her around a fair bit (because we were pushing over long grass) and it caused her to be a bit sick

. But on Monday someone came and scraped all the overgrown grass etc off the footpath, which widened it enough for the pushchair! There's still one bit that is bumpy and really should be resurfaced though - I recorded a video on my phone to show how bumpy it is and I'm going to send it to them

The above aside, I'm so glad the local council listened though because even though DH has offered to give me the car 2 days a week (I drop him off in the morning then go back to collect him in the evening) it's just nice to be able to get out for some exercise and fresh air again!
Meryl has a visit from the HV tomorrow for another weigh in and check over. We're interested to see how much she weighs now!

Gonna have a word with HV about a couple of other things because since Sunday she has been a bit irritable and sicky on an evening. She's also been wheezing and seems to be straining to pass wind even though we wind her after every feed. I've put a wedge under the head part of her mattress this morning and she's napping happily so I'm not too worried, but it's probably best the HV is aware of it all.