??May & June Mummies 2016??

So scary Charlie's one on the 26th June ! Times gone so fast and I'm also nearly 22 weeks pregnant. We're having a party in my mums garden to open on the day he's getting a doll as he loves
His big sisters and some reins. Then he's having a paddling pool, ball pit for his party. X
Thats nice. We are doing a BBQ in the park with her ball pit and a tunnel ect. Hopefully it will be nice as the night she was born it poured down. Instead of summer-rose she was going to be called summer-rain.
It must be crazy being pregnant again so soon. Summer is a nightmere at bed i still feed to sleep then when she wakes up which is alot i have to go in pick her up. Id have a meltdown if i was pregnant again now.
Hi ladies. Haven't checked in for a long time. Stanley, the cooled baby, is now a one year old and a year today we came out of hospital after two weeks in special care. A year tomorrow was my official due date.
He had his MMR yesterday 2 needles in each leg, and today he won't move :( I'm guessing it's muscle pain/ache. He's been with child minder all day and she said he hasn't moved :( he's currently sat on sofa and hasn't moved which is not like him he's always on the go. He has no interest in crawling or walking. Anyone else come across this before?

Hope everyone is doing well haven't had chance to catch up but will do later X

After some calpol the little monkey was back to normal self!


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Hello everyone. My little one is one on the 7th July...it's been a difficult year as like you kittykitchen he's highly sprung and needs constant attention. Anyway I went back to work when he was 9 months just 3 days and the balance is good - enjoying adult company and makes the days with him more special.
I'm actually contemplating ttc again - always wanted a short age gap preferably 2 years maximum so figured if we started to try now it might happen. Anyone else thinking of another yet?
Hello everyone. My little one is one on the 7th July...it's been a difficult year as like you kittykitchen he's highly sprung and needs constant attention. Anyway I went back to work when he was 9 months just 3 days and the balance is good - enjoying adult company and makes the days with him more special.
I'm actually contemplating ttc again - always wanted a short age gap preferably 2 years maximum so figured if we started to try now it might happen. Anyone else thinking of another yet?

We have number three due on the 6th September. I'm not going to lie this pregnancy is tough because Charlie doesn't stop ! I'm exhausted and it's hard bending down to pick him up all the time. I'd love to go back to work as I agree it's a nice balance but we can't afford the childcare so I'll be off until we get free nursery hours.
Happy birthday to all the June babies it's getting scaringly close until Charlie is one !
Hi ladies hope everyone is well? Where has the time gone, i cant believe it. Summer-Rose turned one last week and we had a big party for family's and close friends. Was really lovely but so so busy and hetic she had so much fun she didn't want to go to bed. We will have one more I think but not yet. I would need to go back full time first to enable us to save abit of money. X


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Aww blueclass she's gorgeous and looks confident in her feet! Hubby and I are both early 30s - we were together 8 years before we started a family so we are in a good place to have more but it's my work I feel rather guilty for as I've I won't be back quite a year if we conceive soon! Obviously it might take a while so that's why we might start trying soon.
Elfsmummy I forgot you were pregnant - that'll be a close age gap! Not sure I could have managed quite what you've done but how exciting for you xx
Yes she has been walking since the end of Feb so was pretty early I think and thank you she is so so so beautiful. I love seeing updates on here and pics of everyone's little ones. Can't believe this time last year we was sharing birth stories ect how time flys! I think I will need to go back full time before we have another then we could save again. X
Aww look at how well all the babies are doing :) Alfie is 13months now and took his first shakey steps today :) He much rather crawl or cruise the sofa to get about. Congratulations elf mummy for another baby, you will be busy :)


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Aww... Happy birthdays all round to our May/June/July-ers! What sweet looking babies.
Rowan turned one last Saturday and we had a little party for her at home in the garden with grandparents and a couple of baby friends. And man, was it HOT! :o Reminds me of cooking slowly in the maternity ward last year...


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Ah you're lucky. I wanted to have a picnic for Phoenix's birthday with some friends either at a park or the fountains/splash pool but now the weather is rubbish so that's out.:doh: I'm thinking of taking her swimming instead and then out for dinner and arranging a belated party if & when the weather improves :roll::smile:

Hope Rowan had a good day :)

Is she walking? Phoenix isn't quite there yet, she stands for ages and looks like she's about to take a step then she just sits down and crawls instead. My middle one was 16 months before she walked unaided! Hoping Phoe starts sooner than that lol.


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Charlie's turned one on Monday and started walking on Saturday it's gone so fast I'm in denial.
Rowan started walking about 3 weeks ago properly - after some very odd techniques by her to try to get her feet moving! We also have some words... 'dada' (when she's happy to see dada), 'mama' (when she's crying!), 'hiya', 'bread', 'shoes' and now 'car'. So... the important things in life to her? Haha!

Has Phoenix had her birthday? What did you do in the end?

Happy birthday to Charlie too! How's the pregnancy going, Elfs mummy?
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Aww everyone's bubbas are getting so big! And they're all so adorable:-)
Our little lady is 13 months but not interested in walking yet. She walks confidently with a walker or holding our hand and cruises around furniture and cupboards but not letting go yet. And I'm not pushing it;-) Here's a pic of her on her 1st birthday at Pizza Express.
Hope everyone is well. xx


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Aww... she's gorgeous Babymaker... hope she had a lovely birthday! :-)
Can't believe our babies are one now ! My little boy will be a big brother in the next 7 ish weeks ! He started walking two days before his first birthday and now is a climber. Any one else got plans for another baby yet ?
Psst... How are our 2 (nearly 2) year olds then?

Rowan's birthday was today... here she is eating cake ;)


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Happy birthday Rowan! It was Skye’s yesterday. She certainly enjoyed having a cupcake with her breakfast


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