May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

So at what age do you start doing the dream feed and what is it? is it when you left them sleep bit longer to learn to sleep bit longer?
So pleased that Emily's colic has just about gone. Baby sensory sounds good. What do they do at the classes?

I bet Alex looked tiny in his cot hehe. I can't wait to hear giggles.

We had our first meal out last night with Lucas. He slept just about the whole time. Was nice to catch up with some of my family.


He actually didnt look that little.. hes soo long and he sleeps on his belly with his arms and legs stretched out so takes up 3 quarters of the cot in that position :D ..
Hi Everyone!

Been v busy the past few days so haven't had much time to post. Jake is still doing really well.
At the start of the week I had begun to try and bring his bedtime forward but all that led to was him having an extra feed in the night so we are back to his old routine with me doing all I can to tire him out before bedtime by doing tummy time and giving him a bath before a bottle at about 9.30. He's been asleep by 10pm and has been sleeping till 4am, then 7am for the past 2 nights.

Last night he was sick after his 9.30pm feed so I thought he'd be awake within a couple of hours hungry but he slept till 4am again so I hope that continues this week as OH is away from today until Friday so I'm on my own all week.

Jake has also just gone to sleep in his crib for his afternoon nap which is good as I was beginning to get concerned that he would only sleep in the day after he had been in the car or out in his buggy so at least he's gone off by himself now.

Jake and I went out for lunch with a friend yesterday and Jake slept through the whole time which I was quite relieved about as last time we went out for lunch he was awake the whole time and I had to sit with my finger in his mouth so he wouldn't scream the place down.

Hopefully Jakes grandparents will be coming over on Tuesday to take him out for a nice long walk in his buggy so I can finally get some housework done as it's been about 5 weeks since I blitzed the house so it desperately needs doing!!!
Yeah Beth I'm thinking about doing an 11pm dream feed trying it for a few nights and stopping it if it doesn't work.
The baby sensory classes had singing, big huge blown up frogs, balloons, bubbles. It was a down by the sea theme yesterday. Then there's a little light show at the end with relaxing music. You also do some baby exercise, kinda hard to explain lol.

Hey Roo :) glad Jake is well! Emily naps in her bouncy chair. I was just wondering the same thing today, should I be putting her upstairs for naps, but then would that confuse the whole day and night thing?
Hi ladies,

Hope you all and your LO's are well!

Jake and I are doing fine. OH is away this week and TBH I was dreading being on my own all week, but Jake has been making life quite easy for me. He's a little handful during the day as he doesn't sleep much and just wants to be held but at night he's been brilliant.
On Sunday night he slept from 9.30pm until 4.45am and last night from 9.15pm until 6.30 am!! OH can't believe it! Neither can I if I'm honest!
I was starting to get concerned about the amount of milk Jake has been having as it seemed his appetite had decreased yesterday but seems to be back up to normal levels today.
OH's Mum has been over today and taken Jake out for a walk so I could finally get some housework done. I haven't been able to blitz the house for about 5 weeks and it was really getting me down but I've finally done it now and feel so much better!

Girls, I have created a Beefcake!
Samuel had his 6-8 week check at the GP yesterday. He now weighs 12lb 9oz and measures 61cms!
He'll be walking soon, lol xx
Roo, pleased that you have finally got round to cleaning your house. Sounds like he is sleeping very well.

Sam is a very good weight!!

Lucas is always holding onto my hair at the minute and its really hard to undo his grip lol!! He was a very smiley baby yesterday!! xx
Jakes the same with the hair grabbing! Its so painful!
My OH has a pierced nipple! In a slightly sick way I'm dying for Sam to grab it! Lol. We haven't reached hair pulling yet, he's to busy being nosey and seeing if he's missing anything!!
Hi everyone

Sorry not posted much lately - been really busy because my grandma is visiting my parents at the moment so I've been there lots so that she can spend time with Ella. Ella is still doing great with her sleeping :nap: she had one night since I last posted when she woke up for food at 1am and 3am but she had a cold so I think that was why, but apart from that she seems to be doing well and usually sleeps through from about 7.30pm to 6.15am ish :lol: shes also moved from her moses basket into her cot and seems just as happy there. Shes v chatty now and smiles all the time and is such a content baby so I think we are v lucky!

Pinky I'm glad emilys colic has gone what a relief that must be! Have you started trying the dream feeds? We used to do that at about 10.30pm/11pm ish. Sometimes she would take lots and sometimes none! Originally we were doing it in her basket without even getting her up but she was taking less and less so we got her up for the feed and that was a bit better for a while. Then she stopped taking much or anything so we dropped that feed altogether and she still went as long so she obviously didn't need it any more but definitely worth a try! Ella rarely naps in her cot during the day as we aren't here but if she does fall asleep here I do put her there but she's not in her sleeping bag so it's still different from night time. Generally she naps in the car, buggy, rocking chair or even on her play mat!

Ayesha are you going to give dream feeding a go then? As above we did and I think it's worth a try, I read somewhere that you should do it until they are about 7 months old but Ella doesn't need it so we have abandoned it already

Riot fox how's Lucas? Ella gets hold of my hair sometimes but thankfully not too often!

Roo sounds like Jake is doing well with his sleeping and you must feel better now that you have blitzed the house!

MrsB Sam is a fab weight. Ella was only 11lbs 12oz last week and she was 15 weeks old then!
Like I said Jodie, a proper little beefcake! We,re going through clothes so fast. His legs are so long he's having to sleep in summery romper suits! If anyone knows where I can get footless sleepsuits can u let me know pls? My mum is in Florida right now and has managed to get some, bit of a pricey trek though for clothes!!
Maybe I'll google 'tall baby clothes!' :)
I'm not sure Mrs B! I hope you find some.

Jodie, Lucas is doing well. He still struggles a little bit with his feeds because of his silent reflux but he is such a happy and content baby otherwise. He is starting to copy when we smile at him now and like to make his cute little noises. We are going to meet up with some other mums this morning and then we are going out for dinner with a friend. I hope they are friendly!!

Ella sounds like she is doing so well!! You must be very proud.

Riot can i say, from your pic Lucas is the spit of you! Hes lovely. :)
Everyone elses babies are lovely to. We should post updated pics of our growing bubbas :)
Mrs B alex is the same.. hes a munster.. hes was 14lb 8oz last week and 67cm! thankfully as its so hot here i have no problem with clothes as the most he wears is a vestbut hes been in 3-6 month vests since 6 weeks. Have you looked in next for footless sleepsuits my eldest used to hate his feet closed and his feet were so big they didnt normally fit in so i bought lots of footless ones from there. or cut the feet ofo normal ones then sew a hem on the end of legs xx
Wow, Alex is tall! These boys eh! The weather over here is horrid! Where did our summer go?!
I thought about cutting the feet off some of his suits, but i cant sew :( Guess its time to learn!! xx
Aww thanks Mrs B!! Sam is looking very happy and cute in his pic!!

I can't believe how long Alex!! Still can't believe he is over 2 months! Where is time going??

Hi all

not been on here for ages - as most of you probably know from fb my little girl Josie broke her leg on the first day of the school hols... she was playing out in my best friends garden (as she has done nearly every day since she could walk) and lost her grip climbing up the ladder to the slide. She was clutching her drink bottle in her right hand so thinkshe just slipped and couldn't grab with her left hand... I have told her so many times about using both hands and not taking drinks on the slide too... ahw girls it was AWFUL to hear and see her screaming in such pain.. she was almost delirious with pain. We rushed her to A & E in my friends car and they quickly gave her morphine but it was still so painful for her. I can't even explain how horrible I felt inside to see her in that pain... it was awful.

HAd to stay in hosp for 2 nights so baby Emma was at home with daddy for 2 nights.. luckily we were meant to be on holiday from Saturday so hubby had booked the week off already. Emma was a good girl for him although to be honest he is so good with the girls and often helps with night feeds etc. The ward we were on was just full of poorly kids screaming and crying through the night in pain.. when it finally went quiet I'd then hear a really little one crying and think it was Emma... I missed her so much having to be away for 2 nights - i didn't see her from Saturday morning until Monday afternoon at 5pm when we were discharged - don't think i've even spent that long away from Josie and she's 4!!! But I guess you have to be where you're needed with more than one child and I wouldn't have left Josie even if she let me!

The most heartbreaking moment was when she realised she was going to miss her best friends party on sunday morning.. her little face was so sad and her bottom lip just quivered and then she broke down crying - and so did I! I'm rubbish at things like this - i cried when they did the x-rays, cried when they said she had to have an op (which thankfully they changed their mind about), cried when they said she didn't need the op, cried when she had to use the zimmer frame and was in pain.. and then yesterday morning she put her little straw hat on and sat watching tv in her wheelchair and that made me cry too!!!! I don't let he see me though - she normally get's a big cuddle into my chest if I'm welling up!!! lol!!

So we're now at my dad and michelles in Suffolk on our planned little hol which is great as they live in a huge bungalow in the middle of the country and so Josie can at least have lots of room to wheel herself around and the bathroom etc is all on one level. Think I'm going to stay here with the girls a bit longer too as it means there's me, dad and my stepmum to look after the girls rather than just me on my own at home with them.

Emma is doing well at the mo.. she is also a big girl now although she doesn't "look" as chubby as Josie did at this age so alot of it is in her length.She was 12lb 3 and 60cm long at her 6 week check. With sleepsuits she is in 6-9month now! Mrs B H & M are always good for little footless all in ones and they last much longer.

Anyway I will try and have a read through and catch up on here today and see what you've all been up to.

Hope you and little ones are all doing well x x x
That must have been awful Treeze. At least you have both girls back together now. I can totally understand the crying. I cried when Lucas had his heel pricked. Sounds like Emma is growing nicely.

Treeze I nearly cried reading that (I'm on my period) lol

Poor Josie, as you know I saw your pics and she looks so cute with her pink cast on :)

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