May babies!!!! (or April, or June - everyone welcome as we were tri3 together!)

Just checking in - ill have to have a proper read through all the posts when i have some time - weve been so busy lately i dont get a minute to myself! I hope everyone is ok.

Me and OH went on our first night out last night! Left Ifan with his granny who did a great job looking after him. Was hard to leave him because hed just started smiling properly that day! We had such a great time though, it was fab to be out - it was fancy dress too which was a laugh. I drank loads and i wasnt too bad, even ad a sneaky fag for the first time in almost a year which was a treat!! Wont make a habit of it though.

Oh and also had sex again for the first time! Ha! Didnt hurt a bit and was amazing feeling so close to OH cos we couldnt bring ourselves to do it during pregnancy so its been a long time!!!

Overall a fab weekend!! xx
Cheralle glad you had a fab weekend then :D

We've not been doing anything.. lil man has had the run the last 2 days and been doing green poops.. i took a paracetemol thursday morning and thought it could be because of that so havent took anymore even though on of ny teeth is killing, but i thought that should be out his system by now.. ive googled it and theres about 5 different things that cause green poop so have no idea ??.. hes not in any pain but just pooping ALOT.. Hes also sleping from about 10.30 till 8 with only one feed around 4 for the last 2 nights .. its fab :D
I hope Jake sleeps for you Roo so you can get the work done. Have you got any baby groups that you can attend?

Can't Stop I hope she settles and you get some rest.

Cherelle sound like you had a good night out. I still haven't drank alcohol yet lol!!

Beth I hope his poops sort themselves out soon. I'm not sure what causes green poo. Lucas had one the other day but he may have had a poorly tummy from his wind.

Well we have a seen a few friends and family this weekend. Moved onto Dentinox instead of Infacol to hope that helps with his wind as he has been in pain when feeding lately. He actually did a few burps last night which is a lot better than his usual nothing.

Hey ladies, our thread was dissapearing down the page so thought id bring it back up a bit.. We havent been doing much.. i managed to go ut for about 2.5 hours the other day without alex.. i left him a bottle of expressed mik but as he refused to take the bottle my mil spoon fed him the lot and he was perfectly happy.. so at least that means if i need to pop out somewhere i dont always have to take him in this heat :D...
he should be going for his injections on monday.. a week late but we had stuff they made us sort out before they would let him get them.. hoping they dont bother him to much as hes such a happy easy baby dont know what id do with him being grumpy!

Hows everyone else doing? My MIL is driving me crazy but whats new !
Glad Alex managed to take it with a spoon. He will get there. I hope he takes to his injections fine!

Lucas is fine. We did have some problems with his feeding as he was screaming in pain during his bottle with a pained look on his face. I went to the doctors who said babies are just fussy babies (Felt like screaming!!). After another few days I rung the HV up and said I really think it's silent reflux and she said she would go with my instinct and to try SMA staydown. It has worked wonders. For two nights this week he has slept from around 9-10pm till 5-6am. Wooo!! Last night he woke up at half 2 but his sleep is definitely improving. However he has constipation but going to try some cooled boiled water to ease it.

How is everyone else and their babies?

I'm glad Alex will take milk at least from a spoon! Also sounds like things are better for lucas so that's good!

Not much to report here really. I went out on a hen do last night and Ella was good as gold for hubby :-)
She did roll for the first time earlier this week from her front to her back!!

Hope everyone else is ok?! xx
Jake and I are fine. He's started cooing at us which is lovely. He has been sleeping ok up until last night when he kept waking himself up with his heavy breathing and wouldn't drink as much milk as normal so wanted feeding more often!

OH is still away a lot at the moment so am on my own a lot. Have looked into going to baby groups but they all seem to close for the school holidays so will have to think of other ways to amuse ourselves until september.

Hope everyone else is ok. x
hiya all - not been on much lately as been busy but had Emma's 6 week check a few days ago and the HV was really please with her - last week she put on 12 and a half ounces and she seems so much more settled on the aptamil. HV also said she is more than ready for the medium flow teats so we swapped to those and she loves them! She's now 12lb 3.5oz.

I have been dying to know her length since she was born so finally found out - she is 60.5cm. I knew she was long as alot of the stuff Josie was wearing at the same age is far to small for Emma... It took Josie until 12 weeks old to be 60cm so Emma must be very long!!

She is now smiling loads and cooing all the time - health visitor thinks we might even get some giggles soon!

We have been away at a family get together the last few days and she was smiling at everyone... then last night she fell asleep at 9:15 after a feed and went through the night and didn't wake til 7:30am! I think it must just be a one off though because of what a busy few days we've had... we'll see what happens tonight!!!

Hope you lovely ladies & babies are all well x x x
Roo well done for coping on your own with Jake so well!

Treeze sounds like Emma is doing great!

Ella giggled properly for the first time last week when hubby was playing with her which was lovely. We still don't have a perfect sleep pattern but more often than not I'm only up once now in the night - I just wish that was every night and then we could work on getting it later and later so that eventually she sleeps through but fingers crossed it will work itself out in the end!
Sorry ladies - I need to rant...

OH had to work away this weekend so left at 5am yesterday and got home at about 7.30pm. He walked in, spent 2 minutes cuddling Jake whilst his laptop was starting up then handed Jake back to me and went on his laptop.
I had ordered him some pizzas and whilst he was eating them Jake went into meltdown so I asked OH if he'd take Jake after he'd finished eating as I needed to get the bottles ready etc, plus I've been on my own all weekend AGAIN and fancied a break.
OH spends ages eating his pizza, then declares he's finishing what he was doing on the internet first before taking Jake.
I am seething.
I understand he's tired and didn't get much sleep last night but nor did I. I understand he's working hard to make money for our family but does he think I am just sat here with my feet up twiddling my fingers all friggin day long?????
I said to him that he should have told me he wanted to go back on the internet, to which he replied my work is quite important you know, so I bit back and said yeah so should your son be.
If Facebook is more important to him than giving his son a cuddle he needs to get his priorities sorted out as he has missed so much of Jake already and if he carries on I can't see us surviving as I'll just snap.

Sorry ladies, rant over!
Sending you a massive :hug: roo!
It sounds like your oh doesn't really understand how hard it is looking after a baby - maybe you should arrange for him to look after him for a couple of hours on his own so that he has a glimpse of what you deal with!! xx
I went to Take That a couple of weeks ago and OH had a nightmare with Jake then. Am going to the cinema tomorrow evening so hopefully that make him realise how difficult it is.
To be honest, it's not just the fact that he's not helped with Jake, it's that he's hardly spoke to me cos he's tired. He doesn't seem to realise that the only person I've had to talk to all day is Jake so could use some adult conversation. He's not even asked what we've done today and when I've talked to him he hasn't really listened so I've given up trying now.
I think you definitely needed a rant Roo. Let's hope he realises today when you to the cinema what hard work it is looking after a baby. Has he always worked these long hours?

Glad Ella's starting to get there with her sleep Jodie.

Treeze I bet you can't wait for giggles.

Lucas thought it was playtime early this morning after he had brought up his feed (he had been too greedy) so I am shattered. He was smiling so I couldn't be mad lol. Nap time at some point today then.

Roo hope you enjoyed you rant, My Oh is just the same.. he comes home holds LO for a few minutes n then goes on his laptop for 'work'... he went out saturday night with his mates which although hs barely home didnt mind as he very rarely goes out with them drinking etc so it nice for him to have anight out.. but then yesterday he went to work at 9am got home at 8pm had his dinner then had to go back out for a 'meeting' with some customers then didnt get home till 1am. I wasnt impressed... he thinks im fine as his mum and sister are here but forgets we dont exactly speak the same language. I can speak to them etc as my turkish isnt bad but its not good enough to just chat.. he always made sure he had one day off a week last year so we had one family day but this year he says hes too busy..grr ahh well your rant trned into my rant too lol

Have to take alex for his injections on wednesday which also happens to be my 21st birthday lol good way to start the day. I was planning to go out wednesday for a couple of hours in the day but dunno how LO is gonna react to injections now so dont know if i will now...
We had quite a bad night last night and he seem to be waking up twice a night again but never mind tbh i think hes just waking up thirsty. as he only feeds for 5 mins then goes back to sleep most the time.

Hes constantly smilng and giggling.. he really is such a happy baby which im so thankful. he likes to have attention all the time but very rarely cries he just keeps shouting until you play with him again. My first has colic and was miserable with it poor thing so alex just seems so content compared :D
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OH has always had to spend a lot of time away especially during the summer but this year it's gone crazy and he's away constantly.
We had a chat last night about it all and we need to come to a compromise over some things so we both have time to do the things we need to do. OH didn't seem to understand how lonely I feel when I'm here by myself with Jake all day and then when he gets home he goes straight on the internet. It doesn't help that I am completely knackered at the moment so am a bit more sensitive than usual.
Anyway, am off to see the new Harry Potter with my bestie in a bit and have been able to get out for a little while this afternoon by myself so am feeling a bit better about things.
Jake has his 6 week check tomorrow morning, and OH is coming with me to the appointment so thats something. Then I have some work to do as work have offered me £200 to get a spreadsheet sorted out for them this week so OH is looking after Jake tomorrow afternoon whilst I get on with it.
Roo, I'm pleased you had a chat with your OH. I hope you reach a compromise that suits you both. Hope Harry Potter is good.

Beth I bet it feels better to have a baby without colic. Hope he is okay with his injections so you can go out.

Lucas has been such a happy boy today. We got the biggest smiles we have ever seen from him tonight. He was also bringing his knees right up to his tummy when he got excited. I don't know what that means but he loved it.

got a letter from the hospital today to say my labour notes are all ready to be released - just had to send a cheque for £15.30.. so i should get them soon - can't wait to read them to bring it all back to me again!!!!
Hi girls!

Seems ages since Ive been on. Decided after my 'i cant cope' post Id do something about it, so I plonked Sam in the car and went away to my parents for a while. We had a fab time, was lovely to spend so much time with my parents and see old friends. It also made OH realise how much he missed us, got on a train and came to see us and since then has been a star. I think the other thing thats helped is getting Sam into some sort of routine. He has a bath before bedtime, a feed and then its off to bed. Hes learnt to put himself to sleep, and has been sleeping till about 3am, has a quick feed then goes down again till 6-7 ish. Although the last 2 nights hes gone through for 6 hours solid! Im not getting used to it though!!

Ive finally had an alcoholic beverage, champagne no less, and it tasted good!!

I noticed people were talking about getting pregnant again. Id do it in a heart beat, i love being a mummy and want a play mate for Sam! OH and I had problems conceiving so we might start TTC again sooner rather than later, and my period has just started, so things are clearly kicking back into normality!!

Treeze, Id love to see my labour notes, might be something i'll look into.

Beth, sounds like your coping with your MiL fab. My philosphy, keep smiling! Enjoy your 21st, express lots and have a few bevvies!

Heres a recent pic of Sam, hes a bruiser, hes being weighed on Monday, will be a month since his last weight so Im eager to see what he is now! Some of his 3-6 month clothes fit him now!! :S


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I bet that will be interesting reading Treeze.

Glad you have have everything sorted Mrs B. Sam looks so cute wrapped in his towel.

I met up with 2 mums yesterday. I had arranged it through my local Facebook net mums page. It was really good to chat to the mums. Lucas slept the whole time lol!

Its my 21st today yay.. ive expressed one bottle and stuck it in the fridge but i wont be gettin a couple of cans of alcoholfree beer to drink tonight while we have a bbq in th garden :D ...

Took lil man for his injections this morning! He had four! one in each arm and one in each leg.. brave lil man didnt cry till the last one and then as soon as i picked him up he calmed down :D Got him weighed aswell and hes 14lb 8 oz and 67cm :D hes growing wayy to quickly :(

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