Hi everyone
Sorry not posted much lately - been really busy because my grandma is visiting my parents at the moment so I've been there lots so that she can spend time with Ella. Ella is still doing great with her sleeping

she had one night since I last posted when she woke up for food at 1am and 3am but she had a cold so I think that was why, but apart from that she seems to be doing well and usually sleeps through from about 7.30pm to 6.15am ish

shes also moved from her moses basket into her cot and seems just as happy there. Shes v chatty now and smiles all the time and is such a content baby so I think we are v lucky!
Pinky I'm glad emilys colic has gone what a relief that must be! Have you started trying the dream feeds? We used to do that at about 10.30pm/11pm ish. Sometimes she would take lots and sometimes none! Originally we were doing it in her basket without even getting her up but she was taking less and less so we got her up for the feed and that was a bit better for a while. Then she stopped taking much or anything so we dropped that feed altogether and she still went as long so she obviously didn't need it any more but definitely worth a try! Ella rarely naps in her cot during the day as we aren't here but if she does fall asleep here I do put her there but she's not in her sleeping bag so it's still different from night time. Generally she naps in the car, buggy, rocking chair or even on her play mat!
Ayesha are you going to give dream feeding a go then? As above we did and I think it's worth a try, I read somewhere that you should do it until they are about 7 months old but Ella doesn't need it so we have abandoned it already
Riot fox how's Lucas? Ella gets hold of my hair sometimes but thankfully not too often!
Roo sounds like Jake is doing well with his sleeping and you must feel better now that you have blitzed the house!
MrsB Sam is a fab weight. Ella was only 11lbs 12oz last week and she was 15 weeks old then!